
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sounds About Right

Well, let's see. Harry (about as exciting as a 4 hour lecture on the benefits of warm milk) Reid and the other "liberals" in the Senate have effectively jettisoned the public option from the health care bill (angering progressives everywhere) and continue to fellate the insurance industry...complete with gentle ball cupping.

And the folks who are still fighting the Revolutionary War remain in a hyper paranoid anger and hate rage--yelling that if the plan passes, even without the public option, that the government is going to force their unplugged-from-the-machine- grandma into a FEMA death camp without her full compliment of assault rifles. Oh, and Barack Obama has unleashed robots that are going to seize their luggage.

Ah, America in the year 2009. What a fucking pathetic place.


Anonymous said...

"What a fucking pathetic place"

Then why don't you leave? I understand that you admire Red China's commitment to "Green Energy," perhaps you should emigrate! Besides, they have "Public Option" health care, too! And a REAL education system (have you seen how many PhDs they're graduating from American unoversities?) It would be perfect for you!

Anonymous said...

I'm not normally fond of the sentiment, but, seriously? Get the fuck out. How many times do we have to remind you that the party you're playing tribal games for and calling your own could enact any and everything they wanted with no political resistance from the "other team?"

We've expressed numerous times that the reasons anyone who doesn't agree with your policies might be angry, and it largely has to do to the fact that your group pretty much has things how they want them, and are now struggling for the last pickle in the jar.

And yet you feel this way about this country? Seriously?

Mark, I honestly hope you get cancer and die.

juris imprudent said...

I don't know M, who's the angrier, the right in powerless opposition, or the left that's getting a big fat disappointment (because they had completely deluded themselves about the center)?

As a libertarian I have to laugh my ass off at the "progressives". You are as far from the mainstream as I am - the difference is I know it and you don't.

Anonymous said...

And, again, to clarify - I would never harm or advocate harm against you, but given your repeated, deliberate idiocy and hatred, I'm going to sit here, cross my fingers, and hope like all hell.

Kevin said...

So leave. Move to Europe and delight yourself in a true utopian socialist society. Just let the rest of us keep at least ONE fucking country on this entire planet truly free.

rld said...

Great, now the only lines the minions on here will remember is "get cancer and die" and "get the fuck out". They will now think they have justification for avoiding discussion of policy.

Anonymous said...

"They will now think they have justification for avoiding discussion of policy."

Very clearly, they didn't think they needed a justification to begin with. The idea that it'll make any real functional impact is laughable - it's akin to them suggesting that if I start posting under a non-anonymous handle then they'll start answering our questions and acknowledging the statements we make which directly contradict and disprove their bogus statements.

julia said...

I think rld is sadly correct. And it shows why I'm not certain I can be a part of the Republican Party any longer. I don't want to be a Democrat either. Where does that leave me?

Kevin said...


sara said...

I take Mark's complaints as wanting to improve out country. He doesn't strike me as the "give it up' type.

The problem with the bill as it stands is that it really makes neither side happy. There will likely be no public option with any teeth in the final bill. Even though that is the case, the right will still be mad because that's just who they are. And the progressive caucus will be equally mad so what, in essence, will have been accomplished?

emily e. said...

"Mark, I honestly hope you get cancer and die."

Didn't Rosie O'Donnell say that to someone once?

Ed "What the" Heckman said...

"if I start posting under a non-anonymous handle then they'll start answering our questions and acknowledging the statements we make which directly contradict and disprove their bogus statements."

No need to speculate. We know how that goes from experience. They already ignore questions they don't like from those of us that actually use handles—or even our real name!

Heck, it's Marxy's most common response.

But if you're looking for votes on a handle, I like "Non-Anonymous" or "Not-Anonymous".

Kevin said...

"I take Mark's complaints as wanting to improve out country."

I understand the sentiment, but I don't understand the colossal ignorance belying such sentiment. You only have to look at history, or Europe - where I hail from, and you have no idea how grateful I am to be an American now - to see that these "improvements" you speak of will end in disaster for this nation.
The core of American exceptionalism is liberty - pure and simple. Take that away, and this great country will sink to the level of the rest of the world. If that is your intention, then I aim to stop you.
A government - mandated healthcare plan is corrosive to that liberty. To the left, liberty is little more than be able to bed whomever you want, and ingest or smoke whatever you want. You'll happily trade away the real stuff just to get your hands on free shit and you don't care how that free shit is obtained for you. If you cannot see the fundamental moral problem of forcing the entire populace to purchase a service at the point of a gun, then you are hopelessly lost. I just pray that you don't take this country down with you.