
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Willingly In A Prison

In the suburban town where I coach tennis, there is an infamous gated community called Blackstone. I say infamous because most everyone around the seven country metro area of the Twin Cities knows that's where some of the richest people in the state make their home.

There is a security check in when you drive in and 20 foot high stone walls around the several mile area of land that Blackstone envelops. There is a massive country club where the wealthy are served by those lucky few who are granted access as loyal servants to the many whims of the community. Some people have fairly large swaths of land while others have "simple" homes with "ordinary" back yards. Many people in the Twin Cities consider it a Shangri-La worthy of envy and a place they can someday live themselves.

I am not one of those people.

I've always been amused by the Right and their continued insistence that the only reason why liberals are teed off at the rich  is jealousy. It must be, right? Wrong. Because (projection) the Right are actually the ones that want to live in places like Blackstone. In fact, that's what they want to turn our entire country into...a gated community.

They want a huge fence that runs along our southern border that doesn't let in the undesireables (interestingly, there doesn't seem to be much call for a northern border fence. I wonder why that is...:)). The irrational, frightened old people in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas want protection, damnit! Just like the people of Sanford, Florida wanted George Zimmerman on the case. In fact, it seems they want more than that.

They want to be willingly put in a prison.

That's what I see when I drive by Blackstone from time to time on my way to a tennis lesson. The walls are so high that you don't get a view of the outside world...just the pale stone. I suppose they could look up to the sky if they really wanted to but I just don't get it. Sure, they can come and go as they please but when they are hanging out at home, they are surrounded by giant walls.  I have the same level of puzzlement when it comes to building a wall around our country. By trying to keep people out, we are actually keeping ourselves in.

But that's just the problem with those who do not support the immigration bill that was passed by the Senate. They are those paranoid old people around the country who want to feel safe in the gigantic, gated community. Only a certain type of person is allowed and very few fit the bill.


Anonymous said...

Somewhere in the Twin Cities a teacher has a house. That house has doors. Those doors are probably equipped with locks. If that teacher doesn't lock his doors at night, it's probably only because he has not experienced unwanted visitors entering his house. Regardless, it is doubtful this teacher would welcome strangers into his house or even let them set up house in his yard.

This teacher criticizes some people and an entire nation for doing just what he would do in his own house....

Larry said...

They want a huge fence that runs along our southern border that doesn't let in the undesireables (interestingly, there doesn't seem to be much call for a northern border fence. I wonder why that is...:)).

You only "wonder" (and no, you really don't "wonder", you know for a "fact" what other people are thinking) because you're an unthinking Progressive ideologue. Other people who pay attention to such things know that there is no massive (or even large or moderate) problem with illegal immigration from the north. I guarandamntee you that if we were getting a million or more illegal border crossings by mostly poor, poorly educated, often illiterate people from Canada, who were putting a massive strain on hospitals/ERs, social services, etc., there'd be an outcry for border security in the north, too.

I have the same level of puzzlement when it comes to building a wall around our country. By trying to keep people out, we are actually keeping ourselves in.

Umm, you do realize that walls have gates, don't you? That there are legal crossing areas and those that aren't legal. You just try crossing into Mexico without going through an international crossing point and (if you get caught, and if you can't bribe the catcher) you can experience for yourself just how dimly the Mexican government views it, especially if you're doing so from their southern border (those racists!).

The only thing a "wall" stops are illegal crossings and immigration, Mr. Wile E. Markadelphia (Super Genius). In case it's escaped your attention, there are many such legal international crossing points. Including those found in the international airports if you choose to fly (on legal passenger plane, not a smuggling craft), and in ports if you go by (legal) ship. If this is an example of the "critical thinking skills" you teach your alleged students, I weep for them.

Mark Ward said...

mostly poor, poorly educated, often illiterate people from Canada, who were putting a massive strain on hospitals/ERs, social services, etc.

And your non biased evidence for this is where?

Great statement, though, and full of Christian spirit. Are you seriously wondering why you guys lose elections? Of course, that's the real reasons why are against "illegal" immigration:)

Larry said...

Oh, that's right, most illegals from south of the border are quite well-educated, middle-class people. We should be thankful that they chose to break our laws (which in this regard aren't any different than the laws of any other nation).

Is that non-biased enough for you?

Since I never claimed to be a Christian, why should I care what your personal view of what good Christian spirit is? In fact, who do you think you are presuming to tell even other Christians what good Christian spirit is? Aren't you the one all full of the "I'm the deciderer" of what it means and take deep offense at any presuming to tell you anything about it? I guess it's okay when you do it?

Sheesh. Do you even think before posting?

Anonymous said...

Are you insinuating that if a person listed any or all of those reasons for being against illegal immigration you would not believe it and would insist the real reason is that they just don't like brown people?

Oh, and Mr. Christian Charity himself: How many people are you currently letting squat in your yard while you pay for their health care and food? Hmmmm?

Juris Imprudent said...

And your non biased evidence for this is where?

Muwhahahahaha - oh, that's a good one, damn, that is good.

Unknown said...

After lecturing people not to come between him and God, Markadelphia grants himself the privilege to insert his view of Christianity onto his political viewpoints. Support of the policy he likes = Christian Spirit. Opposition to his holy policies means opposing the Christian Spirit. How black and white of you.

You are so inconsistent Markadelphia. Larry has embarrassed you in this discussion and guardduck is making you look silly also.

Mark Ward said...

If that's truly the case, then why did you have to explain it? Their words should be enough.

Juris Imprudent said...

Their words should be enough.

Oh they are, for an adult. But you are a dull and slow child, so we have to make allowances.