
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Who Me? Responsible?

Well, that evil liberal Nick Coleman is at it again. His recent column about the 35W Bridge collapse has firmly cemented him as a degenerate, political crier who refuses to see the great things that government can accomplish when it is gutted.

What an asshole. How dare he question the commitment and individual responsibility of our state Republican leadership? Doesn't he know that you aren't allowed to do that? Because when you question whether or not conservatives actually can be personally responsible, an angel dies.

This is so typical of the times and, as usual, liberals have got it all wrong. They let conservatives dictate the playing field when they should just go make their own. They whine, piss, moan, and run like frightened mice when a conservative accuses them of being "mean" or "playing politics."
I would suggest that they go after the issue of responsibility. Most conservatives talk a good game about responsibility but shirk it on every issue. The party that constantly touts taking responsibility strangely has been taking none of it, never so true as we have seen with the 35W bridge collapse.

How about some illuminating examples?

Health Care? Fuck you, get you hands out of my wallet. I don't give a shit about you. Just work hard and you'll be rewarded by the free market.

Environment? Any problems are not my fault.

Education? Also not my problem.

National Security? Everyone who has attacked us is completely at fault and we are not because we are all about freedom.

Disaster Preparedness? Not my problem. Also not the governments. Fuck you, you're on your own. At the end of the day, you will be better for it. This is pretty much the attitude of Carol Molnau, Tim Pawlenty, and the other laughably irresponsible members of the Minnesota State Republican party. As Coleman says, it's almost as if the bridge never fell.

Because the government can't possibly be held responsible for bridges. That's up to us and the free market. We just need to put our faith in private industry because they have proven to be so much more competent and trustworthy than the government, right? Competition breeds better service, unlike the government, correct?


Anonymous said...

Hindsight is so easy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm pretty sick of Republicans hiding behind the veil of politics. They fuck up all the time and still manage to blame liberals for their own problems. Sounds an awful lot like entitlement to me.

Anonymous said...

...too tired to argue today. Just go ahead and heap all the ills of the world at our feet...

Anonymous said...

Well we just got booted out of SAP here at work so I'll try to liven things up.

In the mind of a lib...

Health care - I'm tired of corrupt businessmen ruining health care. I'd like to put government bureacrats and politicians in charge of the nations health care system. They've done such a bang-up job with the VA system this far after waste, corruption or overhead there. Besides, I really just want someone else to pay for my health care. Our intentions are the only thing that matters here. Results? Who needs to know those? Our intentions are the only thing that matters here because it shows we care more.

Environment - us? fear mongering? No, we're just issuing warnings. We need more government regulation here because the government runs things better and more efficiently then anyone else.

Education - lack of money is the only problem. Money will solve the problems of illegitimacy, STD's, illiteracy, high drop out rates among minority students and more black men being in the penal system than they are in college. That culture says that you are acting white if you're a good student, that says that going to jail is just a right of passage, or that crime is acceptable in the black community is the result of policies of the Bush administration. Karl Rove is known for celebrating drug dealers and gangs after all with his whole MC Rove rap. What a lovely image to put out there for the children. Entertainment or sports is the only place where black role models should come from.

National Security - anything a conservative ever says about it can easily be dismissed as Fear Mongering (discussions are easy to end that way). Besides, anyone who voted Republican is held responsible for each and every thing GWB does. I vote democrat but I refuse to hold myself to the same standard I hold others too...I can just easily get off the hook by saying "I'm not a democrat" and move on. As a democrat I really hope illegal immigrant drivers licenses becomes a national issue in the 2008 election. What? Spitzer dropped the idea yesterday? Must have been all that outright anger at the Bush Administration.

Disaster preparedness - this should only be focused on when a disaster happens in states where Rebublicans hold elective office. If you all go back to the archives on this very blog to Sept 2005 you will see an entry called "The Invisible Buck". Go in the comments section, about halfway down you will see Mark saying this about that Hurricane Katrina...

"The reponse is the problem here, not the disaster itself or possible prevention."

Now compare that statement to his reaction to the 35W bridge disaster...prevention is EVERYTHING all of a sudden when it comes to 35W!!!! How conveniently he can switch back and forth like that! However he can score political points is the way he will react to any disasters that occur.

Finally, let's put this gem on here...from Kevins blog...
"(Mark,) you - as Kevin called you out on it - are talking about personal responsibility and then shift the subject to forcing other people to bear the burden of people not accepting it."

Anonymous said...

Phone companies screw their customers in a free market already. Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

Got my 2nd wind and was about to chime in, but I see LastInLine has things well in hand...I'll just put my feet up & enjoy a nice adult beverage...

Mark Ward said...


The difference between your list and my list is quite simple. Your list is what conservatives say that liberals say. My list is what conservatives actually say. Remember, it's about controlling language and the truth. Liberals, for the most part, speak the truth but it is often convoluted and grey so people don't tune in.

Don't believe me? Go read the health care plans of Obama, Hillary and Edwards and then compare it to what you wrote. It isn't even in the same ballpark.

Liberals don't run the executive branch--conservatives do now and thus run the show. There may be a Democratic majority in Congress but it means absolutely nothing so no one is driving their message nor is anyone disseminating it. The "liberal" media doesn't.

Anonymous said...

Yeah but my health care plan that I put on this blog kicks so much ass that Phil from Minnetonka had to import colons from Indonesia to meet the demand!!

Anonymous said...

Markadelphia, according to your own original entry you said your list is what the average conservative thinks. Now you're tasking last in line to compare his statements to presidential candidates prepared statements on their websites? I thought we were talking about average, everyday conservative/liberal people.

To respond to your last statement of your original entry, yes - the areas of the free market where competition is highest does breed the highest level of customer satisfaction, highest levels of service, more benefits, low costs, etc because those businesses know their competitors are right around the corner. Have you ever worked at a company for any length of time? It takes a long time to gain a customer but only seconds to lose a customer.

Private industry ABSOLUTELY is more efficient and competent than the government. My 20 years in business has proven that without a shadow of a doubt. It isn't even debatable anymore in my social circles.

Also, give it up regarding hte 35w bridge - it fell. Noone on the left or right could have predicted that bridge would fall - there are much older bridges in the state.

Mark Ward said...

Give it up? Why? So the ideology of conservatism can ruin more lives? What is going to take for you to realize just how awful this type of government truly is?

How many more lives to be lost or ruined? How many?

Anonymous said...

The ideology of Conservatism made the bridge fall? wow, thanks for clearing that one up for me.

I say give it up because you have been outed as far as your inconsistent reaction to disasters goes.

johnwaxey said...

There seems to be a bit of confusion about the difference between "efficiency"/"competency" and screwing the general public with price gouging to make top dollar.

I see how competition has lowered cable rates, gasoline, and health care. All of the above compete with each other to have the highest prices. Maybe in a different era when there were more than 1-3 companies vying for a populations needs there could be lower costs, but that day went bye-bye long ago.

blk said...

The 35W bridge fell down because the Pawlenty administration refuses to fund transportation adequately.

The technical consultants had a plan to repair the bridge but Molnau refused to take action. Instead they heaped tons and tons of gravel on a bridge they knew had serious problems.

These people are guilty of either incompetence or malfeasance, yet no one involved with the decision has been fired.

On the other hand, the Highway 312 project (which happens to go straight to Molnau's front door) is years ahead of schedule.

Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Hindsight is so easy. Perhaps more money would have been available if we weren't funding light rail also. We've already been over this though. Not a dent was made I see. Typical.