
Friday, January 03, 2014

It's Hard Being Red

Ted Cruz says he’s hired lawyers to renounce Canadian citizenship

No xenophobia here. Nope. Please move along...


GuardDuck said...

But! But! But! The only people I've heard harping on about his citizenship have been from authors at this here blog right here.....

Mark Ward said...

Why is he renouncing his Canadian citizenship, GD? Because of liberals?

Nikto said...

Ted Cruz's Canadian citizenship is relevant because many Republicans still today think that President Obama is not eligible to be president.

Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother and a Cuban father (a man who fought alongside Fidel Castro in the Cuban Revolution).

Obama was born in Hawaii to an American mother and a Kenyan father. Some of the more dimwitted conservatives still yammer on about a grand conspiracy that envisions Obama being born in Kenya.

Many of the same people who think Cruz should be president are still yapping about Obama not being an American. This blatant hypocrisy is the reason why Cruz is an issue. He was actually born in a foreign country, and Republicans still think it's fine for him to be president, while the less crazy ones think Obama shouldn't be president because his father was Kenyan while the real whackjobs still insist that Obama was born in Kenya.

Why does Cruz get different treatment? Is it because he's a Republican? Or is it because he's white? I'm thinking it's the latter, and here's why.

Remember when Arnold Schwarzenegger was the darling of the Republican Party? Republicans were in a swoon over the governator, and many of them thought the Constitution should be amended to allow foreign-born citizens to become president (Orrin Hatch among them). They stopped thinking that when Schwarzenegger abandoned right-wing ideology in favor of making California function. But that hasn't stopped Schwarzenegger from thinking about it.

I think it's proper for Cruz to renounce his citizenship. The entire idea of dual citizenship is wrong in the first place, and it should be illegal for any candidate for federal office to have such split allegiances (being beholden to foreign princes and all that). People with dual citizenship should be treated like foreign nationals (which they are), unable to vote or contribute to political campaigns.

Similarly, multinational corporations that are nominally American but squirrel away all their cash in foreign countries to avoid American taxes, should also be unable to meddle in American politics. They're not real Americans.

Mark Ward said...

Well, Nikto, it's like you and I have always discussed. Conservatives are very tribal and don't trust anyone who hasn't passed their multi-level purity tests. Cruz especially needs to renounce Canada, land of free health care and sensible gun laws, lest he be considered "unpure."

GuardDuck said...

Again, more harping about his citizenship heard right here than anywhere else. YOU are the one's so freeking concerned...