
Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Ah, Gip...

I came across this video recently and couldn't help but shake my head. Pay close attention to his story of the bus driver at around 12:30 and his question to the crowd at around 15:30.

I guess when Reagan calls for it, then it's not socialism:)

His caution at the end (about 17:30) sadly was not heeded.


juris imprudent said...

Nothing like being part of the left wing echo chamber, eh M?

I wonder if you can convince your yippee little dog posse about how great Reagan was?

Anonymous said...

Juris Imprudent said...

By the way, since you apparently need to be told what a fool you are being (as part of the liberal/prog talking points echo chamber)...

Of all the unlikely developments in American politics over the last two decades, the most astonishing is this: liberals suddenly love Ronald Reagan. They have taken to celebrating certain virtues they claim Reagan possessed—virtues they believe are absent from the conservative body politic today—while looking back with nostalgia at the supposed civility of the political struggles of the 1980s.

Mark Ward said...

So, Reagan didn't actually say the things he said? I am imagining the whole thing? And we're back to managing fantasies again...sigh...

juris imprudent said...

So, Reagan didn't actually say the things he said?

What do you care to bet that I could selectively edit the words of FDR to show that he was a fascist admirer of Hitler (or Marx - doesn't really matter)?

You can try to rewrite history, but you can't fuck with truth - particularly with people who actually remember what happened. Liberals hated Reagan more than they ever hated W. You may be too young or addle-brained to know that, but I do and all of your bullshit to the contrary is just that.