
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Not When They Do It!

I think I need to bring this picture out more often. Many right wing pundits (new term coming for them soon) have been attacking the education system more frequently of late and people are not seeing why this happening. It's pretty obvious.

So, I thought that on this beautiful Monday morning, I would share with you a poem that one of my colleagues recently gave to me in the hopes that an answer will come to mind as to why they are doing it.

My mother sat rocking in the shade of our apple tree
And reminisced about her youth,
Of her terrible days in the camps.
I sat motionless, in disbelief,
How could another people be so cruel?

I asked my mother
Why they took her to the camps? She was but fourteen.
She rocked thoughtfully for awhile....
Well, my child, she began,
When they took over our land,
They came looking for the politicians and their families,
They came looking for the soldiers and their families,
They came looking for the policemen and their families,
They came looking for the teachers and their families.
My blood pumped hard echoing in disbelief,
The teachers......the teachers..........the teachers.
The hair on the back of my neck stood up, as stunned as I.

I asked my mother
Why the teachers? They are people of peace.
She rocked thoughtfully for awhile.....
Well my child, she began,
When they take over any land,
They come looking for the teachers because teachers are dangerous people.
Teachers cause children to think, to dream, to hope.
Teachers reveal history and new ideas.
Teachers bring a society to reading and writing.
Teachers cause children to question and teachers inspire action.
Teachers are dangerous people.

I asked my mother
What I should do? I am a teacher.
She rocked thoughtfully for awhile....
Well my child she began,
I know this is difficult to understand,
For in Canada, teachers do not understand their power,
For in Canada, teachers are always embattled,
Made to see themselves as less than important.
But, because this is Canada, you must continue to be a teacher.
You, the teacher, are freedom's greatest dangerous.


Anonymous said...

You’re shooting blanks again Mark. Even a historically challenged liberal knows it’s the left with the penchant for ‘camps’. The gulags, killing fields and cultural revolution(s) were all manifestations of the left. And, thank you Jonah Goldberg, slowly the wool is being pulled back to illustrate that every liberals’ favorite beating stick against the right, the National Socialists, were yet another manifestation of the socialist utopia. But alas, I suspect that you’re not so much trying to make an intellectual point as you’re merely out to spite conservatives…and failing there too.

Sorry, I’ve been MIA for a spell. …been busy doing all those things you hate: living the capitalist dream, spending time with my kids, landscaping around our home, fixing up the lake house, training for triathlons and throwing dinner parties for friends, rather than hanging out in bars with those who need to tie one on to experience life.

Anonymous said...

Jeeze M., couldn't you just sing "The Red Flag"?

Mark Ward said...

"rather than hanging out in bars with those who need to tie one on to experience life."

Ironic, then, that the last time I saw you was when both of us were tying one on with a certain dark haired vixen.

As to the rest, see my post above this one for a closer approximation to reality. And that goes for you to juris...

Anonymous said...

Oh, this not to say that I don't enjoy lettimg my hair down from time to time...

Anonymous said...

...just tweakin' you on the last bit. ...Lord knows I enjoy a good night out as much as the rest; just not sure why you always rail on peopele who do those other things.

Mark Ward said...

Mainly because they could be enjoying themselves so much more. You are one of the few people I know that actually goes out to bars...seriously. Most of them are either at the cabin, working at the cabin, or working on their house.