
Monday, February 14, 2011

He's Correct!

There are a few things on which Mitt Romney and I agree. At the recent CPAC conference, Mr. Romney stated that Canada created more jobs than the US. This statement was verified by the folks at Politifact which is illustrative (once again) that they are not in the tank for the left. Here are they are rating a statement as "True" made by a Republican (although he probably is an impure RINO to some of you).

More importantly, however, is the fact that a country with socialized medicine can create jobs. I was under the impression that all of those countries were falling apart and looked like Detroit now. What the--??!!?? How dare Canada with its liberal ways beat us at something!

Thanks for the heads up, Mitt!


Last in line said...

Not exactly a resounding endorsement of Obama is it?

juris imprudent said...

"January happened to be a month when U.S. job creation was especially low and Canadian job creation was especially high..."

LMAO, talk about cherry picking! And low-hanging fruit at that. But it is truthy, in the truly Colbertian sense.

"Today there are more men and women out of work in America than there are people working in Canada."

Care to talk about that aspect? Funny how politi-hack didn't, did they?

Last in line said...

Romney and Politifact were only talking about the month of January? Only 1 month of data? and the 1 month being the month where lots of businesses are letting go of their seasonal help?(I didn't click on the link till now).
