
Friday, December 29, 2006

The Last Post

This is my last post of the year. I was all set to put up my usual "Best of" for 2006 (it will be up next week) but I was inspired by a recent speech on the Senate floor.

The Republican Senator from Oregon, Gordon Smith, at the end of a "lame duck" session, stood up and spoke from his heart. He had just returned from a trip to Iraq and his words were poignant and straight to the point.

It's worth talking about for two reasons. The first is for me to be humble and admit that I was wrong. It's true. Not all Republicans have hearts black as the night and have the central goal of ruining my children's future.

The second reason is that the tide is finally turning. This complete and utter bag shit that we have all been in the last five years is finally showing some peaks of light. People on the right side of the aisle are starting to question President Bush, broaden their minds, and become people of good faith.

It is words like the ones below that make me feel something I haven't felt in long time.


"I have concluded that we are employing strategies that are needlessly getting kids killed."

"I, for one, am at the end of my rope when it comes to supporting a policy that has our soldiers patrolling the same streets in the same way, being blown up by the same bombs day after day,"

"That is absurd. It may even be criminal."

Gordon Smith (R) Oregon, December 7, 2006.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your big victory, Markadelphia. And to you, Truthgirl, for jumping in on the winning side. I never like losing at anything, so now that I'm apparently on the losing side of these debates it's a tough pill for me to swallow.

They say that the most important step in beating a problem is to admit that you have a problem. Unfortunately for me, I cannot yet admit to myself that I am an evil Nazi completely intolerant of others, even though I do still support the invasion of Iraq and oppose gay marriage, universal health care, raising taxes on the wealthy, etc.

I guess I'm doomed to spend 2007 with the ignorant and intolerant hicks like myself who have not yet seen the light. Damn it sucks to be me.

Here's to a 2007 filled with hours of enjoyment debating the issues with the open-minded, tolerant folks.

Mark Ward said...

Except what about all those posts about you disliking Bush and generally thinking he is evil?

Sounds to me like you are on the winning side to me, PL.

Anonymous said...

If I posted anything even remotely similar to "Bush is evil" then I failed miserably in properly conveying my point. I've supported the position that he's made some significant mistakes, but I've also at least attempted to vehemently oppose the idea that he and his administration are evil. Must be my inability to admit to my own evilness that prevents my message from getting through.