
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Now I Know Why I've Been Hearing Crickets

"Is there a criminal activity? Perhaps not," Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa told POLITICO after last Tuesday’s showdown with Energy Secretary Steven Chu. "Is there a political influence and connections? Perhaps not. Did they bend the rules for an agenda, an agenda not covered within the statute? Absolutely." 

And with this admission, a spear of reality has penetrated the Bubble and the dreams of many dashed.

Perhaps the disheartened can spend some time trying to find a solution to the very much real problem of China burying our solar energy sector with billions of dollars of grants to their businesses.

You know, actually solving a problem....


juris imprudent said...

I am glad you are so happy that it was only incompetence and not corruption that threw $500M of our money down the shitter. That just makes it hunky-dory, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Nice. Celebration of waste! Typical Democrat supporter.