
Monday, April 10, 2006

Jesus of Paranoia (The New America Part Two)

Last week I wrote about The Alliance of Four (the military, Congress, corporations, and lobbyists) and their stranglehold on the American economy. I also discussed how personal liberties have taken a hit as a result of this "machine" chugging along at a brisk pace in the last five years. But, really, even those four groups of people alone could not garner the complete and utter capitulation that is going on in our country today.

Such a task could only be accomplished by faaaaaaaaaaaavorite group of people: The Evangelical Christians.

Vision America, a group headed by Rick Scarborough (left), famed author of Liberalism Kills Kids, held an event on March 27th-28th at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington D.C. The War on Christianity and Values Voters conference was organized to whip up support amongst the conservative base. Guest speakers, including Tom DeLay (bye, bye dickhead!), spoke angrily of an America that is attacking their values. They screamed of how Christians across the country are being persecuted for their beliefs and how our society as a whole is corrupt.


Bill Maher, host of Real Time on HBO, I think commented on it best when he said:

People who run everything can't complain that they're underdogs. To whit, this week, there was a highly-attended conference in Washington called "The War on Christians." Because nothing quite says "I'm oppressed," like the opulent Regency Ballroom of the Omni Shoreham Hotel.

Ah, yes, whatever happened to that plucky little cult, Christianity? Oh, that's right, they're 80% of the American people, and have taken over all three branches of government, country music, and public schools...

Did you know that the Missouri legislature recently felt the need to propose a resolution declaring Christianity Missouri's majority religion. No kidding. Really, you mean people aren't saying, "Gosh, I'd like to go to Missouri, Jewish." In Savannah, recently, a children's book about a baby penguin who is raised by two male penguins - ahh! - was removed from the library for its homosexual overtones. Because you know penguins, in those tuxedos, with the dreamy eyes. Huge fags!

The Christian right are now officially the party of paranoia. Secularists are attacking Christmas! Gays are attacking marriage! Liberals are attacking values! White girls are being abducted at an alarming rate!

And the worst part is, the people bitching loudest about being persecuted for their Christianity aren't Christians at all. They're demagogues and conmen and scolds. And the only thing they worship is power. If you believe Jesus ever had a good word for war or torture or tax cuts for the rich, or raping the earth, or refusing water to dying migrants, then you might as well believe bunnies lay painted eggs.

Thomas Jefferson called the type of Christian who trumpets his own belief in the divinity of Jesus rather than the morality of Jesus "pseudo-Christians." And that's who's running our country today...

I have written several columns about this new paranoia NCDs (neocon douchebags) seem to have but now I see the real reason why they do what they do: VOTES.

The evangelical Christian base helped George Bush win in 2004. They viewed him as being a man of honesty and good values. They are the ultimate lobby of psychotic morons who, when you wave the Bible, a few choice pics of gays, and cock your gun, will ALWAYS support the Alliance of Four out of plain ignorance and simple fear. And that's how personal liberties can so easily be given away....

Paul Hackett, last year in his run for Congress in Ohio, said that the Republican Party has been hijacked by people that aren't all that different from Osama bin Laden. He is absolutely right. In fact, there is an astounding book, just released, called American Theocracy by Kevin Phillips which details this unholy marriage of religion, oil and politics. This former Republican strategist main theme is that our "reckless dependency on shrinking oil supplies," a "milieu of radicalized (and much too influential) religion," and a "reliance on borrowed money" (domestic and international debt, that is) have all coalesced into our country being on the brink of collapse.

I will take it a step further. Take these ideas and mix them with the thought of a spend happy military always needing a war, corporations only happy to make more money, an inept Congress, and group of lobbyists, the biggest of which believe that we are in the "End Times." What do you have?

The United States of America in the 21st Century.

Folks, we are at a crossroads, and I for one would like to move forward and it feels like we are moving backwards into the stone age. I mean, they are debating evolution as a "theory" right now in Washington. We have a president who, according to Senator Joe Biden, goes with his instincts, regardless of the facts presented to him, and then prays later that he will be right. For crying out loud!

The combination of watching the film Why We Fight and then hearing about these lunatics yell about a supposed war on Christians has really gotten me down. I don't see any way out of this. The Democrats are so weak and just plain pussy about everything that I can't rely on them. So, who then? Who is going to lead us in this time of great turmoil?And do we have the strength to change?

Do we?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Justice and Liberty For All? (The New America Part One)

In last week's "Comments" section it was suggested to me that I write a column about how our personal liberties have strayed from the founding fathers original vision of our country and have eroded over the last five years. I thought that might make an interesting column but it needed a spark....something a bit more.

I found the "bit more."

I recently had the opportunity to view a film called Why We Fight. It is the most extraordinary documentary I have ever seen. Quite frankly, it puts Fahrenheit 9-11 to shame. I have included a link here and I urge all of you to go and watch some clips of the movie on the official web site, particularly the clip of President Eisenhower. It is an insightful, unbiased view of our country that will change your perception of the little rose colored reality we have created.

The film's basic premise is the main point behind President Eisenhower's farewell address: our country's economy is based around feeding the military industrial complex. We have to constantly be in a state of war to survive. The narrative unfolds to show an unholy alliance between the military, Congress, Lobbyists, and the corporations of this country who are all making billions of dollars off of war and thus, "create" enemies for us to fight.

The film has had a profound impact on me and I can't stop thinking about it. And one of the reasons why I am stuck on it has to do with personal liberties and, in particular, how they have been removed from us in the last five years.

One section of the film in particular struck me with it's starkness. On Oct 10, 2002 Congress signed resolution #114 which effectively ended the way our country was supposed to work; they gave President Bush the power to attack Iraq without approval from them or the UN, relinquishing the power that they and they alone were supposed to have. The elected officials that represent US and our interests essentially gave away our rights to be adequately represented. Now we are represented by one man who is essentially beholden to corporations and lobbyists who helped get him elected.

And the founding fathers rolled in their graves for the great Republic they created was truly dead....

The people who started this country did not intend for the President to have this much power. They installed a system of checks and balances by having Congress and the Supreme Court round out our governing body. And they certainly did not intend to have unelected officials wielding so much power behind the president.

This resolution provided cover for the president to take "all necessary steps" to protect the American people from Iraq. Taken with the Patriot Act, this new resolution essentially gave carte blanche to the president to wiretap anyone he wanted to without a warrant. It was around this time that the program began. Oddly, President Bush spent the summer of 2004 giving speeches saying that the "government needs warrants to perform any sort of personal liberties would not be eroded." This was a lie. Bush Co had been doing it for nearly two years.

The NSA program was underway and the "liberal rag" the New York Times knew about it and sat on the story until nearly a year after the election. Gee, I wonder why.

Apparently the Patriot Act, even with its ability to seize guns and property without warrants, was not enough. Resolution #114 and the Patriot Act together have made our country a place where people can be halled off and tortured, without a warrant, and without anything other than perhaps a questionable phone call.

All this and yet the 9-11 commission says we are still doing a horrible job fighting the war on terror and that is what really ticks me off about this. As if the erosion of personal liberty weren't enough, certain people in this country are using the fear of another terrorist attack to get away with whatever they want while all the while completely ignoring Al Qaeda and the warnings of hundreds of experts.

The Alliance of Four (military, corporations, Congress and lobbyists) have pushed the average American citizen into a corner where the only choice she or he has is to go along with....whatever....for freedom.

Don't like war? Well, if there weren't a war then your city or county would lose 2000 jobs. And your Congressmen that you like so much won't get re-elected and will be replaced by someone more Alliance of Four friendly. Made a phone call to Gaza lately? See you at Gitmo. Now that there is a war on, we need to hear stuff cuz bad people are doing bad stuff and stuff. Do you want to know what is really going on? Can't....national security....which leads us to our last little tidbit of personal liberty erosion.

Our government....YOUR government....has decided to re-classify thousands of documents, that have been unclassified for years, as highly secret and essential to national security. I have read stories of historians and academics researching in the National Archives only to have documents taken away on the grounds of national security. The program started in 1999 but stepped up as soon as President Bush got elected. It is my opinion that the current administration would like us to have less information rather than more. And they would like whatever information that does get out to be filtered through their PR firm, Fox News.

The more information we have the more we know what they are really up to....and that just wouldn't do....

Whose it to blame? Us? Maybe. We have become a nation of lazy, fat morons that have given away our rights and allowed this sort of system to flourish. We have an Imperial Presidency. Unless something insanely ridiculous comes along like the Dubai Ports Deal, there are now like minded people in all three branches of government that have been placed there, on purpose, to carry out an agenda of much greater control of the citizenry than our founding fathers intended. They all just go along with whatever the president wants to do, which explains why President Bush has never used a veto yet....all the bills that come to him are all hand crafted to fit his vision!

So, we have these four groups that are flicking their bic lighters at the Constitution. There is a fifth group, however, whose power and influence are growing everyday.....along with their paranoia. The film does not mention them but I think they are every bit as integral as the other four to the erosion of our liberties . And every bit as dangerous.

Stay tuned for who they are and their agenda in Part Two of The New week!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Our New Generation of Traitors

Nothing surprises me anymore. In this day and age of warped perceptions, twisted facts and spun stories, the chances of me being shocked are very remote. These days, when my conservative friends send me articles, pictures, or debate with me over drinks, I become profoundly sad and sometimes angry at their complete and utter disregard for reality.

Last week a conservative friend of mine sent me a picture (left) of Hillary Clinton shaking hands with a soldier in Iraq a while back. Notice what the red circle around his left hand is indicating. His hand is formed into the sign of coercion. This is how captured soldiers signify they are under duress, if held in captivity, to their superiors. According to what I have read about this soldier, he hates all Democrats, especially Hillary because she alledgedly said she loathes the military. My friend thought this was funny. I think it's sad.

There are so many things wrong with this that I don't know where to start. I guess it reminds me of someone I met at party recently. I have mentioned this story before but it bears repeating. The young man I met had recently returned from Iraq. I asked him if he believed in what we were doing over there. He said that he did. We got to talking about politics and he said that he would feel obligated to kill any Democrat that got elected to the Presidency. I thought he was joking but he was not. I asked him why he felt this way and he said it was because Democrats are all pussies and make our country weak. He went on to say that all true patriots voted Republican and ALL Democrats were traitors.

I bet you my CD collection that the soldier in the picture above feels EXACTLY the same way. He has been completely brainwashed, most effectively, by the ruling party of this country and their brain dead minions (talk radio, Fox News, etc).

This is our country today, ladies and gentlemen. If Hillary Clinton is elected president, probably around half of our armed forces will think these same things. And you know what? If I were their commanding officers, they'd all be in their way to fucking Leavenworth for being TRAITORS! While they were there, I would inform them of these pesky little facts.

1. The President, regardless of party affiliation or sex, is their commander in chief. They serve at the pleasure of the president. This is the reason why, when you ask the troops in Iraq today how they feel about Bush, they say they love him. Of course they do! They HAVE to love him as he is their boss. I have always loved the rose colored glasses view of the military as being pro Republican. The fact is that it is split down the middle, just like our country, because people in the military come from different backgrounds. Naturally they are going to have different political views.

And, in a recent anonymous poll down by Gallup, 30 percent of the troops said we should leave Iraq now, 30 percent say 6 months from now, and another 30 percent say we should leave in a year with 10 percent saying we should stay until the mission is over. Hmmm....

2.Hillary has never publicly stated that she loathes the military. She has said that she hates the fact that we have to have one due to the violent nature of this world. Spoken like a true woman, which is the real reason why the douchebag above has a problem with her.

3. From Wikipedia...Dick Cheney was of military age and a supporter of the Vietnam War but he did not serve in the war, applying for and receiving five draft deferments. On May 19, 1965 , Cheney was classified as 1-A "available for service" by the Selective Service. On October 26, 1965 the Selective Service lifted the constraints on drafting childless married men. However, after his daughter was born, Cheney applied for and received a reclassification of 3-A, gaining him a final draft deferment. In an interview with George C. Wilson that appeared in the April 5, 1989 issue of the Washington Post, when asked about his deferments the future Defense Secretary said "I had other priorities in the '60s than military service."


So, buttwipes, how come we don't see the hand symbol for coercion when you shake Tricky Dick II's hand?

4. George Bush skipped out on his tour of military duty thanks to his rich daddy pulling strings. Righties, there really should be no debate about it anymore. He did it. Deal with it. Your president and vice president are chickenhawks, a term roughly defined as people who are aggresively pro-war yet have never served in the military due to opting out on dubious grounds.

Now that I have gotten all of that out of my system, I can safely say that I am not entirely sure Hillary would make a great president. I like her. I do know this: If she does win, the day after her inaugural address will be the beginning of the end of our health care system as we know it. Thank God!

I also think that more attention will be paid to women's issues which, in my opinion, is really how we need to look at the world in the 21st Century. Issues like health care and education consistently rank as higher priorities with women than terrorism and the economy, which rank higher with men.

I find as I talk to more and more women that, generally, they have a much more complete way of looking at this grey world of ours. They seem to be able to grasp complex issues in a softer, graceful, and intelligent way. The issues that are important to them, being that there are more women in this world than men, are going to be at the forefront of future elections.

And yet, I am reasonably certain that Hillary has done some crooked shit in her life....most of it being NOWHERE NEAR the criminal behavior of Bush Co....and maybe, just maybe, where there's smoke there's fire. So she is definitely not perfect and not THE president that we so desperately need right now. By that,I mean, we need a FDR, Harry Truman or JFK for the 21st century to lead us through these turbulent times. And, in my humble opinion, a woman.

I am certain of one thing, though. Hillary Clinton is the most powerful woman in America. She has been part of certain groups in this country and the world that, until she came along, only men were allowed in their inner circles. So, for those of you out there biting your nails and sweating about HC possibly being Chief, it probably will happen.

As Bette Davis said long ago, strap in and get ready for a bumpy ride!

Monday, March 20, 2006

WATERGATE: THE NEXT (but still the same fuckers) GENERATION PART TWO

The spring of 1969 was a special time. That's when Dick Cheney met Donald Rumsfeld. It was love at first sight.

They served together in the Nixon Administration and, for at least three years, the world was their oyster. They learned to skirt around pesky issues like the Bill of Rights, flick their bic lighters at the Constitution, how to use the press as a propaganda machine, and how to destroy people that got in their way. And then a sad thing happened.

Watergate. There was no denying it. People in the Nixon administration broke the law and Tricky Dick tried to cover it up. The press suddenly turned against them and before they knew it, Dick and Don saw a peanut farmer from Georgia being sworn in. God, how that must have been awful for them.

I suspect that it was around this time that the two of them had lunch together. This is pure conjecture, mind you, but I suspect the conversation went something like this:

DON: Well, this sucks.
DICK: Sucks, dude.
DON: We had it all and we got caught. Well, at least we didn't get caught.
DICK: Yeah, God I hate the press. I wish we could control them like Goebels did. What a brilliant man! This blows.
DON: Maybe someday.....I wish that we could just do whatever we want and no one will question us. Too much stuff comes out. We just need to classify everything....fucking historians. People need to learn and know LESS not more. They are easier to manipulate that way.
DICK: You know what we need? We need to find a candidate that's not very bright. Maybe someone who is down on his luck. Someone that people in the south can rally around. We can really control those folks down there. Talk about the Bible, guns, and gays....and we're back, baby!
DON: It would have to be someone really lazy. Someone who doesn't want to work all that hard. Then we could run things behind the scenes. I'll tell you what I want is some of that oil from the Middle East, that's for sure. We get that kinda money and then we can start manipulating whole countries. And ours, too. People love their cars!

DICK: I have some pals in business that could really help us out on this one. We could give them tax breaks. Think of it. All we need to do is get about 40-50 million people to believe that we have good, decent morals and these hippie scumbags, that are ruining our country, don't have them.
DON: Yeah, you know how this country is...everyone loves a winner but people love a RICH winner more. Hee Hee!
DICK: Haw Haw...good one Don! But you know what we really need? A Pearl Harbor like event to really scare the shit out of people so...y'know...everyone will be afraid and all and then we can REALLY do whatever we want. People will be shitting themselves, can't you see it? "Oh, please protect me," they'll say, "I don't care how many of my freedoms you take us, please!"
DON: Yeah, I can totally see that dude. And then the rest of the country will hate us and it's perfect. Divide and conquer, baby!

DICK: Hey, you know what? Maybe, we could do what our pals in Texas did to that traitor know....look the other way if something comes along that could help us.....
DON: Yeah.....

That's how I bet it the wind.

And there is documentation to back this up. The Project For the New American Century, a conservative think tank that Cheney and Rumsfeld have been heavily involved with over the years, had the following to say in the publication Rebuilding American's Defenses in September of 2000:

Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing a new Pearl Harbor.

This quote appears in Chapter V, entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force", which discusses the perceived need for the Department of Defense to "move more aggressively to experiment with new technologies and operational concepts."

But do you know what my favorite quote is?

Don Rumsfeld told talk show host Larry King that at eight o'clock on the morning of the 9-11 attacks he was meeting with Congressmen. During the meeting, Mr. Rumsfeld says that he stated to the group "sometime in the next two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve months there would be an event that would occur in the world that would be sufficiently shocking that it would remind people again how important it is to have a strong healthy defense department."

That is exactly what they have right now.

Loyal readers, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld have realized their dream. We have a society that is completely divided and afraid. On the one hand we have the liberals who are unorganized, scared to say anything, and have no central message with which to challenge Bush Co.

On the other hand we have the conservatives who have effectively brainwashed an entire generation of people in the exact same way that Hitler Co. did. They can do pretty much whatever they want and if they are questioned, then they cry partisan politics or treason. It's perfect!

Some of my conservative friends think that Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest of the neocons aren't that bad...that they are the minority. Well, they are THAT bad and if weren't not careful it's going to get worse. They are NOT in the minority. They are running or ruining, as it is more appropiate, our country.

Cheney and Rumsfeld planned well for the future. They knew then what sort of condition the country would have to be in to seize control and now they have it. Sure, the polls might show that people hate them but no one is doing anything about it. And if they do, they are ridiculed endlessly on talk radio.

Dick and Don have their revenge for Watergate. We have a country filled with people now who blindly believe in anything George Bush says or does. Even though, in my mind, he is nothing more than a criminal.

In the end, it may well be true, that he may not be charged with any of the six transgressions I mentioned in last week's column. None of those items, though, can really hold a candle to the worst failure of all on the part of this president: the complete and utter disregard for the two men directly responsible for the 9-11 attacks.

Osama Bin Laden and Dr. Ayman al Zawahari are still at large and, the last time I checked, planning a major attack on the United States. The sad thing is that if it does happen, the same shit will happen all over again. People like Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity will all say that it is our fault for not supporting the president's policies.

At least 40-50 million of us will gladly cheer them and the sound of democracy ending will be that of thunderous applause.

Monday, March 13, 2006

WATERGATE: THE NEXT (but still the same fuckers) GENERATION PART ONE

In the Sunday paper, a week ago, I picked up the Opinion section to read a column by Garrison Keillor. The jist of the article was that the United States Congress should impeach President Bush. I admit that I chuckled to myself and said outloud, "Well, that will never happen, " to which my wife, in the other room, replied, "Who are you talking to? What?" This sort of thing happens often in our house as I have many conversations with newspapers, web sites, blogs, and news channels.

The column stirred something in me, though. I recalled an article on page 900 of that "liberal rag" the New York Times, back in 2003, in which a Democratic congressmen, John Conyers, from Michigan called for an impeachment of the President on the ground that he lied about our reasons for going to war with Iraq. I remember chuckling when I read that as well. Looking back, I wonder why the media chose to bury that story and really hasn't talked much about it since that time.

The same column also made me think of a comment that was made recently on Real Time with Bill Maher. Graydon Carter, Editor of Vanity Fair, said that if you were to tell a person in the year 2000 what the United States would look like in the year 2005, they probably wouldn't believe you. Our country has gone so far away from what it should be that it is, quite simply, a travesty. The United States of 2005 looks nothing like the Unites States of 2000. I did not chuckle at all upon hearing this charge. Why?

Because I realized that our country now reminds of a lot of the 1972-74 United States of America. We all fondly remember those days, don't we? When our president lied, broke the law and resigned. And several members of his staff went to prison for breaking all sorts of laws. Isn't it soooooooo funny that my two pals, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld, just happened to be serving in the government during that time.

Dick Cheney's political career began in 1969, during the Nixon administration. He held a number of positions in the years that followed, including serving on the Cost of Living Council, at the US Office of Economic Opportunity as a special assistant to Donald Rumsfeld beginning in the spring of 1969.

Speaking of the devil, Don Rumsfeld resigned from Congress in 1969 during his fourth term to serve in the Nixon Administration as Director of the US Office of Economic Opportunity, Assistant to the President, and a member of the President's Cabinet (1969-1970); Counselor to the President, Director of the Economic stabilization Program; and member of the President's Cabinet (1971-1972).

So, all of these things have been percolating in my mind and have sort of coalesced into this week's topic. The same people that were abusing power back then are abusing it today. The only difference is that this time they are succeeding beyond their wildest dreams.

The difference between today and yesterday is that are at least 40 million people in this country that, unless President Bush is caught with a live boy or a dead girl, will believe anything the White House says. And they will never, EVER, believe that a Democrat could do a better job.

Democrats, as an ultra-conservative told me recently at a party, should all be killed for treason. Thank god he is currently serving in the armed forces, eh? Because we all know that a Democrat could neeeeeeeeeeever support our troops, right?

At the very least, I think that Bush Co have done the WORST job in the history of our country running our government and they should be fired for gross negligence i.e. a recall vote similar to California. At medium best, I think Bush should be impeached and let's have the Congress poke around into all the shit the White House has been getting into lately. And at the very best, I think Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove, and few other folks should go to jail.

You can call me crazy, if you want, but President Clinton was impeached by the Senate for lying about having extramarital sex. Thus far, Bush Co has lied about or concealed the truth about (and this is just the short list):

1. WMDs in Iraq. Looking back at President Bush's speeches we see him say over and over again that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction. Today, we know that he did not as we had pretty much destroyed his program in the first Gulf War. Bush pointed the finger at faulty intelligence so either our government is inept or liars. Which makes you feel better? And why are our young men and women sacrificing their lives again?

2. Hurricane Katrina Response. President Bush said they had no idea that they levees would break and yet there is video out that clearly shows the President being informed that there was a danger of severe flooding in New Orleans. He told everyone that the Federal Government was ready. Again, he is either inept or a liar.

3. NSA Wiretaps. He concealed the truth about domestic spying and then used the old line about how the release of this information helps the enemy. Gee, I guess the terrorists had NOOOOOOOOOOO idea whatsoever that someone could be listening to them. There are good arguments on both sides of this issue but I really have to call into question the people that are so afraid that they are willing to give up freedoms and give the executive branch of government more power (regardless of whether or not it is legal).

4. Signed off on a deal to let a nation that supports terrorism (UAE) administer six our ports. I think the facts here speak for themselves.

5. Cheney outed a CIA agent to retaliate for said agent's husband's critical comments about the the Iraq War. This is clearly against the law. If Al Gore had done it, the Republicans would demand that he be put in prison immediately.

6. Prisoner Abuse. A touchy issue with me as I think that Al Qaeda would torture our men and women without batting an eyelash. But aren't we supposed to be better than that? Didn't we sign the Geneva convention? And why is Zaccarias Moussoui, a known accomplice in 9-11, being treated well in prison and the enemy combatants at Guantonomo Bay being tortured.?

Gasp! Wait. I just realized something. By saying all of these things, I am helping the evildoers. I am aiding and abetting the enemy. I must not be a patriot. Oh no.....

And now you see the culture that these people have created. Our current government has created a country where no one is allowed to question authority. If you do, then you are branded a traitor. I don't think many of you reading this know how dead fucking serious these people are about controlling us. I have seen it in person and in recent documentaries like This Divided State.

And THAT is how our government is like Hitler's. Sure, we will not see people rounded up and sent to camps. But we have seen a concerted effort on the part of the NCDs (Neo Con Douchebags) in this country to effectively silence or make a fool of anyone who speaks up.

Pick up any newspaper, turn on any news station, or listen to any radio show....Especially the right wing shows....and you will hear the government's propaganda machine percolating along.

I know that the NCDs think that all these accusations are a liberal plot to destroy our way of life and help the enemy.....That's a given. But I think, and this is coming from someone who has voted for several Republicans in my voting career, that it is FUCKING MUCH WORSE than the Clinton deal and we, as citizens, should be ashamed for letting this sham continue.

The sham actually began 30 years ago when my best pals Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld served under the great bastion of presidential honesty, Dick Nixon. But how does that relate to today? Why did I mention it? What do they hope to accomplish? How did it all begin and what is the ultimate goal of Cheney and Rumsfeld?

These questions will be answered in next week's column.

Monday, March 06, 2006


Time for another Grab Bag. I have left off the "irritation" this time because I am going to rave about some cool shit in addition to ranting about some not so cool shit.

For this and future Grab Bags, please feel free to click on Comments below the column and leave your own rants and raves.

The Arctic Monkeys are the best band in the world right now. Their premiere album, Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not, is totally MEGA. It is quite literally a generation defining album much in the same way as Sgt Pepper, London Calling, or Nevermind. They sound like The Beatles, The Jam, The Clash, The Libertines and Franz Ferdinand all rolled into one beautiful British cup of tea. I haven't been this taken by a band in a loooong time.

The lyrics of the album tell a story of what it's like to be young, hitting clubs, falling in love....all within the UK (yea, baby!) as the setting. And what a beautiful story it is...I can't say enough about how great this band sounds. They will be performing on Saturday Night Live this Saturday March 11th. You must own this record and see them live when they come to your town. Here's to Sheffield!!

Is it just me or is there a holiday every other week? And what is the deal with people taking them realllllllly seriously? Last May, I had a woman ask me what I was doing for the holidays to which I replied......"you mean Christmas in seven months?" She looked at me, with an ashen white, shocked face, and replied, "It's Mother's Day this weekend." So, Mother's Day is now "the holidays?"

When I was a kid, we celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas and watched football on New Year's Day. And that was the end of "the holidays" until the next fucking year. These days, kids celebrate President's Day. What the?!!? Even more confounding is the fact that several business were shut down on President's Day this year.

Well, it's no wonder the US is lagging behind in the world....we take off stupid-ass holidays! Next thing you know everyone will be out fondling trees on Arbor Day for crying out loud!

Sean Hannity is a fucking douchebag. Does anyone out there actually believe that he is more than just a mindless sycophant? Last week, when everyone and their uncle in the newsmedia was talking about how stupid George Bush was with the whole ports deal, this toolbox (left) grudgingly ran a bit about DPW at the top his show, Hannity and Colmes, and then launched into a tirade about Al Gore. Gore, Hannity said, had accepted money from the bin Laden family to speak at an engagement in Saudi Arabia and so, therefore, he was a traitor.

Excuse me? Sean, do you really want to go down the path of "the Saudis and who, in our government, is friendly with them?" Especially the bin Ladens? I think that YOUR President has been fucking up so much lately that you have run out of material.

Fuck off, you no talent ass clown....I bet all your listeners, who think that you are "fighting the good fight" for the common folks, would be interested to know that you insist upon a private jet and tens of thousands of dollars to speak at events and functions.

And would someone please ring the producers of Hannity and Colmes and let them know that Alan Colmes should replaced by Markadelphia? That way, Sean can actually have a real man to spar with and not an alien-human hybrid like Mr Colmes.

I guess more conservatives are listening to me now. Bruce Bartlett, longtime Conservative intellectual and Reagan aide, is releasing a book on how George Bush is basically full of shit, ruining this country, and (gasp!) not really a conservative. Mr Bartlett was recently fired from his job at the conservative think tank, The National Center for Policy Analysis, for being too critical, personally, of President Bush. His book arrived in stores on Feb 28th.

Many conservatives are also speaking out against the wiretaps now. Maybe it's because of....Uh....what is that thing again that they don't GOVERNMENT? Oh yeah....that's it....good thing we don't have that now......yeeesh.

And, if that weren't enough, House republicans plan to rip the Bush administration a new one over the Katrina response and gross mismanagement of funds allocated for said disaster. Well, at least some people in our government have the spine to stand up to mountain of crap from the last five years. Lord knows the Democrats won't. And speaking of the Democrats...

For those of you who think I am too one sided, the Democrats really pissed me off two weeks ago when they forced Paul Hackett (left) out of the Senate race in Ohio. If there is ever a straight shooter, Paul is the one. If there are ever stupider people, the Democratic Leadership are the ones to beat.

Democratic Leaders like Charles Schumer and Harry Reid felt that Hackett's bluntness and coarse language would be unpopular with voters so they encouraged donors to give to his opponents. What a couple of toolboxes! Hackett, you may recall, nearly won a congressional seat in a largely Republican Ohio district last year. He called President Bush a "loser" and an "idiot" and referred to the Iraq War as "total fuck up" by the White House. He would know. He is the first Iraqi War Veteran to run for office.

He also said that the Republicans were being "hijacked by the religious right who aren't all the different from Osama Bin Laden." (Hee Hee...oh that is so funny....bwa hah hah....hoo hoo...hee)After he was asked to apologize, he said, "I stand by what I said."

A Democrat with balls?

I think I just came in my pants.



Every wonder where all that money goes to in the Middle East that we spend on oil? Well, look no further than the pictures above (provided to me by a fan of Notes From The Front).

The United Arab Emirates, currently in charge of the Department of Homeland Security, have a ski hill in the middle of the desert.

That seems profoundly helpful and deeply beneficial to mankind. Thank goodness that they are using their money for something good instead of say....educating the Muslim world on how NOT to blow themselves up and kill people over art. And while we are on the subject of Dubai...

Rep. Peter King (R) of New York, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said officials from the Homeland Security and Treasury departments told him weeks ago that their 30-day review of the deal did not look into the question of links between DP World and al Qaeda.

What in the fuck do we even have a Department of Homeland Security for? Holy Hannah, what a bunch of idiots.

Port of New Orleans (left)

Battlestar Galactica (left) is the best show on TV. Laugh all you want because I know the 70s version was cheesy but the revamped version....dark and filled with deeply passionate acting and characters that are extremely well written.

I have found myself standing up, talking to the TV, and downright yelling during some episodes of this wonderful show because it is so fucking intense.

And the chicks are so hot, God, I feel like I am a 14 year old boy again every time Kara Thraice (played by Katie Sackhoff, above, right) comes on the screen. I definitely have plenty of whipped cream for that vanilla shake of hers......

It starts with a mini series and there are 2 DVD box sets available which are set immediately after the mini series. This show is so must watch it.

I find it sad that NBC cancelled the wonderful show "The Book of Daniel." (left) Conservative Groups like the American Family Association fought to have the program off the air because it depicted a vicadin addicted Episcolpalian priest, with a gay son and pot selling daughter, who had regular conversations with Jesus Christ. So...I believe in Jesus....what's the problem here?

I think the show was an accurate, poignant potrayal of family life in the 21st century. It was also very funny. I think the Jesus character was played very honestly and humbly portrayed. Oh well, that's life in Bush country. They know what's best for me, I guess! And since they all KNOW EXACTLY what Jesus was like....well....we must submit to their vision!!!!!

You know what I love? People that decide for me what is good and what is bad. Here's a thought...if a show offends you...DON'T WATCH THAT SHOW!!. I loathe TV evangelists but they have a right to have their fucking show. Just like I have a right to watch Book of Daniel. I wanted to watch it but I can't now because of people in this country who want to DICTATE morality to me. Fuckers....

I know it's sad but it's true. Iran has replace the United States as the country with the most negative impact in the world. The study, which asked 39,435 people in 33 nations across the globe, listed Russia, China and India as rounding out the top five.

And the response from the NCD's (Neo-Con Douchebags)? "Ah, they's all a bunch of fir'ners. Let's kill 'em. And while you're at it, get me a Busch Light from the fridge, bitch. The race is a gonna be on right quick. Hee Haw!"

In an effort to further squeeze the American consumer out of his last nickel, US Customs has begun seizing prescription drugs from Canada claiming that they are illegal contraband. People in Minnesota have been hit particularity hard by this as these drugs are available to order through the State of Minnesota web site. Governor Pawlenty has championed this cause and now faces even more pressure from his pals in the Bush Administration to disallow this practice.

This issue really hits home for me as many elderly family members and friends that I know were skipping pills because they were too expensive. They started buying the pills from Canada because they were tons cheaper (and the exact same drug btw) and thus, they can take them everyday like they are supposed to do.

Yes, yes I know. American Pharmaceutical companies need that money for cancer research. NOT! What a bunch of bullshit.....classic spin...what they really need it for is to keep that salary up around 20 million a year so their golf buddy, Anderson T. Wilson, oil exec, doesn't poke fun of them at the next country club party. And we are stupid enough to put up with this?


And I can truly say that it is, too. For all of you NCDs out there that have claimed for years that the media is liberally biased, I have two words for you: SHUT THE FUCK UP! The media has never been liberally biased....most of the time acting like unofficial spokespeople for the government....and now a study has been done to back it up.

The study took the Sunday Morning News shows on ABC, CBS, and NBC as an example. From the years 1997-2005 the conservative voices on these shows consistently outrated the liberals in quantity. Another study, which set out strongly to find liberal bias in the media, failed because the study itself was too conservatively biased from the outset and, as a result, it became flawed.

Sorry, neo-cons, but the old "poor me" attitude about the liberal media won't fly anymore. You really need to give up on this one. It really is too bad when someone criticizes you, isn't it? Gosh, it's tough when reality hits you in the fucking head as you realize that you....yes YOU...are capable of making mistakes and someone else is actually going to call you on your shit. That doesn't mean that they are liberal for cripes sakes. Holy Hannah!


How about you? What are you chawing on this week? Good or bad....leave some comments below..................

Monday, February 27, 2006

Safe Port From the Storm?

On March 2nd, Dubai Ports World, a company actually owned by the United Arab Emirates, will take over management of the following ports in the United States: New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia. What this means is that the answer to the question How Stupid is the Bush Administration just got revised from "Fucking Dumb" downward to "Insanely Moronic."

I have said from the very beginning of this blog that President Bush and his administration put corporate opportunity ahead of the security of this nation. No one believed me and called me a "liberal kook."

Well now it seems as plain as day that finally he has gone too far and people on the right and left are wondering what the hell he is doing. Newspapers, talk radio and all the major news networks are all scratching their heads and wondering what asylum would make President Bush most comfortable for the remainder of his presidency. To me, this is old news.

Time and again, I have shown the financial links between the Saudis (aka home to 15 of the 19 9-11 hijackers) and the Bush family and how this is detrimental to our homeland security. Here again, we have another example of President Bush and pals' Middle Eastern business interests taking a front seat to the safety of our nation.

People have always asked me which of Bush's "pals" are making all this money. Well look no further than our own Treasury Secretary, John Snow (left). His office chairs the The Committee on Foreign Investment which reviewed this transaction and did not object. Why in the world did they not object to a country, which has harbored and assisted terrorism in the past, administering six of our nation's ports?

Because John Snow (left) happens to be good old buddies with DPW. He just happened to sell his old company, SXW Freight, to them for a hefty profit. Why not help them help themselves to our nation's ports, eh? Maybe, just maybe, some more greenbacks are headed his way....

And yet, according to him, apparently I am a racist for questioning this deal and I must hate Muslims. But the fact is that it wouldn't matter what country it was if they had the same questionable history as the UAE. Let's take a look at the UAE (United Arab Emirates), shall we?

Two of the 9-11 hijackers had passports from the UAE. One of them had money funneled through the national bank there. The UAE was also an important transfer point for shipments of smuggled nuclear components sent to Iran, North Korea and Libya by a Pakistani scientist, the father of the Islamic Bomb, Abdul Qadeer Khan.

And, to top it all off, here is what the 9-11 commission report had to say on pgs. 137-138:

"Early in 1999...Bin Ladin was reportedly located in the vicinity of the Sheikh Ali camp, a desert hunting camp being used by visitors from a Gulf State. Public sources have stated that these visitors were from the United Arab Emirates....On March 7, 1999 (Richard) Clarke called a UAE official to express his concerns about possible associations between Emirati officials and Bin Ladin......The United Arab Emirates was becoming both a valued counterterrorism ally of the United States and a persistent counterterrorism problem.

From 1999 through early 2001, the United States , and President Clinton personally, pressed the UAE, one of the Taliban's only travel and financial outlets to the outside world, to break off its ties and enforce sanctions, especially those relating to flights to and from Afghanistan. These efforts achieved little before 9-11"

Well that's just great! Here's an idea! Let's put this country in charge of our ports, OK? Are you fucking kidding me? Has the President lost his mind?

He actually thinks that's it's all "hunky dory." He says that lawmakers who have called for the deal to be blocked need to "step up and explain why a Middle Eastern company is held to a different standard," he said. "I don't understand why it's OK for a British company to operate our ports but not a company from the Middle East when we've already determined security is not an issue," Bush told reporters aboard Air Force One.

Well, Mr President, it doesn't matter that they are from an Arab country. They could be Finnish for all I care but if they provided financial and logistical support to terrorists than they should NOT be put in charge of our ports. These people are known associates of bin Laden. What is the matter with you?

We all know that we are really, really weak on our nation's ports. The 9-11 Commission cited example after example of the poor security at many of these ports, especially New York. My God, can you imagine a country, that has turned a blind eye to Muslim extremism, being in charge of the port of New York City? And Newark? Let's just put a big sign on the Statue of Liberty with an arrow that says, "Please place Nuclear Weapon Here!"

Thank goodness, though, that this deal has the thumb up of Michael Chertoff, Director of Homeland Security. "We make sure there are assurances in place, in general, sufficient to satisfy us that the deal is appropriate from a national security standpoint," Chertoff told ABC's "This Week." I, for one, feel sooooo much better that the man who handled the Hurricane Katrina crisis so well has put his seal of approval on the deal.

And speaking of approval, isn't it odd that the normal 45 day waiting period for such a transaction was waived and the presidential panel greenlighted all matters related to the sale? Not so odd, apparently, because under a secretive agreement with the administration, DPW promised to cooperate with U.S. investigations as a condition of its takeover of operations at the six major American ports, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.

And how about this one? In approving the $6.8 billion purchase, the administration chose not to require state-owned Dubai Ports World to keep copies of its business records on U.S. soil.

The U.S. government also chose not to impose other, routine restrictions.

Excuse Me?

Folks, I am really at a loss on this one. I didn't think it was possible for Bush Co. to be this moronic. Not to mention how idiotic this is politically for him. He has just taken the one area of his presidency, National Security, that he has always polled strong on (Lord knows why) and flushed it down the toilet. He has made the Democrats look to the right of him which essentially hands them a huge mallet they can hit the Republicans over the head with for the next 2 years. Can anyone say President Hillary Clinton?

I am so shocked by this that the only thing that will make me MORE surprised is if DPW will actually assume control of these ports on Thursday of this week. Because of the outrage from the entire country on this issue, DPW has offered to delay assuming official control of each port.

DP World said it would not delay, however, its acquisition of Britain's P&O company, which now manages the ports. And that becomes official on Thursday so what does all this mean?

Hell, if I know. Maybe you can help me out.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hey Kids! Get Your Guns Right Here!

This has been waaaaaaaaaayy too long in coming. I have wanted to write a column about the NRA since I started the blog. But I really didn't have a focal point until I got a call from my mom telling me what the NRA was up to in her hometown. My mother has been an elementary school principal in Wisconsin for the last 16 years and a teacher for 11 years before that. She has always approached the education of students in a kind, loving, and constructive sort of fashion.

So when the National Rifle Association decided it would be really cool if their Eddie Eagle coloring books be distributed in her school, my mom said no way.

"I have a real concern of having children coloring guns," said Sharon J. Campbell, principal of Jones Elementary School, who reviewed some of the Eddie Eagle material. "I'm not sure a coloring book is the best way to teach gun safety." Others feel the same.

Alderman Pete Karas is leading the charge against the books. Among the evidence for his concerns was a 2002 study by the American Academy of Pediatrics that found the Eddie Eagle program was "effective for teaching children to reproduce verbally the gun safety message," but that many children didn't act out the lessons in role-playing games.

In fact, 1999 TV news report from ABC's "20/20" suggested the full Eddie Eagle program, which includes the coloring books, didn't work. In the report, of 20 children who completed the gun-safety training, 17 found guns in a test. Of the 17 who found the guns, three called police; the others played with the guns."I am more convinced than ever that not only is this program ineffective, but also harmful to our children," Karas said.

And, if that weren't enough, Wisconsin, in its every expanding vision of making itself even more like a southern state, has decided to lower the age from 12 to 8 years old allowing children to legally hunt. Eight! That's only two years older than my oldest child and the thought of her handling a gun.....yikes!!

If there is one area where we, as a country, are unbelievably stupid, it's guns. And when I say guns, for the purpose of this column, I am excluding hunting rifles and shotguns. Even though they can be dangerous, they are legitimately used for sport. Everything else is just bloody ridiculous.

I want to go on the record and say that I think the NRA is the largest collection of assholes ever organized and assembled. Of all the lobbying groups in the country, I can safely say that I fucking hate them with all of my heart and soul AND they represent everything that I loathe about this country.

They are a group of paranoid, fear-mongers who can't get it up without their guns. They make Richard Nixon look mentally balanced. "From my cold dead hands...." means what exactly? I can't function in society without my gun? Does it mean that "I am so afraid that 'they's a comin' that I need to have my gun?" Oh my gun! OHHHH!! I must have it and caress it and fondle it until I ejaculate in my pants!

People that proudly wip out their NRA cards at parties are quite honestly the biggest turnoffs since God invented cold showers. I have seen this happen a few times and let me tell ya, it really makes the ladies all hot and wet......NOT!!

You might ask me, though, hey Mark! I thought you were a military hawk and yet you hate the NRA? What the??!?? That doesn't make any sense at all. Actually it does, buckaroo, and here's why.

To quote one of my favorite Americans, General Wesley Clark, "Ordinary Americans have no business owning any kind of gun, other than rifles and shotguns, for sport. If someone NEEDS to have an Uzi, handgun or an assault rifle, then they should get themselves a pair of boots and see me. I have a job for them."

Of course, most NRA pussies would probably shart themselves if saw any real kind of action and are quite happy and content to fantasize about killing their neighborhood niggers than actually doing something brave like serving their country. No, won't catch any NRA chickenhawks actually fighting for their country. They are content to swill Busch light, watch fucking NASCAR, and scream about the liberal homos that are trying to "destroy" their homes.

I don't have any problems with guns, per se, if they are in the hands of professionally trained people like Army rangers or police officers. I think we will ALL agree, however, that most of the people that have guns in this country are FUCKING MORONS and will end up shooting themselves or someone they love. Statistics don't lie....just ask any police officer. And you can start with a friend of mine who happens to be a Hennepin Country Sheriff. He'll tell you that if less people had less guns then his job would be a whole lot easier.

Maybe the NRA should direct its Eddie Eagle coloring book campaign about gun safety at our vice president. For those of you who don't know, Vice President Cheney (left) accidentally sprayed one his companions in the face with bird shot on a hunting exhibition last week. Oh well, if he hadn't have gotten those four deferments in Vietnam, maybe he would have learned how to handle firearms .

Anyway, I guess now that the NRA has made my mom's life more strained than it already is, I need to make it another one my missions in life to reveal the NRA for what they truly are: a bunch of fear-mongering, mouth-breathers who don't know the first thing about the word bravery. Hey that sounds a lot like the neo-con douchebags that are currently running our country! What a coincidence.....

Hey, NRA goons....if you need to get an erection, lose the gun, dude. Just use porn like everyone else. I recommend the "Caught From Behind" series from the 1980s. Very educational.....

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Looney Toons

Well, I guess the greatest threat to our planet today is, of all things, cartoons. For the last two weeks many countries, including our own United States, have gone, as many mental health professionals would call it, totally ape shit over the printing of a certain set of cartoons and one very funny picture. The first group of cartoons took a somewhat negative look at the Muslim religion. The second cartoon took a somewhat negative look at our secretary of Defense.

I thought all the cartoons were dead on the money and you should all know that I laughed my frikkin' ass right off my self when I saw them. And the reactions from everyone else were......frightening and hilarious.

Ah, the Muslims. You just gotta love that culture. Check out the picture on the left. "Behead those who insult Islam?" Yes, yes, yes. I know. It's just the radicalized minority, right? Well, let's see. There are 1 billion Muslims in the world and if only 1 percent of those are radicalized then that's only 10 million people. Whew! I'm relieved!!

Sure, I know we aren't perfect in America. As a matter of fact, we can be downright stupid assholes a lot of the time. But I don't think I have ever seen, here in the US, such a grotesque display of violence over CARTOONS as has gone on in the last two weeks across Europe and the Middle East.

One of the cartoons depicted Mohammed with a bomb on his head instead of a turban. Isn't it funny that that is EXACTLY what happened? They started blowing shit up! Talk about self fulfilling prophecy! For those of you who thought I was racist when it came to Muslim fanaticism, well, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I was RIGHT and you were WRONG!

You gotta think twice about a culture that tramples hundreds of people to death in religious fervor AND gets so bent out of shape over a fucking cartoon that people are killed, maimed, and buildings are burned. Sorry, folks, but if we really allow these psychotics to own a nuclear weapon, we can pretty much kiss the world as we know it buh-bye!!!

And here's a question for the Muslim population of the world: how can you expect us to be tolerant of your religion when you are COMPLETELY INTOLERANT OF EVERYONE ELSE'S RELIGION?

Basically these people are rabid lunatics and need to be put down. And here's the deal to all of you "moderate" Muslims out there: get with the fucking program and police these animals or we will do it for you. It is your problem and, if we have to do something about it, I don't think you will be all that happy with the WAY it is done. Why don't you start by enforcing these basic rules?

YOU are not allowed to declare death sentences on cartoonists or writers for that matter if they happen to say something you don't agree with. YOU are not allowed to beat the shit out of women and treat them like cattle. YOU will understand freedom of expression because it is coming soon to a theater near you........whether you like it or not.

In 2008, hopefully, we will have a President that will actually have the balls (or ovaries!) to stand up to your fanatical bullshit (i.e. not be financially beholden to you) and your life, as you know it, will be over.

And if all of you out there think for a second that I am out of my mind, last week an Iranian newspaper announced it is holding a contest to see which Muslim cartoonist can make fun of the Holocaust most effectively!


Whew. Now that I have gotten that out of my system.....let's turn to the other side of the "Evil Cartoons A'gin Us" news...

The cartoon on your left caused much uproar over the last couple of weeks, particularity with the right wing talk show host set (aka funny zoo animals making funny noises).

Apparently this cartoon is disrepsectful to our troops. I think that it is pretty appropiate and fucking hilarious. I have talked with several men and women who have come back from Iraq. I know one that is currently at Camp Victory, a navy man, and he says that the lack of appropiate supplies and complete shortage of intelligence (i.e. planning) is par for the course in this war which makes this cartoon sadly accurate.

I will tell you, however, what IS disrepsectful to our troops. Our president recently paid a visit to Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antoino Texas. His comments, which are available for your perusal on the White House Web Site, were truly irreverent piles of garbage .

Basically, he made a joke that he himself had been in combat recently....with a cedar tree!....and he won! But he got a scratch. Aww..... so I guess HE was wounded just like the rest of the troops there.

Oh my Lord. A cut from clearing brush just totally compares with the soldiers around him with lacerations, broken bones, and missing limbs. What a toolbox. You really gotta hand it to ol' Shecky Bush. He sure knows how to slay an audience.

I guess what really cracks me up about this one is how all the neo-con douchebags got all bent out of shape about the Rumsfeld cartoon and yet the Muslim one is OK. Huh? They are both OK because it is called freedom of the press, bitch! You don't like it? Don't read it!! It's just classic conservative spin doctoring bullshit to call Tom Tole, the creator of the Rumsfeld cartoon, a traitor to his country.

So, by that logic, then all of the Congressional Republicans that bitched during the Bosnian Conflct should all be branded traitors as well. Right?

Anyhoo, I know that I, for one, am sooo happy that the human beings on this world are wasting precious time and energy yelling, throwing rocks, burning buildings, and killing people over cartoons when they could be spending that time and money feeding, housing and caring for their fellow man.

Well, at least we have the NRA to teach our children about the joy of guns. Whoops! That's next week's column...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Sex Machines

Sunday, January 22nd, marked a pivotal day in our country's history. 33 years ago on that day the landmark court case, Roe V Wade, was handed down from the Supreme Courty which essentially said that states do not have the right to outlaw abortions. The next day, tens of thousands of protesters marched on Washington, expressing their outrage over a law that they feel is morally wrong.

They seemed like they might need some help finding a fix for their problem and I have decided that I am their man! I scanned all of the newspapers, watched the TV coverage, and looked all over the Internet for a solution for the Pro Life movement. It took me a long time and countless hours of sweating but I finally found out what they need to win their war on abortion.


That's right, folks. Ol Doc Campbell has come up with a simple solution to the abortion issue and that is that everyone who is against unwanted pregnancy should begin educating the nation, starting at a very early age, how to use FUCKING CONTRACEPTIVES!!!!!!!!! Not only should we educate our nation on birth control but we should also make it easily accessible for everyone and economically attainable for those less fortunate.

Oh wait, everyone on the left is trying to do that and everyone on the right is constantly trying to prevent them from doing so. Why?

Because conservatives feel that abstinence is the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancies. (cue uproarious laughter)

Hey neo-cons, abstinence is a medieval fantasy. Start doing something constructive if you are so against abortion. Instead of marching on Washington, how about starting a condom program at your local high school? It seems pretty obvious to me that this would really help reduce abortions and yet you are adamantly against this. Why do you continually thwart every move the left makes to ACTUALLY prevent unwanted pregnancies?

Well, I don't really have the answer to these questions and many others in this area so I went to an expert. Guess what? She is as confounded as I am!

"You would think it would be a 'no-brainer',"says Kathleen Murphy, Director of Public Policy for the Midwest Health Center for Women, "but people who are pro-life are of the mind that if they bury their head in the sand, the problem will go away."

Ms. Murphy informed me that groups like the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life have no "official" stand on birth control.

Excuse Me?

Note to conservative uptight fuckstick: PEOPLE LIKE TO FUCK. They will continue to do it. It's in our nature and one could argue that, since God created us to be horny, it is His will as well. I know it's tough because you consider yourselves to KNOW what God wants from His people on Earth but you really don't have a frikkin' clue.

And you know what else? You are NOT allowed to be the judge of other peoples sex lives, especially mine because I really don't want to have sex exclusively in the missionary position for the rest of my life.....maybe the doggy style position (being an ass man and all)....but definitely not missionary!

Ms. Murphy thinks the solution lies in three areas: education, accessibility, and economic assistance. "We just had our budget cut by $200,000 due to the Pawlenty Administration's re-classifying us as a lower priority clinic. This is more than likely due to the fact that we are the only not-for-profit clinic that provides abortions in Hennepin County."

"If we don't have the funds, we can't help people, not only with abortions but with basic health issues," she went on to say, "it's just that simple."

She went on to tell me that last year 14,000 abortions were performed in the state of Minnesota. In her opinion, that number could be reduced by at least 50 percent if more education about birth control was provided to women in this state.

People who are pro life have got it all wrong. If they really want to reduce unwanted pregnancy in this country, they should be handing out condoms in schools and going into poor communities armed with contraceptives rather than trying to prevent these things from happening.

They should be talking about sex in an open, friendly way and not pretending like it doesn't exist or shaming people into being afraid of it. Look at this picture on the left and imagine yourself as a teenager trying to figure out how you feel about sex. These are adults who are supposed to be role models and make young people feel comfortable about sex? Good lord.....

Sadly, probably no one on the right will be up for this. I spent a few minutes on the MCCL's web site and for a Pro-Life joint they sure have a lot of writings on death and misery. Of course, is it really all that surprising that they use the same type of language that other conservaties do, based around fear and complete fucking ignorance? And where is the section on birth control?

Most folks on the right are going to put their blinders on and only listen to the one source that they trust: The Bible. Let's take a look at what the Bible says about abortion, shall we? In Exodus, the law is pretty clear that if you smite your father or mother, the penalty is death. But in Exodus 22, we have the following:

"If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine."

This is the only mention, in the entire Bible, of what rights an unborn fetus has and it is pretty clear to me that it is monetary compensation. I am not saying I agree with this. It actually sounds pretty horrible. But I am saying that there is no passage in the Bible whatsoever that says that abortion is a sin.

People that are militant Pro-Life have invented a fantasy that is largely based on an outdated psychotic belief system. Nellie Gray, the president of March for Life, the group that organized the rally last week, said reversing Roe was this year's theme. Speaking to the crowd in fiery tones, Ms. Gray predicted that the United States would hold the equivalent of Nuremburg trials for "feminist abortionists," calling support for a woman's right to choose "crimes against humanity." "Roe v. Wade has brutalized our country," she said. "The feminist abortionists, look at the evil they are doing. From that will come an accountability."

So, what does this mean? As if our courts weren't taxed enough, now tens of thousands of women are going to put on trial? What a fucking nutter! But the best quote was our beloved president who, since he took office, was conveniently out of town on Jan 22nd.

"You believe as I do that every human life has value (except when I send them to die in a needless war for corporate profit or when I judge them, as God would want me to, to be evil and destroyed) ," Mr. Bush said, "that the strong have a duty to protect the weak (unless they are poor because poor people suck), and that the self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence apply to everyone (except the fucking faggots who are sinners) , not just to those considered healthy or wanted or convenient. These principles call us to defend the sick(except for the 40 million people in this country who don't have health insurance because I want my golf buddies in the health care and pharmaceutical industry to get richer) and the dying, persons with disabilities and birth defects, and all who are weak and vulnerable, especially unborn children."

"By changing laws," he added, "we can change our culture." (unless you are a liberal activist judge in which case you can't legislate from the bench. Only conservative judges can legislate from the bench.)

"The Pro-Life Movement thinks that organizations like Planned Parenthood are leaders of the so called 'abortion industry'," says Ms. Murphy, "but it is just not true. They are doing the most in our state and nationwide to prevent abortions through family planning and birth control education. Abortions only constitute 2 percent of the services they offer."

So, pro-lifers, are you ready to remove your heads from the sand and face reality? Or are you going to continue to allow more abortions to occur by continuing to block funding for places like the Midwest Health Center for Women?

Because the truth is that there ARE solutions out there. Pull your heads out of the sand, please, and join the rest us in the 21st Century.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Planet Earth's Best Pal

Our planet is a very special place. We have many wondrous things here, both natural and man made. We have some extraordinary people on this planet.

But you know who I love? Do you know who really warms my heart and makes me feel special? Do you know who I thank God for everyday?

Iranian President mammoth Ahmadinejad (left). What a super guy!

Last October he said that Israel should be wiped off the map. He was quoting the Ayatollah when he added, "And God willing, with the force of God behind it, we shall soon experience a world without the United States and Zionism," according to a quote published by Iran's state news outlet, the Islamic Republic News Agency.

When the world responded angrily, President Ahmadinejad remarked, "They are free to say but their words lack any credit."

A few weeks later he went to say that the holocaust was a myth and that Israel should be moved to Europe or the United States. He expressed doubt that the Nazis actually killed six million Jews and wondered if it was all a ploy by the evil Zionist regime in Israel and America to receive favors with the world.

It's been a long time since Adolph Hitler spoke and I guess he's back. But this time he has nuclear weapons. Super! For those of you who don't know, Iran has broken the seals on the containers in the Natantz nuclear "research" facility and will have the materials to make 4-20 bombs in 2-4 years. Awesome, dude!

I can't wait for the day when a country run by Muslim extremists has the bomb. What a warm and comforting time that will be!!

While we have playing with our dicks in Iraq, accomplishing next to nothing in a conflict that is in no way related to the security of our country, this sad excuse of a human being has been running his fucking mouth all over the joint and I have had it.

President Ahmadinejad, you may recall, was a key figure in the Iranian hostage affair in 1979. Ah, what a special time that insanely weak, botched rescue attempt followed by a sneaky, under the table deal to trade the hostages for guns and ammo to the Contras (see: Communist Dance Hits of the 80s and More!) Bascially we have had 26 years of inept policy after policy with this country of psychotic and now, aw shucks, I guess we finally have to deal with them.

Or will we? China and Russia are exerting an enormous pressure on us not to do anything because of the oil they get from Iran. Oil, again. Great. Is it just me or is it finally time for our government to:

B. FIND AN ALTERNATIVE FUEL SOURCE SO WE DON'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH MARWAN EL SUCKDITCH ANYMORE? (File under: Not bloody likely with the Bush Oil Inc. running the show)

Holy Hannah, folks, this situation is completely out of control and I am not at all happy with how our current administration is handling it. They don't seem to be doing anything at all really except sending poor old Scott McLlellan out to announce that President Bush denounces President Ahmadinejad's comments actions.

Well, whoopity fucking doo! So do I , bitch. Big news there!

Here's a thought for the Iranian president: Stop threatening to annihilate countries while producing nuclear fuel or the rest of the world will assume control, through force, of YOUR FUCKING COUNTRY, BITCH!!

I am sorry to those folks out there who thought I was a "kook" liberal peacenik just because I have argued against the War in Iraq. My differences with the administration on Iraq have more to do with prioritizing threats and carrying out missions with the smallest amount of ineptitude possible than with being "against war."

Appeasement in the case of Iran will quite simply not work. We basically need to tell them to cease their volatile activities immediately or their life as they know it will be over. No more mullahs talking smack about the more masturbation parties whilst watching the WTC more firebombing magazines run by women.....and, for that matter, no more getting your jollys out of abusing the shit out of women....all of that will be gone. So sorry!!

It's time for this administration to actually back up all their tough talk. In 2002, President Bush called Iran one of the members of the Axis of Evil and yet has done virtually nothing to stop them from pursuing a course that threatens the entire world. We have let Europe "negotiate" with Iran and look where it has gotten us?

A fanatical leader of an ultra psychotic nation with nuclear bombs. Wonderful. What's next? Letting year after year go by without any real effort to capture Osama bin Laden.

Oh, wait a minute........

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I thought we would take a break from politics and focus on an issue that has left me puzzled of late.

Most of you know that I am a stay at home parent and, as a result, spend most of my time with women. Single moms, married moms, single women all seem to gravitate in my circle of life and I have noticed a peculiar tendency amongst all of these women that I find troubling. Before I state what it is, however, I want to make it clear that I am not singling out any ONE of my female friends. ALL of you are guilty of this, or have been at one time or another, and I would like an explanation.


I can't begin to count how many men I have met, especially in the last two years, that are dating fellow school moms, single friends, or are fellow husbands that the word DOUCHEBAG is actually a compliment in reference to them.

This is a problem that has gone on since I was in high school, really. The hot chicks always dated the biggest assholes just because they were jocks or whatever and for some bizarre reason that has carried over to adulthood.

I have heard it defined as the "bad boy" phase but some of these idiots don't have enough energy to put down their video game controllers to cause any trouble. Heck, that would at least make them interesting if they got into a scrap or something. Woman after woman always describes their boyfriend/husband as "sweet" and yet when I meet one of these morons, they have several or all of the following characteristics:

1. Unemployed or in nowhere job
2. Loves Video Games
3. Drinking and/or Drug Problem
4. No Ambition (and that's being kind)
5. No Money and yet finds some for the weekly casino trip
6. No Capacity for Intelligent Thought (aka Dumb as a Sack of Hammers)
7. Fat (aka: can't see girlfriend's butt crack during from-behind action to due to stomach overhang)
8. Extremely Immature (aka never got over being 12 years old.)
9. Thinks George Bush is really smart
10. Has at least one child by ex-girlfriend (birth control? hello!)
11. Verbally abusive (psychotic drunken episodes, weight and hair accusations, etc)
12. Physically abusive (psychotic drunken episodes II: electric boogaloo)
13. Makes ignoring girlfriend/wife an art form
14. Extraordinarily insensitive especially at the most inappropriate times

Ok, so I threw in number 9 just for the hell of it. But the rest? All true. Every single one of them. Ladies, please chime in . Why are you dating or why did you date these men? What do you see in them? How can you let a guy like this put his dick inside of you? Are you flipping nuts, woman? I can't imagine dating any woman that would treat me like that. Fuck 'em in the ear! And yet sadly, most guys that I know, realize that you have to be a complete dick, aloof, and insensitive to score big with the babes., especially the hot ones.

Ladies, do not try to deny this. You know it is true. Because if you are a guy and stuck with the label "nice" when you meet chicks, you might as well plan on getting to know your right hand a whole lot better.

I have my own theory on this so y'all can tell me if there is any truth to it. I think that most women are very insecure. They think they are overweight (hardly ever true), ugly (never, ever true) or stupid (everyone has their own definition of intelligence). Thus, they feel that any guy that is really into them must be a weirdo because "why would anyone like me?" They are more comfortable with a guy who will treat them like shit because they feel they are not worthy. They are used to their own voice putting themselves down so when dickhead makes a comment it feels normal

The reality is that the only thing women should feel insecure about is their insistence upon being with fucko after fucko in their dating career!

Another theory I have is that nice guys automatically fall into the "safety" category. Safety guys are cool but not hot. Friend material but not dateable. Guys that ignore women, are apathetic, and treat women like shit are a challenge, right? Guys like that are sooooo hot, aren't they?

Maybe you will be the one to finally change them. Thank goodness! Or is that you are or were too emotionally challenged and need time to realize that there is nothing actually wrong with sweet guys and they are actually, imagine the miracle, a lot of fun?
Then again, maybe I am looking at this from the wrong side. Is it that the pool of men out there are so bad that you have to settle for someone who is just a slob and a deadbeat as opposed to a slob, a deadbeat, and an abuser?

Men are welcome to chime in but, seriously, I want to see some Comments below from women with a fucking explanation. I am so sick of this and need answers!