
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Ah, Hunter...

A reader sent me this quote over email yesterday. I miss Hunter S. Thompson...his acerbic wit, his assholeishness, his complete command the English language, and his honesty. This was written shortly before his death in 2005.

"We have become a Nazi monster in the eyes of the whole world -- a nation of bullies and bastards who would rather kill than live peacefully. We are not just Whores for power and oil, but killer whores with hate and fear in our hearts. We are human scum, and that is how history will judge us. No redeeming social value. Just whores. Get out of our way, or we'll kill you. Well, shit on that dumbness, George W. Bush does not speak for me or my son or my mother or my friends or the people I respect in this world. We didn't vote for these cheap, greedy little killers who speak for America today -- and we will not vote for them again in 2002. Or 2004. Or ever. Who does vote for these dishonest shitheads? Who among us can be happy and proud of having all this innocent blood on our hands? Who are these swine? These flag-sucking half-wits who get fleeced and fooled by stupid rich kids like George Bush? They are the same ones who wanted to have Muhammad Ali locked up for refusing to kill gooks. They speak for all that is cruel and stupid and vicious in the American character. They are the racists and hate mongers among us -- they are the Ku Klux Klan. I piss down the throats of these Nazis. And I am too old to worry about whether they like it or not. Fuck them."


Anonymous said...

Love Hunter. Great stuff, mark, keep it up and maybe we can finally get somewhere.

Anonymous said...

I distinctly remember the day he shot himself. I distinctly remember thinking, “the world is a better place today without his presence.”

Mark Ward said...

And why is that exactly?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Joe, why? Please explain to all of us what is factually inaccurate about how Hunter S Thompson describes neoconservatives. Aside from the vulgarity, which I find offensive, we ARE a nation of bullies and bastards who would rather kill people than live peacefully. Stop living in denial. After all, aren't you the one touting the use of violence as a solution to our current international problems? It proves his point completely.

Even President Bush is finally starting to realize the futility of that as I read in the paper today that the United States will be sitting down to talk about Iraq...with Syria and Iran. Hmm...maybe they are finally starting to get it. When will you?

Anonymous said...

I have no sympathy for such treasonous people. If he’d actually picked up a rifle and fought w/ al Qaeda, I’d have more respect for him. At least he’d be honest to himself.

You’re little different. I can tolerate and even have a discussion with my Democrat friends, but rational discussion with you is impossible. If you think Bush is Hitler or American is equivalent to the Taliban's oppression then you have so debased the English language that there are no words left for genuine atrocities. You dishonor not only our soldiers fighting terrorists today, but the soldiers who died fighting fascists 60 years ago; those who knew true atrocities.

You’ve become unmoored from reality. Shame on you and your rotten diseased heart.

Mark Ward said...

Define treason, Joe. The last time I checked the Constitution, speaking out against your government is expected. I am sure that you did a lot of that from 1992-2000. Were you treasonous?

The biggest problem that you have is that you can't operate outside of the framework that the neocons have created. Just because truth girl thinks our leadership is like Hitler doesn't mean that she doesn't support the troops. You continually make grey issues into black and white but what you are really doing is trying to fit a sqaure peg into a round hole. You set up a rigid defintion for what it means to support the troops and anyone that doesn't fit that mold is a traitor.

In fact, have you seen the conditions at Walter Reed hospital? THAT is treasonous. And President Bush has spent the last five years cutting benefits for veterans. How is that "supporting the troops?"

Do yourself a favor. Read about the Reichstag Fire, how Hitler came into power, how Goebbels used propaganda to brainwash people into believing that Jews were the evil of the can't see ANY similarities at all?

What kind of a government do you want, Joe? Ask you want a democracy or a dictatorship? Based on what you have posted here, it's the latter. You want a supreme ruler who does not answer to Congress or the Supreme Court, who can lock people up without a trial, who does not need approval to listen to anyone's conversations, who will torture people to get information....all for freedom? And you are telling me that, in no way, shape, or form are we like the Nazis?

I say these things, not to be "treasonus" but because I think we are a better country than that. I can't speak for truth girl but I think we have been pretty unimpressive and downright awful in the last five years. We can do better and right now, in the eyes of the rest of the world, we are pretty close to what Hunter Thompson describe us as. Have you ever travelled outside of the US in the last five years? Asked people why they think that way about us?

The biggest issue that I have with all of this is that it appears to me that neocons want people to stop being critical thinkers; just shut up and do as your told otherwise you are a traitor.

How can someone have a "rotten diseased heart" when they simply want their government to behave in a more peaceful, democratic fashion?

Anonymous said...

The overriding principal in our society is capitalism. Greed is good, was the saying awhile back and it still holds true today. The biggest difference bewtween the US and Nazi Germany is that Hitler's actions were based on his meglomanical desire to rule the world and President Bush's actions, and the like minded inviduals he is partnered with, are based on acquiring wealth. If they end up ruling the world, then that's a nice perk but they are primarily driven by greed, not the desire to be supreme leader of the world.

We, as a nation, have to decide if money is what we are all about. I am not makng a judgement here because there is a great deal of good that can be done with the almighty dollar but I wonder how that fits in with our spiritual beliefs which seem the opposite.

Anonymous said...

I was typing up a long response but just had to stop... I realize why I can talk with Democrats but not with “liberals”; it’s a waste of time. Reasoning is lost on you. Your synapses are just not all firing & you’re not to be taken seriously. Anyone who says the Commander in Chief is on par with Hitler and Conservatives are Nazis but at the same time hides behind, “we support the troops” is just one dumb son of a bitch.

Adios, nutcase.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Joe on this one. We are engaged in a fight to the death with an enemy that won't think twice about slitting our throats just because they can. We don't any of this bullshit.

Mark Ward said...

I don't consider myself to be a Democrat or a liberal. I vote on a person's actions. LBJ was a Democrat and his actions in the 1960s were similar to Bush's in the 2000s.

I would challenge you to at least take a look at the things I am saying and prove me wrong. How is the Enabling Act of 1933 the same as the Patriot Act of 2002? How are they different? You might find this hard to believe but I spend a lot of my time listening to AM 1280, AM 1500, reading conservative blogs, and watching Fox News. Over the last few years I have learned a lot about how conservatives think, what they base their conclusions on, and how they will act. Throwing up your arms and calling me a nutcase is never going to lead you in any kind of positive direction.

You should probably also know that my "liberal" friends are equally enraged by the things I say because I generally view them as having an unrealistic view of the world. An example of this would be some of my friends embracing Hugo Chavez as a glorious humanitarian. He is thug, a sham artist, and has only wealth and power as his goals. I loathe the fact that people rip Bush for being the way he is and then think that Chavez is some kind of hero.

All of them are generally rotten and they all have the same goal in mind.

Anonymous said...

My apologies for the harsh comments... I really do hate to direct something at someone personally. …I'm afraid I get rather irritated when trying to reason with the unreasonable…you may find it hard to believe, but I don't take kindly to being called a Nazi racist by unemployed flannel wearing misfits.

Oh, I know, I know, I should be more patient with liberals...they're not as bad when they're only partially in power. Sure, they're only trying to lose another war, ruin businesses & the economy, teach my kids about sex & what a bad country we live in (in kindergarten), rip apart the family and kill babies. I suppose I should be grateful they're not fully in power. We've all seen what happens, then….The Red Terror, The Cultural Revolution, The Killing Fields & Che's Caribbean gulags.
…but I digress…

Mark Ward said...

It's funny that you mention unemployed...I have come across many conservatives lately who have no job and no intention of getting one. A few friends and one family member are quite possibly the laziest people I know and they are about as conservative as they come.

One of my very good friends is a conservative but thinks that pre-marital sex is fine, abortion is a woman's right, could care less about gay people and what they do, and thinks that prostitutes are good fun. He also smokes pot and yet....he has never voted for a Democrat in his entire life. So, I think labeling liberals as being "unemployed" or "morally bankrupt" is not accurate when there are plenty on your side of the aisle that are that way too. In fact, some of my gay friends are the most uptight, boring people I know and the conservatives are always willing to go figure!!

Maybe calling you a Nazi is too harsh but again I ask, what kind of government do you want? A system of checks and balances or a supreme leader? I urge you to take a serious look at the people you support and question them. They say they have your best interests at heart but they don't. I believe they are lying to you and are in the process of ruining our children's future. This isn't based on the fact that I "just hate George Bush." It is based on the results of their direct actions in Iraq, in the Middle East, in East Asia, and in our classrooms with what is quite possibly the worst piece of education legislation in the history of our country: No Child Left Behind.

You do an excellent job of thinking critically when it comes to the left...that's fine because in my eyes, no one is above reproach....but what about the right? Do you truly believe that "liberals in power" will do all of the things you mention in your last paragraph?

Anonymous said...

"What good fortune for those in power that people do not think."

Adolph Hitler

Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly, Hunter shot his personal assistant, wounding her, while supposedly "shooting at a bear" (Yeah right, and I've got a bridge for sale too) and apparently shot at a couple of maintenance workers through the bay windows, while they working outside his home, leaving the bullet hole in the glass to brag about at his idiot parties.

He should have been put in a nut house, or better yet prison, due to his irresponsible, criminal gun use.