
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Got Any Stories?

In the last 15 years, the juvenile detention rate has fallen 41 percent. A staggering drop, to be sure, but why? A recent article in my favorite news magazine sheds light on this welcome shift.

  • A shift in thinking about the best ways to handle young people who break the law. 
  • A sustained period of decreasing juvenile crime. 
  • Fiscal pressures on state governments that have many people – including conservatives who, in the past, espoused tough-on-crime policies – clamoring for less-expensive alternatives to mass incarceration.

I'd say the reason for the second bullet point is the spread of smart phones and video games. And the third reason seems perfectly understandable given the belt tightening that has gone on at the state level. But the first one is the reason that intrigues me the most. Why? Because any time there is a shift in thinking on an issue, the situation invariably improves.

In my local community, I've seen this shift in action. A few years ago, we had some trouble with Somali youths. The police engaged the community rather than cracking skulls and created some programs geared towards their culture. They also created some community events specifically for younger immigrants to get excited about how much it is to live in America. These involved athletic events and, yes, a video game swap. The result? No more Somali youth problem.

I'd bet there are stories like this around the country. Got any?


Anonymous said...

Why? Because any time there is a shift in thinking on an issue, the situation invariably improves.

Invariably? Why? Is the simple act of the shift in thinking the reason it is an improvement?

Mark Ward said...

Because, these days, issues seem to devolve into two opposing (and very political) camps that suffer greatly from groupthink. Think of all the major issues of the day and see if you can name a couple that have multiple schools of thought attached to them.

The goal here is to think outside of the box and not be trapped by epistemic closure. In this case, the normal conservative view of locking everyone up was faced with the reality of budgets.

Juris Imprudent said...

issues seem to devolve into two opposing

That is a rather simplistic view. C'mon, for you - there is wrong and right and you are always on the side of right.