
Monday, December 17, 2007

Holiday Grab Bag

It's been quite some time since I did a Grab Bag and what better time of the year than Christmas?

Well, folks, Markie Claus has got a few things that have really been chewing on his ass over the last few months and I feel, from the bottom of my heart, it's time to share...way past time to share.

In fact, I NEED to share. This stuff has really been building for quite some time (I know! I know! I need to do Grab Bags more often)

So there's quite a bit here...please take your time and as always, post your rants in comments below this post.


I think that I am going to have a card lamented, which I will carry with me at all times in my wallet. This card will be handed to women (unknown to me personally) I have talked to, I am talking with, or could possibly talk to at some point throughout the course of my visits to various places. It will say the following:

Hello. My name is Mark. When I come to (insert name of bar/club/restaurant/shop/etc where we currently are), I enjoy a friendly conversation. This should NEVER be misconstrued for me hitting on you. Therefore, you do not have to mention that you have a boyfriend in the first few minutes or so of me being friendly to you. I assure that you I am not interested in you "that way" at all because of the following:

1. I have filthy, ball draining sex on a regular basis.
2. Many of the orgasms I do have leave me completely drained and in no mood whatsoever for sex.
3. I have no need to hit on women who work at
(insert name of bar/club/restaurant/shop/etc where we currently are) as I can (and have since I was seventeen) have sex with pretty much any woman (or man for that matter) I desire with a minimal amount of effort.
4. I have a large group of female friends, all of whom I love and cherish very much, have known for many years, are very, very hot (I assure you) and would be very interested in sticking their sweet asses up in the air at me (in the way that all women should greet a man) if I were not married. Rest assured, the line is quite long in front of you, so don't flatter yourself.
5. If, at some time throughout the course of the evening, I do flirt with you, I will be extremely obvious about it saying things like..."Hey, you have a nice mouth" or "I wonder what your ass would look like in the reverse cowgirl position. Would you let me spread it so I could really get a nice, open view of you?" Then, AND ONLY THEN, can you mention that you have a boyfriend and tell me some stupid ass story about something incredibly fucking lame you did together recently.
6. Please kindly remove the giant pole you have in your ass and take the time to be friendly to me in return as I can pretty much guarantee you that the simple act of getting to know me will make a positive difference in your life.


People in this country are fucking fat asses. And it's getting worse everyday. It's just that simple. The other day I was walking into Target and I said to myself, "I wonder how long it will take before I see a fat person?" Before I got to the word "wonder" in my head, I saw two porkers walking out of the exit doors. I took another step and I saw someone so incredibly large that they could barely move. In fact, I don't think "walking" would be a word I would use to describe what he was was more of a waddle combined with pained look on his face due to the fact that his enormous weight was preventing him from doing even the most basic of tasks....PUTTING ONE FOOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER!!!

At a recent holiday meal, I observed members of my extended family stuffing their faces full of food only to curl up in a ball a half hour later and fall 12:30pm during the middle of the day!!! Is this what we have become? A nation of babies that need their num nums and nappys? What a bunch of weak and pathetic simpletons!!

But the real problem is really the snacking. This is where the pork begins. You might be surprised to learn this but the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) at my daughter's school has an item in its budget for snacks....for themselves!! What the...?? My wife, a member of the PTO's board, questioned the need for this and was pummelled with questions/comments such as:

"WHAT? Don't you like snacks? Who doesn't like snacks?

"They make these meetings more enjoyable."

"Why would YOU want to take them away...huh...huh...HUH?"

"Hey! We need our snacks."

Actually, no you don't fucking need your snacks, fat ass. Take a look in the mirror. What you need is to push yourself away from the shit food you shovel into your mouth, join a gym, and you might live to see your grandchildren. And while you're at it, stop giving your children so many snacks...and bad ones at that. I was recently observing a sixth grade class, for my continuing education, and was stunned to find the instructor, since the children were not allowed to go to music for bad behavior that day, declare that it would be snack time instead. Huh? Great way to reward bad behavior. Oh, and by the way, it was 9:45am for crying out loud!!!

And you wouldn't believe the spreads these kids laid out....chocolate bars, donuts, chips, candy...not one healthy item in sight. No wonder our kids are apathetic. They eat shit on a daily basis and are fat as well. People in this country have got to stop relieving emotional stress by eating. We have become snackoholics, constantly grazing at even the mere thought of anything stressful. It's disgusting. It's weak. And it will ultimately prove to be our downfall.

I am not kidding.


Can we please permanently retire the phrase "Let's Do This" from all films and television programs? I know there is a writer's strike on, folks, but if I hear this phrase one more time, especially if it is at a tense moment when the protagonists are about to propel themselves into a dangerous situation, I will drive a tank to Hollywood, seeking out every writer who has written this line, and introduce them to artillery. And don't try to get cute with me by saying, "Let's Do This Thing" instead. It's the same fucking thing and it is really, really played.


I thought we were done with the whole triathlon thing, like eight years ago and stuff, but apparently not. Over the course of this past summer and fall, I had several guys boast of their triathlon training and competitions. You know what, guys? You are completely full of shit and the only reason why you compete in these things (if you actually do and aren't just saying it to sound cool in front of chicks at bars) is that you want to be like everyone else. You are following a trend. A trend that is way past its time and, quite frankly, way out of your physical capability. Go play a girl's volleyball or tennis.


Those of you who know me personally know that I think cabins are complete waste of time. Apparently so does Patrick Reusse who wrote this hilarious column last June about the anal fisting that is owning and (endlessly) going to a cabin. For me, I would rather be gang raped in prison than take a trip to a cabin. The word "lame" in relation to the word "cabin" is perhaps the largest understatement in the history of understatements. What Reusse accurately describes in his column above barely scratches the surface of the insane bullshit that people go through with cabins.

Why they put up with this is beyond me. Perhaps they are sadists. Or perhaps they are stupid cows who have to do what everyone else does. The very idea of maintaining two homes, spending weekend hours in traffic, and hanging out in a largely rural area with guys named Mel and Willis, discussing their fiendish, weekend plot of overhauling their Camaro makes me want refund my collective meals for the day.

Stunning me even further was the recent statement made by someone I met at a party. We were making the usual small talk when the subject of cabins came up. She asked me if I had one and I said no, with my friends next to me snickering. When she asked why they were laughing, they told her that I hate cabins.


was the loud blast from her mouth. "How can you be a Minnesotan and not like cabins?" I didn't say anything. "You know, Mark, if it wasn't for our cabin, my marriage would be over."

A million flies could have flown into my mouth. She then went on to tell me a long tale of her husband, his laziness, her diligence, and how working on the cabin brought them together. I stopped drinking after that point because alcohol is a depressant and I knew any more liquor would send me into a downward spiral. At least, though, I got to hear one more bit of insanity to add to the mountainous pile of crap that falls under the category "The Cabin and Why We Must Love It (Seig Heil!!)

Add up all the irritation detailed above, multiply it by....oh.....a million and you still wouldn't come close to the level of outright anger I feel when I see this...and I seem to multiple times a week....

Take a look at these two pictures. The top photo is how one is supposed to sit in a car (and it's a CAR, not a fucking "vehicle."Just because you are saying a word with three syllables, doesn't mean you are smart) while you are driving. Now take a look at the photo on the bottom. People who sit like this while they are driving deserve a fucking shovel to the head. Or a ball-peen hammer...whatever is handy.

For the most part, it is men between the ages of 19-28, an age group that already brings new depth and meaning to the word "moron."Man oh man, do they look like gigantic assholes when they sit like this in their cars. I know that y'all think you look cool, all mack daddy and pimped out, when you lean your body to the middle of the front seat in your 1993 Ford Escort but you are, in fact, NOT. You look like a fucking douche bag so do yourself a favor: sit up and drive like a fucking man!!

And if you want to be cool, go contribute something to your community or help out at an old folks home, instead of being another walking (oops! driving) example of how truly mindless, asinine, and imbecilic our country has become.


Anonymous said...

If the Govt came out with a diet would you let them put you on it Mark? Say you pay for your diet with a new type of food stamp called a fatass on a diet stamp.

Anonymous said...

Can I have one of those lamenated cards as well? Over the course of last weekend, I had no less than THREE women do the same thing to me. Can't a guy just be friendly anymore?

Anonymous said...

How wonderfully full of yourself you are...

I do like the ban on "Let's Do This!"

Anonymous said...

I'll be right back...Mark's enema seems to have splattered a bit...glad you got that out, thanks for the gift!

I imagine you/we could probably do an email chain, gangbang on this and just keep adding on...

Anonymous said...

This is a horribly disappointing blog. I haven't read your blogs lately and when I read this one, it only confirms why I haven't been reading them!

Mark Ward said...

Well, you can't please everyone. Remember, too, that I exaggerate for the sake of humor...sometimes in a mountainous way.

Truth, no, I am not really full of myself, actually I can be quite insecure most of the time. I just get tired of women and the whole "my boyfriend this or my boyfriend that" crap...simply stating a fact: If I flirt with someone, it will be quite obvious.

Anonymous said...

Well, I am woman and I though what you wrote was hilarious. Lighten up, anonymous.

Mark, you remind me a lot of Lenny Bruce, a comedian from my generation.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, most women I know do have giant poles up their's true...and I can't stand them mentioning their boyfriends every 5 seconds either but for an entirely different reason: Women should not define themselves by the men they date.

Anonymous said...

True, Sara, but Mark is still awfully full of himself, you have to admit.

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know him personally so it's tough for me to judge. I do know people that know him and say that he is pretty funny, very intense, and decent to look at.

Anonymous said...

I will let you know Sara that he is very funny, very intense and very good to look at! I do know Mark personally (truth girl)and know that he is not full of himself. This is one of your best grab bags and if people can't see your truth and humor then that only makes your rant more hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Hey, nice grab bag.


One of your hot* female friends.

*since you said we are all hot.

Mark Ward said...

Thanks, zombiegirl, and I can say, without a doubt, that you are very good to look at as well:)

Anonymous said...

I wish you would do more of these non political blogs more often. They are quite funny and I really have only a cursory interest in politics.

You are dead on right about women, Mark, did you used to be one in a past life?

Mark Ward said...

Yeah, I think I probably was one, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

i hope you don't let your daughter read some of what you write (specifically My boyfriend, My boyfriend) written with the passion of a true porn star -- it was completely & utterly outrageous :) and just for the record, Anonymous, if you do hand out any laminated cards with Mark's boyfriend thoughts on it, a girl would run a mile -- unless she really wanted to sleep with YOU! And was only using the boyfriend line to get you interested. Yes, men and women can definitely be friends. i'm SURE mark flirts with ALL his female friends (they're probably used to it... :) and let's not forget, there's flirting and there's FLIRTING. He's probably an expert at all levels of the art.

The rest of the blog was hilarious in places, you do write well Mark (when you dont have sex on the brain, i'm sure others think when you do too) i totally agree with you about snacking, i could eat like a pig (& thankfully, i have a healthy appetite) but i NEVER snack -- i've found that when i do (between meals and if you're not physically active, you should not really be HAVING more than a healthy breakfast and one main meal of the day...) i put on weight -- snacking is the weight-adder for sure, eating healthily heartily and well once or twice a day (according to your lifestyle) will never make a person add weight (if they do some sort of exercise too -- it doesn't have to be high level or in a gym.)

I love your political blogs and your non-political ones too :) keep up the merry mirth & good work! Which includes pissing people off i'm sure. You're like the renegade (black sheep / guevarist) christmas elf :)) No reflection on looks (as we haven't met) Best seasons greetings to all!!

Anonymous said...

The entry was funny but I know that people who actually do have lots of luck with the opposite sex usually don't feel the need to announce it to the world or constantly remind people how much action they are getting or could be getting.

Previous posts on this blog say you are married though. I'm sure your wife is just pleased as punch to know of this "waiting list".

Anonymous said...

LOL! What a great post. Quick comments..

My boyfriend: Hilarious and exactly true.

Snacks: I am reminded of Rome's final days in which people were fat and lazy

Let's Not: I never hear people say this in movies...oh well, I don't watch a lot of tv

Trendathons: This is the only one I didn't like. You complain about people being fat and then rip them when they exercise. Huh?

Cabins: C'mon, cabins are fun. My husband and I have one. Chill, dude.

Cool Dudes: So funny and true.

Thanks, markadelphia, for bringing a smile to my face today!

Mark Ward said...

JD, I've been married for almost ten years. Believe me, my wife is used to it and she is very tolerant.

She proofread this post and, as usual, laughed and called me full of myself.

Thanks for the kind comments karen and joanne. So, joanne, what's your secret? You eat like a pig and then still look like a rail. I eat like a pig as well and I do look like a rail...just a rail that has swallowed three pillows:)

Anonymous said...

i don't drink and i'm always thinking and/or worrying (burns off a lotta calories!.. wish i wasn't! want to be a samurai where the state of ultimate success is to BE in NOT being, being so confident, expert in movement, at ease with oneself & self-assured (which comes from facing your demons and knowing yourself) that your thoughts & experiences -- on the path of virtue one should stress :) -- flow effortlessly into action which flow into being.) i used to drink too, but it makes you lose control of so many important senses, including the knowing when to stop snacking sense :) so now i try to be kind to body and soul. Walking / gentle jogging (you'll need your knees & back later in life) / & swimming also help (used to be a gym nut but stopped that a long way back too -- no time!! :) Like everyone's posts...

Anonymous said...

"This is a horribly disappointing blog. I haven't read your blogs lately and when I read this one, it only confirms why I haven't been reading them!"

Actually, what's horribly disappointing is your failure to get Mark's point, which is spot on btw, about everything he mentions here, although I am a little confused about the triatholon thing.

Sara and Truth Girl, I know Mark personally and he is definitely NOT full of himself. In fact, he could probably use a little more confidence in himself as I have always thought that he sells himself short. He does listen to his friends a little too much, though, and he probably should take things they say with a grain of salt, rather than letting them get him down. Hey, maybe that's why he lacks confidence! Some of his friends are jerks and rip on him all the time.

Anonymous said...


If you ever do the lamenated card thing, please bring me with you. I would love to see the reaction

Anonymous said...

i think mark & jeff should (secretly) film the lamenated card-mtg with a new 'girl friend' one evening, and post it on the blog, for us all to share.

agreed re: triathlon. you must be jealous :)

also agreed, re your jerky friends, i get the impression you might be impressionable.

Mark Ward said...

Well, I suppose I am impressionable. But really, when it comes to my friends, I am their biggest champion. I always love it when they talk big of themselves. They're right. Usually, it's all true.

But when I talk big of myself....well...things don't always go over so well....I wonder why?

Anonymous said...

Did someone say Gang Bang in here?

Well here I am.

I actually think that women who keep mentioning their boyfriend to new guys they meet are actually setting boundaries. I won't bother hitting on them because there are too many other women out there who are single. It's all about the ROI - Return on Investment.

Indeed many women can't tell the difference between someone just making conversation with them and someone hitting on them as it all comes down to perception, something that is unique to every individual. The folks coming into adulthood these days are the first batch of children that were told to not talk to strangers. Now that attitude is carrying over into their social life when they become adults. Is it a coincidence that the only places to meet people anymore is through work, a mutual friend or an activity you both happen to be doing around town? I can tell you that people in Europe and South America talk to random people on the street, in lines at supermarkets and at stores all the time - I've seen it first hand.

Funny grab bag indeed but regarding the 6 points - I told Mark at the bar on Monday night that #3 and #4 are a little much. This is true for any form of humor - in order for something to be funny it has to be true. Saying "I can have sex with any woman I desire with minimal amount of effort" is only true for .00002% of the worlds population and that group consists os people like Pitt, Clooney, Roddick, various rock n roll stars, etc - not average Joes like myself, Mark and many of the readers of this blog. Sorry but that's the way it is.

For the record - I'm perfectly ok with being an average looking guy. Some women are attracted to muscular men like me, some women are attracted to skinny guys, some women are attracted to guys with sleeves of tattoos...nothing wrong with any of those. Only thing you can do is be yourself and be comfortable and confident in who you are and you will attract people to you. If a woman isn't interested in you that doesn't make her a bad just simply means she isn't into you.

I do snack. I've eaten a lot of fudge here at the office over the last 2 days. The reason I don't gain weight is because I'm going to go to the gym tonight and will be putting a 315 pound barbell on my back and squatting it down to the floor and back up. A couple heavy sets of squats burns as many calories as a mile walk.

Triathlons are a trend indeed and lots of people can't think for themselves. Remember the movie Sideways? In the movie, Giamatti's character is a wine aficionado who drinks Pinot Noir in favor of Merlot, a wine that he despises. Then half the idiots who saw the movie suddenly became wine experts and Pinot sales shot through the roof.

My dad and I do own a cabin. I've been fishing sine I was a little crumb cruncher. What separates me from the typical Minnesota cabin owner.
1. My cabin is only 1 hour and 20 minutes away from the twin cities, meaning I don't have to leave work early or drive 4 hours to get there.
2. I only go up about 4 weekends in June/July and a couple weekends in September, not every stinkin weekend - too many fun things to do (nightlife, friends, sports, etc) here in the big cities to leave town every weekend.
3. The resort owner does all the maintenence on the outside of our cabin. Half the morons who go up to their cabins for the weekend spend their entire weekend mowing, fixing things, repairing things, painting, etc. When you ask them if they actually got any fishing in the answer is usually "Well, a little bit". Ahhh those relaxing weekends doing home maintenence. Tools.
4. Nearly every cabin owner has a barkin ass dog who bark at the top of it's lungs every time someone so much as walks past the cabin. I'd punt that thing through the wall if it did that in my cabin every time someone walks by the place.
5. My dad and I actually catch fish when we go fishing. 90% of the people in Minnesota fish for walleye, a fish who spends more time not biting than biting. We fish for what is biting. Even Al Lindner said that 10% of the fisherman catch 90% of the fish.

Mark Ward said...

Ah, gang bang, I said PRETTY much any women I want...not all..

Anonymous said...

Either way, it's still a little over the top.

Stop trying to manipulate language! Woo-heehee.

Anonymous said...

that's impressive (from 1 fisherfan to another, my father the avid fisherman got me hooked red sea at a young age & later gulf of mexico for grouper) & truthfully / modestly expressed gang bang (why on earth do you call yourself that? never mind, i may not need to know the answer to that.. just naturally curious :) i don't doubt mark can switch on the charm to devastating effect when he puts his mind to it and i think you're right, that it's never necessarily personal -- sometimes there's no chemistry or it doesn't feel like a natural fit. i'm sure it's a mutual thing so men shouldn't think of it as rejection.

Anonymous said...

also, yes, you're right 2, people talk to complete strangers in supermarket lines or checkouts in europe, it happens a lot, it's normal smalltalk! But the same has happened to me in the states too, i remember a guy asking me to find him a book in Borders (which was a bit weird, because it was a strange book, not that kind of strange..:) -- so i think it's universal, except i agree that the 20-somethings these days are less open to brand new people. don't blame them with all the "SENSATIONAL" headlines of worst case scenario encounters.

Mark Ward said...

"i don't doubt mark can switch on the charm to devastating effect"

Ah, Joanne, if a friend of mine read this (she was the third anonymous above), I think her head might explode. I doubt she is reading down this far as she was quite disgusted by this Grab Bag.

Anonymous said...

Joanne, my screen name is self-depricating humor. People who find humor in it and don't take it literally are people I know I would probably get along with very well.

Anonymous said...

So Y O U R E Last in Line.... :) Makes much sense... :) sometimes i think it would make a good film, to film the 'bloggers' on this site(& others.) Personalities shine through words (in all the posts: the regulars, the one-offs) because the best (i'm thinking 'feature' films) have great characters (whether you actually agree with them or not.) I hear Oliver Stone wants to make a movie about the Iranian President :)

Unknown said...

I just signed up for a triathlon (chicks will SO dig that) and I am going to spend 2 weeks playing my girl sport in Ixtapa Mexico. Go jump in a lake. I'll go jump in the ocean. :P

Anonymous said...

Nackte Amateure

amateure sex

Live Girls