
Monday, June 02, 2008

What IS That Smell?

I thought something smelled pretty bad outside yesterday as I was re-shingling my garage roof. It was coming from the southeast and it was a distinct smell...a cross between urine, arm pit sweat, and vomit-with a hint of diarrhea thrown in for seasoning. I couldn't quite figure it out what it was until I opened up the paper this morning.

Karl Rove was in Rochester, Minnesota yesterday at the state Republican Convention.

As I read the report of his speech and criticisms of Obama (more on that in a moment), I was perplexed to discover that there was nary a mention of WHY THIS FUCKING CRIMINAL ASSHOLE ISN'T IN FUCKING JAIL YET!!!!!

Oh, wait. That's right. I forgot the two main rules of America in the last eight years.

Rule #1: Any and all assertions that Rove, Bush, Cheney etc are criminals are to be immediately dismissed as partisan hatred.

Rule #2: When Democrats break the law, they should be punished. When Republicans break the law, it may look they are breaking the law but they really aren't. Don't let your eyes deceive you. Any accusations made towards Republicans are ALL lies made by godless whores who are trying to destroy America with communism.

Silly me. One would think that when someone...

...Breaks a federal law, punishable by death, and reveals the name of am undercover CIA agent, oddly one who was in charge of tracking loose nukes-something I thought was important

...Fires US Attorneys solely on the basis of their unwillingness to fabricate evidence against Democrats in the various states in which they worked

...Exchanges documents using RNC email servers or personal, third party emails in violation of the Presidential Records Act.

...Exercises improper political influence over government decision making such as using the Department of Justice to manipulate the court involved in the prosecution of former Democratic Governor of Alabama Don Siegleman.

....Refuses to respond to a Congressional subpoena regarding #4 and has stated that he will also ignore another subpoena in regards to #2....

that they would be Vito's bitch in San Quentin right now. But not ol' Karl. Oh no. Karl gets a free pass from the same people who laughingly claim to be "tough on crime." These same people, and you know who you are, use the same line of defense that is often employed by high priced defense attorneys, painting the criminal as a victim of some great injustice or bias.

A line of defense that these same people, in what has to be the finest example of pure hypocrisy of I have ever seen, scream about being against all the live long day! Victim culture, my neatly shaved ass!

But by all means, please...continue to defend a piece of shit like Karl Rove and prove to the entire world that your words, regarding toughness on crime, are empty, hollow, and command an immediate loss of respect.

So, as I read Rove's criticisms on Obama as he delivered them to the "tough on crime" crowd, I had to laugh. In fact, I even guffawed! Let's take a look at a couple of them, with commentary of course...

Barack Obama is far out of the mainstream and someone who doesn’t necessarily have the same view of America that you and I do.

Well, this is true...if the mainstream is criminal scumbags and the view of America that he has is one that has him and a few, select others, as above the law.

Naivete and inexperience-a lethal combination.

Ah, the fear oldie but a goodie.

Seriously, though, who is he kidding? Does he think the entire country are a bunch of fucking idiots? The above quote does not accurately describe Senator describes President Bush! Take a look at the results of the last eight years...the loss of human life in Iraq...the incompetence of the response to Hurricane Katrina..the horse shit state of the economy and all the problems that go along with that...the complete ignorance of the people who actually attacked us on 9-11....and tell me again...please tell me with a straight face who is naive and inexperienced?

His speech was all the more surreal as it was met with "whoops, cheers, and ovations." Can someone please tell me what all these people are happy about? They're Republicans, right? And that means they deplore government overspending, correct? The Bush Administration has spend so much money that we are in debt up to our eyeballs to China. Our country may never recover its economic status in the world.

His whole speech made me really wonder, this all the Republicans have for the general election? Boy, are they going to be in for rude awakening.

I can't wait.


Anonymous said...

Have to hand it to you Marko, you're a TELL IT TALK SHOW host extraordinaire :]

Never a dull moment and no punches pulled.

So.. i think your viewpoint this post round kind of concurs with Scott Mclellan's (about Rove) though he's naturally being much more diplomatic & demure.

I'd love to hear what some of our conservative friends think (you know what? i HATE saying that, because i feel radically conservative and radically unconventional, depending on the situation, so i don't think US-political-conservatives should have a monopoly on the word.. in the UK it has a whole different meaning anyway :) about your take.

Having said that, i think the ironic but strangely appropriate (i mean politically) tough time Obama has faced winning the Democratic nomination (it seems,) will be mirrored in an equally tough time convincing 35-45% of Americans, that he isn't a terrorist-loving, anti-hispanic, anti-born again predominantly white, druggie. Joanne.

Anonymous said...

Rove is the best example of a white collar criminal. He gets to do whatever he wants and has no accountability to anyone. No one dare thinks to prosecute him because of the ton of information he must have on the Bush gang.

Anonymous said...

That smell outside, the one that smells like cat urine? It is actually ginko trees. They smell like that every year at this time. I just caught my first whiff of about 10 minutes ago.

Possibly you had more to say in your post, possibly about other things, but I wanted to give you this information immediately. I knew you'd want an answer to this urgent question.

Your friend,


Anonymous said...

That smell was your breath blowing back into your face!

Anonymous said...

Breaks a federal law, punishable by death, and reveals the name of am undercover CIA agent

I wonder then why Richard Armitrage, who by all accounts, his own and Novak's most pertinently, was the source of the leak isn't in prison himself?

Could it be because it doesn't play into the faux outrage drama-rama? Because Armitrage wasn't part of the Bush-Cheney-Rove grand conspiracy? Inquiring minds and all that...

Anonymous said...


Mark Ward said...

Juris, do a little research and find out what job Armitage got when he left the administration. Then connect the dots.

Also take a look at the emails between Matt Cooper and Karl Rove. The jurors in the Libby case were curious as to why Rove was not charged.

McClellan also confirms Rove's involvement.

Anonymous said...

M, connect the dots huh? Boy you DO love a good conspiracy theory - or even a not very good one.

Plain simple fact - Armitrage outed Plame. You can assert that he did it as part of Rove's grand plan, but it is pretty silly to ignore that he was the first source of the Plame-Wilson connection to the press. Also a plain simple fact, Fitzgerald knew Armitrage was the primary source, and that if ANYONE had violated the law in this case, it was him. He was not even charged, let alone tried. Does the grand conspiracy now include Fitzgerald?

I have no love for Rove (or his equivalent Carville), but I sure don't have the wood for him that you do.

Mark Ward said...

The wood? That comment alone proves the point of my post. You act as though I am driven by some vendetta simply because Rove is a conservative or Rove is....well, Rove. You completely miss the point. Juris, I know you aren't so naive to think that Rove wasn't involved at all.

I would urge you to check out Matt Cooper's notes as well as what McLellan has to say. Rove was part of the whole plan which actually started with Cheney. Armitage was a good little soldier who took one for the team, knowing that no one would go after him, and got a nice, cushy job out of the deal. There's plenty of evidence for it and please, by all means, don't take my word for it. Do your own research and see what you come up with. That will have far more of an impact than anything I have to say.

Anonymous said...

M, you're missing the WHOLE fucking point - Armitrage was NOT a Bush-Cheney minion. He was in the Powell camp. Powell was not an inside player in the admin.

It's STUPID to suggest that Armitrage would hang his dick out for Rove, Cheney or even Bush. Stupid because it is in conflict with everything we DO know, rather than wish to believe in. And you VERY MUCH want to believe in the unequalled evil of Rove, Cheney and Bush. I don't give them that much credit.

Rove (and Carville) are scumbag political consultants. Remember that Redford flick "The Candidate"? Peter Boyle played the part perfectly.

Plain, simple and unassailable fact - Armitrage was ground zero for the leak (which it must not have really been since he wasn't charged), and he didn't do so as Rove's puppet. Sorry that doesn't fit with the rest of your narrative. Facts do that sometimes.

Mark Ward said...

"t's STUPID to suggest that Armitrage would hang his dick out for Rove, Cheney or even Bush."

I would ask you again to do your research. What job did Armitage get after he left the State Department?

I would also ask that you look at this diagram

This is where I get my narrative. Look at where it started: Cheney. Novak released the column on Jul 14th 2003 but Cheney wrote this:

a full 8 days before the Novak column came out, on July 6th, 2003 and gave it to Libby. Most of the jury believed in the Libby Case that this is where Rove got involved. Look at #8 and #9 on the Flow of Information Timeline link above. Tell me, honestly, do you think Rove was involved earlier or not? He testified that he "may have" learned of her identity earlier from Libby around this time.

Further, Armitage did not use Valerie Plame's actual name when he talked to Novak. Novak had to look it up. Rove also had a conversation with Novak on July 8th in which he actually named her by name. This was also the same day that Libby mentions Plame's name to Judith Miller, for which she went to jail.

Basically, they were all leaking at the same time so to put all the blame on Armitage is overly simplistic.