The first section of the Anti Defamation League Report is entitled "Anger In the Mainstream" and is divided into five subsections. They are: The Tea Parties, The Town Hall Disruptions, A Building Anger, The Birther Movement, and the influence of the Mainstream Media.
From the first section:
During the April 15 protests, signs depicting President Obama as Hitler began to appear as some protesters equated his bailout plan with socialism or Nazism. Some speakers claimed that Obama was intent on taking away civil liberties by destroying the Constitution or the American way of life. According to one report on a rally in Beacon, South Carolina, various speakers talked about “taking back the nation.” A local Republican Party chairwoman at the event described participants as “people standing up for their Constitution…They’re ready to fight for their country. Socialism is being pushed and we don’t want any part of it.” At a rally in Madison, Wisconsin, one woman reportedly even had a sign comparing President Obama to the anti-Christ.
Most of this is similar to what went on when George Bush was president. Certainly there were posters depicting him as a Nazi. And he was criticized for taking away civil liberties. He was not accused of being a socialist, though, so that is new. Invariably, there is something about the mention of socialism that seems to bring out the crazy in more crazies. But by itself, I don't think there is anything particularly dangerous about the Tea Parties although I do find it amusing that they had no idea what "tea bagging" was and what it entailed.
From the next section:
At a town hall meeting in Washington State, a member of the audience informed Representative Brian Beard that he was a Marine Corps veteran who had taken an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. He angrily accused Beard of trying to “indoctrinate” his children and shouted, “Stay away from my kids.” He then stated that the Nazis took over finance, the car industry and health care, in an apparent comparison to the actions of the Obama administration. The man then demanded of Beard, “I’ve kept my oath. Do you ever intend to keep yours?”
There are many other examples listed of the fervor at the Town Hall meetings. Read them. Combining these with the Tea Parties, one can begin to see what how the ADL can reach this conclusion.
In these Nazi analogies, Obama and his supporters are being cast as opponents to be destroyed rather than fellow citizens with whom dialogue, debate, and compromise are possible. The ready use of such propaganda is symptomatic of the radicalization of some segments of the American populace, and contributes to a self-perpetuating cycle of radicalization, in which ever more extreme ideas seem plausible or acceptable.
I completely agree. Again we see Frank's Wrecking Crew in action.
From the third section:
Racist imagery: A number of people carried signs depicting President Obama as an African witch doctor. One woman held a sign that read, “The Zoo Has An African And The White House Has a Lyin’ African.” Another person held a sign that read, “Somewhere in Kenya a Village is Missing an Idiot.” One individual’s sign, alluding to a time when blacks were slaves in America, depicted a hand with the middle finger held up, which read, “My New Presidential Salute! Kumbaya My A--! Obama—Your Massa On His New Plantation!”
The picture at left was offered as an example. Taken alone, it's offensive but not a serious concern. There are plenty of racists left in this country but we certainly have come a long way. But combine this with all of the rest of the information I have laid out so far and one can clearly see that this is NOT a few isolated lunatics. It feeds the perception that President Obama is "the other" and not a "real American."
The report lists many more examples of this building anger including this gem:
At another, similar rally held in Little Rock, Arkansas, the same day, Deborah Johns, a leader with the conservative organization Our Country Deserves Better, told a crowd that “Our men and women took an oath when they put on the uniform to defend and protect this country from enemies both foreign and domestic. I think we’ve got some domestic enemies in the White House.” A few minutes later, she called President Obama a Communist.
So they view President Obama as a domestic enemy who must be destroyed. I don't recall ANY prominent liberal leaders advocating a coup d'etat so openly. Here's another one that I didn't know about.
Just two weeks after the September 12, 2009 D.C. rally, a number of conservatives held a “How to Take Back America” conference in St. Louis, Missouri on September 25-26. One of the speakers, Kitty Werthmann, the South Dakota representative of the Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, reportedly made various statements comparing President Obama to Hitler. According to one account of the event, when an attendee asked her what she suggested people do if asked to give up their guns, Werthmann allegedly replied, “Don’t you dare give up your guns! Never, never, never!” Another attendee reportedly said, “Give them back one bullet at a time!."
Again, show me an elected Democrat who said something similar about George Bush.
The next section is about the birther conspiracy. I'm not quite sure what to say about these people except that they simply add to the ever growing anger, hate, and fear that the report discusses.
Finally, we have the last section...the Influence of the Mainstream Media. The base, in their eternal derangement, thinks that all of the MSM is liberally biased. Not so, according to the facts presented by the ADL. They examine one of the most popular members of the MSM, Glenn Beck.
In March 2009, as a guest on another FOX News show, Beck also promoted an anti-government conspiracy theory popular among right-wing extremists—that FEMA is building concentration camps to house “dissidents.” Beck declared that he could not debunk the theory. Before introducing the topic of FEMA camps on that show, Beck claimed that the United States was “headed towards socialism, totalitarianism beyond your wildest imagination.” Later, he also promoted the FEMA camps conspiracy theory on his own show. After much controversy, Beck later backed away from the FEMA camps theory. The FEMA episode, however, is a good example of Beck’s key role as a “fearmonger-in-chief,” using constant laments such as “I fear for my country” to create a sense of anxiety about and hostility towards the government in his audience.
This is but one example of the fear and hate he spews on a daily basis. His radio show and TV show on Fox have millions of listeners. Recall the video of the town hall last summer with Rep Bob Ingliss, a Republican, when he asked his constituents to turn off Glenn Beck. He was loudly booed. They don't want the facts. They want to hear what their anger, hate, and fear are driving them to feel.
Take a look at this comment from yesterday's post, left by Kevin S.
Plenty of political violence on the Left. PETA, ELF, ALF, Ayers, Dohrn, Black Panthers, etc, etc, etc. When Jeremiah Wright stood up and screamed "God Damn America!" was that a message of love or hate? Get over yourself.
First of all, PETA? Do you seriously expect me to equate PETA with the millions of supporters of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck?
The ELF and ALF are such a threat to our culture right now that...I haven't even heard of them. Nor have I heard of Dohrn. By all means, enlighten me. And then show me, using facts and logic, how their numbers and political strength compares to the base. The same holds true for the Black Panthers (um, dude? It's 2009, not 40 years ago) and a buffoonish has beens like Jeremiah Wright, currently auditioning for a role on Dancing With The Stars. While you are at it, explain to me how Bill Ayers, a guy who was a radical for a few years, saw the futility in it, reformed, and become Chicago's Citizen of the Year in 1997, compares with the 20+ years of anger, hate and fear of Rush Limbaugh.
If you can demonstrate to me that this list of yours above compares in number, organization, and armament to the ADL report, then I will gladly stipulate that there is just as much problem on the right. Until then, it seems to me that you can't see this because you are, in fact, a part of it.
I hope I'm wrong and would be happy to be so as always...
Wait. Did Mark just respond to a point made in comments? Time to run this fucker through the douche bag unreality machine and turn it into a non response...
"The ELF and ALF are such a threat to our culture right now that...I haven't even heard of them"
ELF has committed over 50 arsons or bombings, mostly in the US, since 1997. Additionally they have been responsible for millions in damage due to vandalism.
ALF has committed over 50 arsons worldwide as well as one kidnapping. They also have been responsible for millions in vandalism damage.
A little light reading.
I notice that you like to bring up root causes whenever you’re siding with the bad guys or trying to chop the United States down to size. You’ll more or less side with the terrorists because we’ve wronged them in some way. You’ll side with the robbers because the police or society wronged them in some way, etc.
I don’t want to suggest anything that might make you uncomfortable, but perhaps you could take that same approach in this situation? Look at the root causes of why the right is angry.
Why is their anger about health care? Perhaps people are angry because they’re quite happy with their healthcare and aren’t fond of higher costs & taxes to pay for healthcare for you or morphing toward a substandard European healthcare system.
Anger over global warming and cap & trade? Might be that we need a bit more convincing from the limo-riding, jet-setting crowd before we go back to the dark ages of power and don’t want our companies to pay through the nose to Al Gore for one of his carbon credits.
Anger over religion? Perhaps, people on the right like to hear their kids singing Christmas carols and aren’t shocked by seeing the Ten Commandments at a court house or a nativity scene in the park.
Anger over, say, gay marriage? Might be that people are quite comfortable in their societal norms and aren’t keen on dumbing down the definition of marriage.
In the end, I’m not 100% sure why there is anger on the right, but I am sure that there wasn’t so much anger before liberals started making a lot of controversial changes that affect everyone. Look at all of these things above or what you’re referencing in your article? Did the anger just come out of the blue? No. It is a reaction to a provocation. Keep your hands off my wallet, don’t force-feed you belief system on me and I think you’ll find that we conservatives are nice as pie and content to let you live your lives as you see fit as well.
I just can't respond. Mark, can you think of anything to say to him?
Please, I'm all ears.
This is cute M - the "I hope I'm wrong" game. Reminds me of a British series about a conniving politician clawing his way to being Prime Minister. One of his favorite tricks was to insinuate something very nasty about someone, then paper it over by saying "not that I'd say that".
Or a New York comic who insults your sister, but adds "I mean that with all due respect". Except that shtick is usually funny, and yours isn't.
RW, thanks for the info. Did you notice that the SPLC, which monitors domestic terrorism, labeled ALF as engaging in terrorists activities? Does that mean you agree with them?
When the day comes that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid march on Capital Hill arm and arm with ALF and ELF, then you can say the left is just like the right as far as anger, hate and fear. Until that time, you know as well as I that these two organizations are roundly denounced by Democrats.
The current form of the GOP, however, has encouraged virtually all of the items in the ADL report. It is their mainstream. Deal with it.
Tom, I'm not sure what America you live in but it's not the one I live in. Let's take a look at what you said.
"you’re siding with the bad guys or trying to chop the United States down to size."
Who exactly are the "bad guys," Tom?
"You’ll more or less side with the terrorists because we’ve wronged them in some way."
No. Just because I am against torture doesn't mean I side with terrorists. Unfuck yourself from that bullshit most ricky tick. Talk to any sane person in the armed forces and they will tell you that the best way to get information is to give the subject a cookie. You want to jack off to a torture fantasy? Do it when national security isn't on the line.
"because they’re quite happy with their healthcare and aren’t fond of higher costs & taxes to pay for healthcare for you or morphing toward a substandard European healthcare system."
Total bullshit. "People" aren't happy with their health care, Tom. Their costs keep going up and they can't afford to pay their premiums. Europe has about ten different health care systems, some of which are private, so I have no clue what the fuck you are talking about here.
What you describe is already happening and it's being done by private industry--the same industry that will clearly benefit from any legislation that is passed. For whatever reason, you don't want to see it.
"Anger over global warming and cap & trade?"
I'm not convinced that climate change is happening due to man's interference. I am convinced that we are dropping the ball on the new energy market because we have a large group of people in this country, who laughingly claim to be free marketers, who refuse to see that the Chinese are going to kill us in yet another economic arena. Check your bias at the door and let's go make some money.
"Anger over religion?"
Tom, not everyone celebrates Christmas in this country. I'm sorry to inform you that our population has become more diverse. But that's a problem for you, isn't it?
"dumbing down the definition of marriage."
If you are a true conservative, then you should stand for equal rights for all. We don't have that now.
"there wasn’t so much anger before liberals started making a lot of controversial changes that affect everyone."
Wrong. This anger has been going on for decades. The base wants EVERYONE to live their lives the way they do. They fear change and all that goes with it. They refuse to accept any new ideas and strangely feel threatened by things that will improve their lives. People fear what they do not understand and that is exactly what is going on here.
"It is a reaction to a provocation."
No, it's a lie. You are being lied to, Tom, by people who are more interested in spreading fear, hate and anger (because it sells) than helping people. Much of what you have written here is Glenn Beck's porn fantasy. It sets up the right as "victims" (hilarious) and the left as the "oppressors."
The fact of the matter is that if you were a critical thinker at all you would see that there are no actual liberals in this country.
Bernadette Dohrn - Bill Ayers' main squeeze:
ELF notable attacks:
ALF violence:
Facts, stuff that HAS happened - not speculation about what MIGHT happen.
BTW - I learned something fascinating today. Did you know that Robert Byrd (DEMOCRAT-WV) filibustered the Civil Rights Act for FOURTEEN HOURS in an attempt to prevent it from passing? Oh wait, I'm sure he regrets it now...
Wrong side of history, Marky. Then, now and always.
"If you are a true conservative, then you should stand for equal rights for all."
Yet you constantly demean and attack conservatives, Marky. Does this mean you oppose this view then?
The current form of the GOP, however, has encouraged virtually all of the items in the ADL report. It is their mainstream. Deal with it.
The Dems are "hand in hand" with the unions, who are DEMONSTRABLY violent
"Did you know that Robert Byrd (DEMOCRAT-WV) filibustered the Civil Rights Act for FOURTEEN HOURS in an attempt to prevent it from passing? Oh wait, I'm sure he regrets it now..."
Yes. Actually, the Democratic Party has a much longer history of racism than the Republican Party. Remember it was the Republicans who, at the turn of the last century, put several African Americans in prominent positions in this country. It all fell apart, though, when Woodrow Wilson, perhaps the biggest bigot the presidency has ever seen, threw them all out when he took office.
Of course, those same Dixiecrats are now the base of the Republican Party and the basis for much of the hate in this ADL report.
Mark says: “Total bullshit. "People" aren't happy with their health care, Tom. Their costs keep going up and they can't afford to pay their premiums.”
Really? How do you know how happy I am with my healthcare? Or what my costs are? Or what I can or cannot afford? You don’t. You simply don’t. You do not. How about my friends? What are their costs? Don’t know that either do ya? Well, they’re all quite satisfied with their healthcare thank you very much. So who are “the people”? I suppose you’ll now come up w/ some poor relative or another nut from the gym you’ve invented when trying to prove a point. Fine. Let’s say it’s you, then. How much of what I’ve earned do you think is fair for me to pay for your healthcare?
I don’t want to waste time on each and every point…The point is, your contention is that the right is “angry”, I’m simply saying, if this is indeed so, “WHY” are is the right angry? And my contention is that it’s because of changes, brought on by liberals, that the right is not keen on. You said it yourself…
Mark says: “The base wants everyone to live their lives the way they do. They fear change and all that goes with it. They refuse to accept any new ideas and strangely feel threatened by things that will improve their lives. People fear what they do not understand and that is exactly what is going on here.”
Read what I said again. Action / reaction. Do you hear what you’re even saying…you’re talking about change right there. I’m not debating whether it’s good or bad change, we’d never agree on that. But the fact is that you’re talking change and that change is what is causing said anger because you are imposing your will on someone else. The Tea Parties didn’t exist until policies your team supports are being put forward. That is a reaction to the change you are imposing on us. One can debate the merits of each of every point I tossed out, but the end all is that they were “changes” brought forward by team liberal.
And listen to yourself…”threatened by things that will improve their lives…” Who the heck are you to say what will or will not improve my life? How the heck would you know the first thing about me and/or my life’s circumstances to make a claim like that? That’s the problem, friend, you’re trying to tell me what I should do…and I don’t like it.
And you want to talk about anger? Listen to yourself, man. How many curse words fill this blog? You kiss your mom w/ that mouth? Talk about angry…
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