
Saturday, July 20, 2013

More Falling Rates

From Reuters...

Many New York state residents who buy health insurance next year will most likely see their premiums cut by half as President Barack Obama's healthcare law creates subsidies that may increase the number of people in this market by the hundreds of thousands.

It's going to be interesting to see how the Right spins this one.


juris imprudent said...

I'd say NY must be the exception - considering this amongst virtually every other state that has looked at the question.

juris imprudent said...

Or this.

"Remain calm, all is well"

Mark Ward said...

Yes, the state of Indiana says...what are the insurance companies saying in Indiana? Have they released their rates for 2014 yet?

You should take comfort in the fact that there will be problems with the ACA that you can obsess about and continually point out as "proof" that it was a bad idea.

Anonymous said...

Or this from the Energy and Commerce Committee

Juris Imprudent said...

Requiring people to buy insurance isn't the same as providing them healthcare.

But I guess I shouldn't expect you to understand that.

Mark Ward said...

Requiring people to buy auto insurance has clearly been a disaster. Rates are sky high...thousands a month....and no one can afford it. It's been anarchy ever since.

Juris Imprudent said...

Requiring people to buy auto insurance has clearly been a disaster.

If the reform had turned health insurance into a market like auto (or life or home) insurance I would have been 100% for it.

It wouldn't have taken 1000+ pages to do that either.

So keep trying, you might stumble across an acorn yet.

GuardDuck said...

You have that new ObamaAuto care? The kind that changes your oil and fills your gas tank? Repairs all its mechanical breakdowns regardless of the age or miles?

Yeah, health 'insurance' is just like auto insurance.

You know what requiring health insurance that IS just like the required auto insurance would look like? It would be an insurance policy you would buy that would cover any injuries YOU caused to another person. That's the equivalent.