
Monday, December 10, 2007

U.S. Versus US

Someone requested this a while back. I decided to spend some time refining it and adding a few things in the mix. So, without further adieu....


1. Both Bush and Ahamadinejad are in power due to the support of religious extremists who want to force people to live their lives a certain way.

2.. Both Bush and Ahamadinejad have one central goal in mind: control the world's oil reserves and reap large profit for their respective countries.

3. Both Bush and Ahamadinejad believe that it is manifest destiny that their way is the RIGHT way.

4. Both Bush and Ahamadinejad seek to eliminate or skew any information, whether it is the media, the education system, or any other outlet of knowledge, that does not go along with this manifest destiny listed in #3.

5. In order to achieve 1-4, both Bush and Ahamadinejad use the logical fallacy of "appeal to fear" on a gullible population to achieve these ends.

6. Both Bush and Ahmadinejad have a irrational fear of homosexuals, leading them to create policies and propagate the belief that it can be "cured." (See: Hitler+Jews=Final Solution)

7. Both Bush and Ahamadinejad could care less about serving their countries' or their people's interests.

8. Both Bush and Ahamadinejad have one central conviction: their own vanity.


Anonymous said...

Soiled 'em again. Thanks mc

Anonymous said...

How about this one?

9. Both Bush and Ahmadinejad have no regard for the sanctity of life.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, truth girl.

Still trying to figure out why the right can't see this...ah has been scientifically proven that their brains are different :)

Anonymous said...

Good for the superficial& the shallow citizen, but look at the longterm impact of the actions of the two morons; AhmadiNejad is not spending a lot of money and the arms he sells Iraq and others he is getting paid for. Bush is taking our salaries, retirement security, social security, and the public taxes to fill the accounts of his friends in the name of security contracts. Second Bush is diminishing any honor and dignity America had in the world, while the other is gaining it among all those who would like to see us weakened. We are hurting ourselves more deeply than we can begin to measure.

Mark Ward said...

Ah, el, you have been co-opted by the liberal (insert latest group to be vilified by the right here)!