
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Yep, They Are Scared, Ted

Texas Senator Ted Cruz recently said that the DC Republicans are scared and actually don't want to defund Obamacare in fear of being beaten up politically. Well, Ted, they are scared because you and your fellow nutbags are doing everything possible to shorten the lifespan of the Republican party and I don't think you realize it.

In looking at the situation honestly in DC right now, House Republicans (and that basically means the hostages the Tea Party are currently holding) don't want the president to succeed. Think of what would happen if all of his policies were passed. Our country would improve. Indeed, it already is, thanks to the ones that have made it through. It has to be a fucking nightmare for them to watch the economy recover and deficits reduced.

Think about it for a minute. They have staked their political lives on their fevered and quite irrational belief that the federal government can't succeed at much of anything. If it does, they are fucking done...forever. The bubble will collapse. In fact, it already is and they just want to keep it going a little longer so they can retire to Shady Acres.

Unfortunately they are doing their usual deal and thinking like adolescents: short term. By being as obstinate as they are on a whole host of issues (the budget, energy, immigration, gun safety, health care), they think they are protecting themselves and the country but they are actually holding us back. Thankfully, people are starting to get hip to this and I suspect 2014 is going to be full of surprises.

1 comment:

Nikto said...

"Think about it for a minute. They have staked their political lives on their fevered and quite irrational belief that the federal government can't succeed at much of anything. If it does, they are fucking done...forever."

No, they're not done forever. They have gerrymandered themselves into control of the House until at least 2020. People have amazingly short memories, and even people who view President Obama in a positive light can be completely bamboozled by Republican lies, at least briefly enough to win an election. Recall the way John Stewart expressed total disgust for Obama after Stewart fell victim to the lies about the IRS scandal. The whole affair was started by a Republican IRS employee just trying to do his job responding to all these political groups trying to take unfair advantage of non-profit status.

Republicans will be able to hang in one form or another for at least another 20 years. In that time the nutjobs in the Tea Party will have died off and Latinos will have made even more inroads in solidly Republican states like Arizona and Texas. The nativist Tea Party whackjobs will be numerically incapable of stopping the Republican Party from changing.

Just as know-nothing evangelicals staged a takeover of the Republican Party in the 1980s, other groups will be able to do the same thing. Which groups those will be and when it will happen is impossible to say right now. But the Republican Party will undoubtedly survive; it just won't look like it looks today.