
Saturday, January 21, 2012

He's Got Soul

This is so ridiculously wonderful I barely have the words.


juris imprudent said...

A half a bar and you swoon. You're awfully easy you know.

Juliet said...

Cool. Don't be a hater, Juris.

juris imprudent said...

I love Al Green! Sad that he had to give up music to pursue religion.

I do hate stupid, immature, irresponsible hero worship. Bad enough when applied to sports stars or entertainers - downright dangerous with politicians.

Mark Ward said...

Actually, Juliet brings up an interesting point...why are you such a hater, juris? Other than Calvin Coolidge, has there ever been a leader that you looked up to, admired, or respected enough to call a hero?

juris imprudent said...

LOL, no hero worship in politics for me thanks. That doesn't mean there aren't people that are/were interesting or admirable. But raising someone to hero status requires that you overly respect their best parts while utterly ignoring their worst.

juris imprudent said...

Here is a wonderful brief description of the hero mythology. I've read the book and I highly recommend it.

I always chuckle how people think that myths are an artifact of our primitive path. We live with myths every day - just most people don't recognize them for what they are.