
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Really Missing The Point

Take a look at this cartoon at the left. Now, look at it again within the context of the articles regarding the current state of affairs in Iran.

Finally, imagine the mind of the person who finds this funny and thinks it represents reality.

Do you understand why I can never be a member of the base?


Kevin said...

No, the real reason is that you'd fail the IQ test.

Mark Ward said...

The base has an IQ test? Hee hee...I just thought of new post. Thanks, Kevin.

juris imprudent said...

You are a part of the base M, the left base. You seriously don't realize this?

Anonymous said...

So you're saying that that they're NOT working on a bomb? Based on what evidence? Domestic disturbances certainly aren't going to be allowed to interfere with weapons programs.

-- Larry

6Kings said...

No kidding?! So tyrannical regimes decide that their subjects are uneasy so they aren't going ahead with weapons because.....?

You and your lefty goofballs need to get out of your cartoonish-reality feedback loop. The title of that post "Really Missing the Point" is classic irony!

Mark Ward said...

There is no way I could ever be part of the left base. Too many disagreements (Israel, AfPak, nuclear energy, PC bullshit, porn, hypocritical about women's rights and many more).

I do think they are working on bombs. I think Iran is much farther away than it claims to be and is exaggerating to avoid regime change. There are a combination of tactics that we need to use to stop them. Some may be military but for right now we can bomb the crap out of them without pissing off the Chinese.

Reagan spent years talking to the Soviet Union and look what happened? We won. Why? Because when Baker sat across the table from them he smelled their bullshit a mile away. He knew that we could outproduce them and break them apart. Both he and Reagan were brilliant.

Talking won't help me with North Korea. Kim is a complete lunatic. But, again, we have China to consider. Talking with Iran has been great. We have allowed them to show their true colors...they're full of shit and lie about everything. The world community is moving more and more against them. Hell, their own people are moving against them.

And that's where the right misses the point. Larry, 6kings, Kevin...what is your analysis of what is happening there and what do you think we should do?

Anonymous said...

Well, Mark, I thought the Iranian regime's true colors should've been long ago obvious to anyone who could be bothered to look. Maybe a few more percent of the perpetually clueless have had their eyes opened, but by their very nature, most will eventually drift closed again. As to what should be done? Support the Iranian dissidents and encourage an overthrow of the mullahs (peacefully, at the polls, if at all possible). Bombing the facilities isn't the answer at this point. They're too well dispersed and too deeply dug in to destroy in a quick strike (unless nuclear weapons were used). It would require a sustained campaign to knock them back to where they were a few years ago, and that just inserts a delay while (probably) incurring large political costs such as uniting the Iranian people against us. Our options are limited. If the Iranian leadership is even a tenth as crazy as they seem when they go on about the Twelfth Imam and hastening the end of days, we may end up wishing we had just gone ahead and nuked those sites now, as bad as that would be. At least the Soviet leadership wasn't bugfuck crazy in a martyrdom sort of way, they were rational (if criminal) actors. It's hard to tell with the Iranians.


Mike W. said...

Actually it represents reality perfectly.