
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dedicated To Kevin Baker

Most Pesky

Expect this story to have legs as the general election marches onward.

Why Romney's 'dog on car roof' story makes him unfit to be president 

In addition to being another WTF moment considering the source, I think this story is going to be most pesky for Mitt Romney. Personally, I'm not a pet person so I could give two shits that he put the dog on the roof of his car for a trip. But as Mr. Davis notes, dog owners (and pet people in general) are a BI-PARTISAN and fiercely steadfast lot who do not tolerate this sort of treatment.

It will be interesting to see what happens with this one.


Now that the general election has more or less started, I'm trying to figure out how Mitt Romney wins with stories like this.

Romney's plan to renovate his La Jolla, California beach house has been known for months.  But documents first discovered by Politico, which broke the story Tuesday, show that Romney also plans to add a 3,600-square-foot basement, an outdoor shower, and a car elevator. 

Seriously,  a car elevator? Nothing says "I know the struggles of every day Americans and can help" like a car elevator in a 12 million dollar home.

I have to give him credit, though, because there some people that are going to buy the fact that someday this is going to be them if only they continue to vote Republican. The haves and the soon-to-haves....

Monday, April 09, 2012

Party of Fiscal Irresponsibility

Ironically, the self-styled party of fiscal responsibility in Minnesota is unable to pay the rent. As mentioned in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Politico has called the Minnesota GOP a disaster. The state GOP is more than a million dollars in debt only a year and a half after engineering a takeover of the Minnesota House and Senate and only narrowly losing the governor's office.

This comes on top of another story from a few days earlier: fired Senate staffer Michael Brodkorb is suing the GOP-controlled Senate for half a million bucks for defamation of character:
Brodkorb's new claim is that Senate Secretary Cal Ludeman defamed him when he told the press that Brodkorb was trying to "blackmail" and "extort payment from the Senate" through his legal case for wrongful termination. Brodkorb was fired in the wake of Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch's resignation from the leadership after senators confronted her about the affair she was having with him.
Brodkorb was terminated after his affair with former Senate majority leader Amy Koch came to light (both are married to other people), and she resigned under pressure. He's also suing the Senate for wrongful termination and gender discrimination because he claims women who had affairs with male legislators in the past retained their jobs. And he's suing some of the senators for "invasion of privacy" for outing his affair. This is that same "right to privacy" that Brodkorb and other Republicans don't think women have when they're seeking contraceptives and abortions.

Brodkorb made his name for creating the infamous "Minnesota Democrats Exposed" blog. Now he's threatening to expose Minnesota Republicans as well, by airing their dirty laundry in court, bringing into evidence previous affairs that had been uncovered in the Senate (the blackmail and extortion that Ludeman was talking about).

This is exactly the sort of lawsuit that Republicans keep telling us is the absolute worst kind of welfare for trial lawyers. Somehow it's bad for us regular joes to file class action lawsuits against giant oil and gas companies that poison our drinking water, but it's perfectly fine for a Republican to sue his former colleagues in the state senate for getting caught boinking his boss.

The worst part of it is that Brodkorb's lawsuit will cost the state of Minnesota a ton of money in lawyers' fee, even if the state wins. Also quite irksome is the fact that Ludeman refuses to say how much state money he's spending on these lawyers: he's claiming lawyer-client privilege. The way I see it, the state taxpayers are the clients; we should at least have the privilege of knowing how much we're forking out for litigating this ludicrous infighting among Republicans.

Meanwhile, the Republicans are pushing a minority voter suppression amendment to the state constitution thinly veiled as "voter ID," and an amendment to ban gay marriage. Somehow Republicans think that gays marrying will "destroy" marriage, when it's clear that Republicans like Brodkorb (and Gingrich and Limbaugh) are well on their way to destroying marriage all by themselves.

I Should Start Charging Copyright Fees

Well, now Krugman has hopped on the "Cult" bandwagon.

what’s interesting is the cult that has grown up around Mr. Ryan — and in particular the way self-proclaimed centrists elevated him into an icon of fiscal responsibility, and even now can’t seem to let go of their fantasy. 

The Ryan cult was very much on display last week, after President Obama said the obvious: the latest Republican budget proposal, a proposal that Mitt Romney has avidly embraced, is a “Trojan horse” — that is, it is essentially a fraud. “Disguised as deficit reduction plans, it is really an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country.” 

I should start charging copyright fees.

The rest of his column is quite informative, though.

The reaction from many commentators was a howl of outrage. The president was being rude; he was being partisan; he was being a big meanie. Yet what he said about the Ryan proposal was completely accurate. Actually, there are many problems with that proposal. But you can get the gist if you understand two numbers: $4.6 trillion and 14 million..

So, what do those two numbers mean?

Of these, $4.6 trillion is the revenue cost over the next decade of the tax cuts embodied in the plan, as estimated by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center. These cuts — which are, by the way, cuts over and above those involved in making the Bush tax cuts permanent — would disproportionately benefit the wealthy, with the average member of the top 1 percent receiving a tax break of $238,000 a year.

Gosh I'm shocked.

What about the 14 million?

Meanwhile, 14 million is a minimum estimate of the number of Americans who would lose health insurance under Mr. Ryan’s proposed cuts in Medicaid; estimates by the Urban Institute actually put the number at between 14 million and 27 million.

And that would be why I say that Paul Ryan's budget isn't serious. Of course, he can continue to throw out these sorts of dog whistles because he knows that they will never actually be implemented.

It's fine and dandy to play make believe but when you actually have to govern...well...that's a different story.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Who Will Take That First Step?

When someone like John H. Cochrane, a professor of finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and an adjunct scholar of the Cato Institute, says the following

Austerity isn’t working in Europe.

We should ALL listen.

His recent piece for Bloomberg  offers some rare flexibility from the right that is worth noting. He begins by noting a very basic reality.

As incomes decline, tax revenue drops, and it becomes harder to cut spending. A downward spiral looms.

This is the crux of why we should all be concerned about flat lining middle class incomes.

He goes on to point out that spending more (something that I have also said) is not the answer.

Where will the money come from? Greece, Spain and Italy simply cannot borrow any more. So, say the Keynesians, Germany should pay. But even Germany has limits. The U.S. can still borrow at remarkably low rates. But remember that Greece was able to borrow at low rates right up to the moment that it couldn’t borrow at all. There is nobody to bail out the U.S. when our time comes. What should we do then?

Also, a very good point. So what's the solution?

Let’s call it “Growth Now.” Forget about “stimulating.” Spend only on what is really needed. We could easily stop subsidies for agriculture, electric cars or building roads and bridges to nowhere right now, without fearing a recession.


Rather than raise taxes further on the “rich,” driving them underground, abroad, or away from business formation, fix the tax code, as every commission has recommended. Lower marginal rates but eliminate the maze of deductions.

I could live with that. It has to be done anyway. Of course, there are difficulties.

“Structural reform” is vital to restore growth now, not a vague idea for many years in the future when the stimulus has worked its magic. It’s also a lot harder politically than the breezy language suggests. “Reform” isn’t just “policy” handed down by technocrats like rules on the provenance of prosciutto; it involves taking away subsidies and interventions that entrenched interests have grown to love, and have supported politicians to protect. They will fight it tooth and nail.

That includes D's, R's and everyone in between.

So, we know what we need to do. Who will be the first person to lead on doing it?

Friday, April 06, 2012

No Fucking Shit

Comparing Pundits

Two dueling op-eds in today's Washington Post are on basically the same topic: how much the other guy is lying. The difference between them is telling.

Dana Milbank's piece describes how Romney tells multiple whoppers one after the other at every appearance, completely mischaracterizing Obama's record, his speeches, and the state of the economy, and the reality of the world as we know it. Milbank also acknowledges that many politicians, including Obama, say things that they know aren't true. In particular, Milbank criticizes Obama's incorrect statement that it would be "unprecedented" for the Supreme Court to strike down the health care law.

George Will begins with the following statement:
Barack Obama’s intellectual sociopathy — his often breezy and sometimes loutish indifference to truth — should no longer startle.
And then goes on to criticize Obama for the same statement about the Supreme Court knocking down unconstitutional laws. For the record, I agree that Obama is wrong on this.

But Will's selective criticism is quite telling. Where Milbank takes a reasoned and honest look at politics and the things both sides say, Will is in full propaganda mode. He doesn't make the slightest nod to the horrific Republican record of lies, from Richard Nixon's "I'm not a crook," to Reagan's "we don't negotiate with terrorists," to George Bush linking Saddam to 9/11, to the litany of misstatements, inaccuracies and outright lies categorized by PolitiFact that Bachmann, Cain, Gingrich, Santorum and Romney have spouted throughout the Republican primary. Ron Paul is the exception to the Republican rule: his misstatements and exaggerations are in line with your average Democrat's, easily attributable to zeal rather than a hypocritical effort to rewrite history and warp reality. His acknowledgement of Republican errors is laudable, though I still disagree with pretty much everything he says. So do most Republicans, but usually for the opposite reason.

Will also says:

Obama flagrantly misrepresented the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which did not “open the floodgates” for foreign corporations “to spend without limit in our elections” (the law prohibiting foreign money was untouched by Citizens United) and did not reverse “a century of law.”
[Obama's] defense will be his campaign because he cannot forever distract the nation and mesmerize the media with such horrors as a 30-year-old law student being unable to make someone else pay for her contraception.
which is an intentional lie about Fluke's testimony in service to perpetuating the Limbaugh/Republican lie that contraceptives are all for fun and games and not real health problems.  Menstrual cramps can be agonizing and some women who never have sex use the hormones in the pill to prevent the pain (no, painkillers just don't cut it). Fluke's testimony wasn't even about that: it was almost in its entirety dedicated to a friend who will never be able to have children because she was denied medication to prevent uterine cysts. That medication just happened to be in the form of birth control pills, and therefore the employer thought she was lying just to have sex.

Will is flagrantly denying reality and displaying the utmost hypocrisy here. He casually calls the president a liar, and then goes on to breezily discuss who would be best qualified to perpetuate Will's Republican hypocrisy.

His take on Citizen's United is a prime example. While it's true that the law against foreign contributions is still in place, many of the organizations spending money on our elections have no requirements to report their donors. Without that information, there is no way to know whether foreigners are funneling cash through dummy shell corporations and then into the electoral process, and thus utterly no way enforce that law. (And we already know there are plenty of people motivated by foreign interests donating money to candidates.)

When there is the appearance and possibility of corruption, and there is no way to even detect that a law is being violated, the presumption must be that corruption is occurring. This is the standard that judges are held to in cases of conflict of interest. It is the standard that Republicans use when they propose laws that require all voters to show ID at the polls, even when there's no evidence of voter fraud. To do otherwise would cause us to lose faith in the integrity of the system, they say. Similarly, Republicans insist that we need to force all workers to prove that they have the right to work in this country to prevent illegal aliens from taking jobs away from real Americans.

Preventing foreign contributions to political campaigns is in exactly the same category as stopping non-citizens from voting and working. Requiring full disclosure of campaign donors' identities (not just their dummy shell corporations) would be a good first step. Yet Republicans oppose this simple and straightforward solution because they say they believe that corporations have right to free speech, that money is speech, and that corporations have a "right to privacy" to prevent them from being unjustly attacked. A right that Republicans don't believe that individuals have when they wish to obtain an abortion or contraception.

Republican are fine with forcing doctors to harangue women, wasting their time and (our) money on useless tests, making them listen to fetal heartbeats and violating them with ultrasound wands. Republicans are completely fine with embarrassing and intimidating women who were raped or can't afford to support another child, but they don't want to embarrass multinational corporations by making them admit they're supporting Mitt Romney.

I used to be a Republican, but this sort of outright hypocrisy drove me out of the party. I was an independent for many years, voting for numerous Republican candidates for the state legislature, governor and congress. But as the years went by the Republican Party has ejected everyone I've ever voted for. They're even going after long-time conservative stalwarts like Dick Lugar. Dick Lugar!

The Republican Party has gone so far off the rails it's no longer safe to vote for any Republican. The enforced loyalty to parochial ideology prevents individual Republicans from voting their own consciences for fear of being stabbed in the back, like Lugar. This lock-step central-committee dictatorship simply doesn't exist in the Democratic Party, which is why I've gravitated there. Democrats, like the Blue Dogs, can still vote their own minds, but individual Republicans can no longer make their own decisions; their votes are dictated by the Powers That Be.

And Grover Norquist is the man that many believe is that Power. He's famous for having said that he wants to shrink the government until it's small enough to drown in a bathtub. By enforcing a tighter and more restrictive notion of what it is to be a Republican, and coercing Republicans at every level of government to kowtow to his demands, Norquist may eventually find himself able to fit the entire Republican Party into that bathtub.

Energy Question

I follow Gallup polls pretty closely as they are usually the best indicator of where people are at on various issues. This one on energy and the environment caught my eye for its apparent dichotomy.

Americans Split on Energy vs. Environment Trade-Off

So, while 47 percent say that energy production should be prioritized, 44 percent say that environmental protection should be prioritized. Basically, we want to have both. This is a closer margin than last year when it was 50-41 for energy production. Both of these numbers mark a shift from the early 2000s when it was flipped in favor of environmental protection.

The good news is that most Americans (by a margin of 59-35 percent) favor alternative energy to oil and coal. So why aren't our leaders taking us there?

Thursday, April 05, 2012

And Reality Wins Again!

I hope we see a lot more of these types of videos!

More Like This, Please

I'm hoping that the media runs more stories like this as the election kicks into high gear this year. While I know that nearly all of the base will always believe whatever their leaders tell them, the swing voters need to see the facts and make a more informed decision. The first example is precisely what I am talking about.

ROMNEY: "The president's attention, it was elsewhere, like a government takeover of health care and apologizing for America abroad." 

THE FACTS: Obama's law keeps the private insurance industry at the heart of the health care system and avoids a single-payer government system like Canada's. It seeks to achieve universal coverage by requiring insurers to accept people regardless of medical history, subsidizing costs for many in the middle class as well as the poor, establishing new markets for those who don't get insurance at work and requiring most Americans to obtain coverage, with penalties if they don't. 

That's precisely what Romney did, first, as Massachusetts governor. 

Romney argues that states have the right to establish an individual insurance mandate and Washington doesn't — a question the Supreme Court is deciding. But whether the federal law is found constitutional or not, it does not add up to a government takeover. 

Even when fully implemented, if the court allows that, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that 58 percent of working-age Americans and their families will be covered through employer plans — about the same as now. 

In his world travels, Obama has said at times that the U.S. acted "contrary to our traditions and ideals" in its treatment of terrorist suspects, that "America has too often been selective in its promotion of democracy," that the U.S. "certainly shares blame" for international economic turmoil and has sometimes shown arrogance toward allies. 

Obama's statements that America is not beyond reproach in its history usually come balanced with praise, and he is hardly alone among presidents in acknowledging the nation's past imperfections. But these were not apologies, formal or informal.

This last bit I will never understand. President Obama has not gone around the world apologizing for the United States. It's just an absolute lie.  I wonder how today's GOP would react to Ronald Reagan formally apologizing to the Japanese-Americans interred during World War II. One more example of how he would be labeled a commie traitor today.

Of course, the president is not above criticism either. As the article notes, SOME Republicans (not all) supported the idea of a mandate. And the president himself was against it as a candidate, although that was because he wanted a public option at the time.

Take note of the contrast here. Romney, a Republican? Out and out lying. The president? Spinning and not telling the full story. This is a great example of what I mean when I say that, while the Democrats are not above fault, they certainly do not engage in absolute fabrication with the intent to magnify hate, anger, and fear.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

It's Mitt!

After last nights primaries, it's now very clear that Mitt Romney is going to be the GOP nominee. This means that a conservative will not win the White House in 2012.

All of this makes me wonder how and why people are going to vote for Mitt Romney over Barack Obama. I suppose I would understand if it's purely out of spite or high emotions. Perhaps some have even deluded themselves into thinking that Mitt Romney is actually going to do what he says he is going to do. I had someone tell me the other day (actually, I've had a few people tell me this) that he LOOKS LIKE a president and Barack Obama doesn't. I guess looking the part is of paramount importance.

But these are the only reasons I can think of that would drive people to vote for him. He's not a small government guy at all. More importantly, he's not going to create jobs. His track record shows that he's exactly the type of leader that caused the collapse of 2008. He says he wants less regulation, permanent tax cuts for the wealthy, and trickle down economics. Those policies have been shown to be failures.

Last night, he said that the president doesn't know anything about private sector job growth and has, in fact, been poor at it.


Sadly, there is no doubt in my mind that this campaign is going to be filled with "inside the bubble" statement and thinking just like this. Take a look at how the president's policies affected job creation with this interactive page. 

These are the facts on job growth during the Obama administration. Add in the stock market gains (perhaps RECORD gains) and 3 percent real GDP growth in Q4 of 2011 and Romney's statement is just plain wrong.

So, why would he be a better economic president?

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

I Agree....With Rush Limbaugh?!!???

Well, not really him but his explanation of the theory is quite insightful:)


Monday, April 02, 2012

Messing with the Constitution for Partisan Gain

Minnesota is one of several states that either has or is enacting voter ID laws, all pushed exclusively by Republicans. These require that you have a current picture ID, such as a driver's license, in order to vote. Some states accept other forms of ID, such as a gun license, but disallow other forms of identification with pictures, such as student IDs.

Proponents of such laws, exclusively Republicans, claim that there's an epidemic of voter fraud. During the Bush administration Karl Rove and Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez demanded that US attorneys push the prosecution of these sorts of cases. The episode resulted in both Rove's and Gonzalez's resignations.

In 2010 the house and senate in Minnesota were won by Republicans, but a Democrat was elected governor. To get around a certain veto of voter ID legislation, the Republicans are trying to add a constitutional amendment to require photo IDs at the polling place.

This is a spectacularly stupid idea, as it's always a bad policy to monkey with the constitution for partisan hot-button issues, as well as clutter the constitution with picayune details of law enforcement that will certainly change as technology improves in the future. And it's completely unnecessary, because it's already illegal to commit voter fraud.

The ACLU, which opposes the amendment on the basis that  it's a form of poll tax because it would deny poorer citizens the basic right to vote if they don't drive or have a photo ID, challenged proponents of the law to find cases of voter fraud that would have been stopped by picture IDs at the polls. So far none of the submissions have panned out. The supposed strongest case submitted involved a mother who used an absentee ballot to vote in her daughter's name, while the daughter voted at her school. But no IDs are checked when you fill out an absentee ballot--that's the whole point of absentee ballots.

Basically, the number of people who commit voter fraud in Minnesota by walking into a polling place and claim to be someone who they're not is zero. Think about it: how many people have the gall to lie to an election judge's face, sign the roster with someone else's signature and face a felony charge? How will they know that the person they're pretending to be hasn't already voted? How can they know that the election judge won't know that person? In most jurisdictions, election judges are older people from the community who've worked at the polls for years if not decades. They pretty much know everyone who votes. If someone's trying to impersonate a dead man, the election judge may well have attended his funeral.

In Minnesota, election judges have the responsibility to challenge suspected fraudulent voters. Under certain circumstances the roster at the polling place will already have a notation requiring that the election judge check the voter's ID. If they don't have ID there's already a form to fill out and several questions to answer and they fill out a provisional ballot instead of a regular one. Similar rules apply to people who register to vote at the polls.

To prevent further skulduggery, critical processes performed by election judges are required to have judges from two different parties. Such activities include initializing voting machines, signing the totals at the end of the day, taking results to city hall, assisting voters who need help filling out their ballots, etc.

Now some of you will say, "Wait a minute. If you've got an inside man at the polling place, you can commit fraud on a massive scale." And, yes, that's true. But photo ID does absolutely nothing to prevent that, and would perhaps make it easier because of the false sense of security that photo ID provides.

Furthermore, any kind of organized and sophisticated voter fraud scheme involving impersonation of individuals wouldn't be slowed down by photo ID; fake IDs are ubiquitous. How could an election judge possibly tell a valid license from a good fake? It's trivial for teenagers to get forged IDs to buy booze and get into clubs. All you really need to forge drivers licenses is a supply of blank cards, a computer, a printer and a laminator. You can do it all in the back of a van outside the polling place.

The current system in Minnesota has worked well for decades, and was improved after the close contest between Franken and Coleman 2008. Suggestions Democrats made in reaction to voter ID would actually provide more security than the ID would. It would put the burden on the state to validate the voter's identity by giving the election judge a picture of the voter with an electronic roster. A person registering at the poll would have their picture taken, which would be a solid deterrent against those attempting fraud. The Republican constitutional end-run around the governor smells like voter suppression and an attempt to avenge Coleman's loss.

To be sure, significant voter fraud has taken place in other states, and I have no doubt that a small amount of voter fraud is taking place in Minnesota. But not by people impersonating others at the polls, and it wouldn't be stopped by the voter ID amendment. Real electoral fraud involves absentee ballots and voting in the wrong jurisdiction or in multiple jurisdictions, most often by people who think they have the right to vote everywhere they own property. People like, say, Ann Coulter, who has had brushes with the law because she voted in Connecticut while being registered to vote in New York.

The biggest potential for voter fraud in Minnesota is not at the polls, but with absentee ballots. These are most often used by the elderly (who move to warmer climes in the fall or are too infirm to vote in person), military personnel, people who travel extensively and students. Because there is no photo ID requirement whatsoever for absentee ballots and no one to check that ID, there's no way to know who filled out an absentee ballot. There's a signature check, but in most jurisdictions that's against the form you filled out to request the absentee ballot in the first place. And who's to say the actual voter filled that form out, or that the people who check those forms actually are competent at comparing signatures?

There are likely hundreds of thousands of elderly Americans who are no longer mentally competent whose children or nursing home attendants are voting two or more times by filling out absentee ballots with their own choices. And there probably thousands of students whose parents are voting twice, and thousands of military personnel whose spouses are voting twice. And thousands of retirees and people who own vacation homes who are voting in multiple jurisdictions.

In short, Republicans are locking a technical solution into the constitution to fix problems that don't exist, wasting taxpayer money and creating needless bureaucratic hurdles for people who don't drive or are too poor to afford a car. They are trying to deny the rights of the poor by pretending to prevent an unlikely crime by a few, all the while blithely ignoring the real potential for rampant fraud by the many with absentee ballots.

To really stop absentee ballot, voter impersonation and dead-man voter fraud, we would need a nationwide computer network that linked all jurisdictions, and we would need to assign a unique voter ID to each person, and we would need to ensure that each person only had one ID, and we would need a national registry of all births and deaths based on that ID. Most Republicans would claim this is government overreach and Big Brotherism at its worst. And then we'd have to ensure that this computer network couldn't be scammed by hackers and fraudsters trying to manipulate election results from the top down.

Because that's the real threat: why commit electoral fraud by impersonating people one at a time, when you can buy elections wholesale by controlling the private companies who run the computers that count the votes?

A Cheezy Update

It's been a while since I talked about Wisconsin and Scott Walker and, with all the latest news, it's time for an update. The recall election has been set for June 5th with a Democratic primary on May 8th. Tom Barrett, the Milwaukee mayor and Democratic challenger in 2010 whom Walker ultimately defeated, will run again. Kathleen Falk, former Dane County leader, will compete with Barrett in the primary.

Recall that Barrett made national news when, as the mayor of Milwaukee, he intervened in a dispute, at the Wisconsin State Fair,  to try to protect a woman being attacked and ended up being beaten by a tire iron while defending her.

I think that Barrett is a much better candidate than Falk who strikes me as too much of a contrast with Walker. Barrett only lost by 124,000 votes and, with nearly 1 million signatures gathered for Walker's recall, seems a better challenger.

The recall election itself is going to be tight because neither side can really claim that Walker has done a good job or a bad job. Take a look at this graphic.

While Scott Walker certainly hasn't lived up to this promise, he hasn't exactly done anything that is deeply disastrous. The Wisconsin jobs reports for March, April and May will have quite the level of scrutiny leading up to the election. If they show any sort of job loss, he's toast. Any job gains and he might squeak it out.

The latest polls show an even 48-48 split on Walker and a Democratic challenger so it may simply come down to turnout. But remember that 2 GOP Senators were recalled last year and Walker isn't the only one being recalled in this election. The Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch and GOP Senators Scott L. Fitzgerald, Van H. Wanggaard, Terry Moulton and Pam Galloway are also being recalled. Fitzgerald is safe but Galloway has already resigned her seat for family health reasons which leaves it totally open. She won by only 3,000 votes in the last election. Wanggaard won by the same margin in 2010 with Moulton winning by a couple thousand more. Any of these three seats could flip which means that even if Walker wins, he won't be able to push through any sort of agenda.

So, it's going to be interesting to see what happens in Wisconsin. Oh yeah, there's a primary there tomorrow. Mitt is going to win and pretty much sew up the nomination.