
Monday, December 18, 2006

Smellin' Some Mo

Something must be going on. Three bits of complete and utter vindication in one week!!Normally, I am not one to say I told you so but....




In the great debate of whether or not our country is being run by regime similar to Hitler's Third Reich, I win and all of you "gee isn't everything wonderful and our country is soooo morally superior " naysayers lose.

Today, The New York Times published the story of two men named Donald Vance and Nathan Ertel. Please click here and read the story.

Wasn't that a pleasant tale?

Scanning through old posts and remembering dinner/bar conversations I have had with conservatives, I recall most of them saying that as long as Americans were not being hauled away and held without representation or trial that our country was not like Nazi Germany. Well, as I predicted, we actually are like that and I am thoroughly disgusted. These two men were wrongly accused and sentenced to jail for no good reason at all.....unless, of course, you count reporting to the FBI that illegal weapons trading has been going on in Iraq. Clearly, in the year 2006, Bush Co does not approve of people trying to do the right thing. Even when they are people who, more than likely, supported the war in the first place so they could make shitload of cash!!

No, no folks. As I have been saying all along, our current leadership will stop at nothing to cover up the shit they have done. We have become a nation of fear mongering buffoons who will go along with anything our government tells us. If anyone out there still believes that these people are "moral," I would seriously consider consulting a neuro surgeon to check for brain damage.

After reading the nauseating account of Donald Vance, I am left with this question: how many more of him are there? Languishing in prison for trying to do something right? And why has taken so long for the "liberal" media to report stories like this? Is it because Vance is the first white, Midwesterner to get fucked over by an ever growing fascist cabal?

Y'know, when the Democrats won last November and Bush looked like someone punched him in the gut, I was willing to try to be nice and work together. I had the insanely silly thought that maybe we could come to some sort of middle road on Iraq and move forward with a plan that benefits everyone.

But after Bush's obvious reluctance to listen to the ISG report and now this story...I think it is time to put the "I" word on the table again.


blk said...

There is a slight inaccuracy in your post. You said, "These two men were wrongly accused and sentenced to jail for no good reason at all..."

In reality, they were rounded up, secretly incarcerated and tortured, and after having had secret kangaroo court hearings they continued to be incarcerated without any further due process. There was no public trial or public hearing.

And for all those who dismiss the idea that keeping you awake for months at a time isn't torture, you're in for a rude awakening. Sleep deprivation can kill someone with a heart condition or a compromised immune system. And any intentional treatment that can kill you must be classified as torture.

I doubt these two men were being held intentionally. In all likelihood this was yet another case of the utter incompetence in the way the Bush administration has been running the war in Iraq, the response to Katrina, the Medicare drug benefit, etc., etc. In his mad rush to cover his ass to prevent another terrorist attack on his watch, George Bush has become the same kind of monster that we invaded Iraq to take down.

This is why we have a constitution. To prevent incompetent and malicious persecution of innocent individuals. The heart of our legal system is that every person is innocent until proved guilty. If you throw that out, we have nothing. Bush has set himself above the law as the supreme arbiter of Justice. Since he does not have God-like wisdom, he is incapable of rendering God-like Justice.

George Bush and his people are infected with a fatal combination of arrogance, incompetence and corruption. Failure is the only possible outcome with such people. As they crash and burn, they point their fingers and blame everyone else for their problems. Mostly it's the little people who suffer, like "Brownie" and the soldiers who followed Bush's unspoken orders to torture prisoners at Abu Ghraib.

The guys at the top who authored this catastrophe, like Don Rumsfeld, walk away with medals pinned on their puffed-out chests and multi-million dollar consulting contracts with big defense firms.

There oughta be a law...

Mark Ward said...

There oughta be a law against people that still believe President Bush....everything you say up here is true.

Why can't people see that?