
Thursday, March 08, 2012

Who's Really Pushing for Higher Gas Prices?

Republican candidates for president are making their quadrennial squawk about gas prices again. Their line is that President Obama wants high gas prices to "wean" us off oil. As the president asked in a press conference, does it really make sense for him to want prices to go up during an election? Or is it really the Republicans who are forcing gas prices higher by pushing for two more wars in the Middle East?

The fact is, domestic oil and gas production is the highest it's been in ten years. Obama has opened up more off-shore oil production, even after the disaster in the Gulf showed how bad it can be. The president was also on track to approve the Keystone XL pipeline after its route was corrected, but Republicans forced a showdown simply to make him look bad. Even after it's approved, it'll be years before any oil comes through, and most of that oil is heading straight for China. The Canadian company building Keystone XL wants an international market for its oil; it's not happy with the current state of affairs: it's stuck selling its crude to the Midwestern US for lower prices.

The price of gas goes up when there's low supply, high demand or uncertainty about oil producers. We've got a good supply and demand is moderate. Concern over supply is the main cause of high gas prices today.

Why are people concerned? The threat of war in the Middle East. Everyone's worried Iran is building the bomb. Iran has threatened to block the Straits of Hormuz. All the Republicans at AIPAC were egging Israel on to preemptively bomb Iran, and bragging about how many aircraft carriers they would send to the Persian Gulf. John McCain and other Republicans are demanding we immediately bomb Syria.

If anyone wants the price of gas to go up, it's Republican politicians and their backers in the oil business. They profit both ways: it makes Obama look bad, and it puts billions more dollars in their coffers. Every time gas prices hit a peak due to concerns in the Middle East, oil companies post record profits without having to pump a single barrel more. It makes you wonder if they donate money to Republicans specifically to have them beat the drums of war to drive up gas prices.

You'd think that Republicans would have learned their lessons from the war in Iraq and their dealings  with North Korea. A war with Iran would make Bush's disaster in Iraq look like a cakewalk. The more bellicose we are toward Iran the more urgently they feel they need that nuclear deterrent. And higher gas prices are the main fallout in the meantime.

By using foreign policy in the Middle East as a political football to unseat the president Republican candidates are harming the long- and short-term interests of the United States. And they show how utterly unqualified they are to run this country.


True Grit said...!

juris imprudent said...

About that GM bankruptcy that you don't think was such a big deal.

rld said...

Senate democrats are against the pipeline - they voted it down yesterday.

Mark Ward said...

Ah, yes, the pipeline games. I'll set aside the adolescent behavior by the congressional members of the GOP in favor of a simple question: if we start producing more domestic oil, will we get to keep it?

Larry said...

Huh. We won't keep all of it because it's a free market. I guess that's a valid reason not to produce any more. Then we can import more and instead of selling some, we can buy it all elsewhere. Sounds like a plan, Mark!

Honestly, that's one of the dumber questions you've asked in a while.

Mark Ward said...

Larry, we import 3 billion less barrels of oil today than we did in 2009. The demand simply isn't here as it is in the rest of the world. Companies want to make profits, right? That means they are going to go to the places where the demand is high and they can make the most profit. That's why all this mouth foaming about drill baby drill and Keystone is a crock of shit. The oil won't be sold here.

Of course, this doesn't even touch on the speculator issue...the topic of tomorrow's post.

Larry said...

You mean since the Great Recession started and people are inclined or forced to save money wherever possible. Yes, demand is down because the economy's down. High energy prices (which are probably partly a reflection of the falling value of the dollar) are a bone in the throat of any recovery.

But I guess there's no point doing anything about it except to open our wallets to hostile foreign countries while we wait for enough windmills and solar cells (made in China) to charge our electric cars, at least when the weather is optimal. No drilling, certainly no coal mining, no nuclear if Greenpeace and others have their say. In another 10 years, it'll be pedal-powered cars and buses for the masses. For those that buy into that vision anyway.

The rest of us will gather at remote oil refinery.

Mark Ward said...

Larry, the things you are saying are simply not true. Under this president, the first nuclear power plant in over 30 years has secured an 8 billion dollar loan (16 times that of Solyndra) from the federal government and will be opening. We are the largest producer of natural gas in the world. We are a net fuel exporter and emerging countries like Brazil buy fuel from us.

The number of rigs seeking oil hit a record high last month (1,272). That's quadruple over the last three years. Between those and the ones in the natural gas fields, we have more rigs at work than the ENTIRE REST OF THE WORLD.

So, the only gathering that will be at the oil refinery will be in the land where Barack X is president. In other words, PARANOID FANTASY LAND. Is there any way you can stop making shit up out of your butthole just because you don't like Democrats?

Stern Fan said...

That's choc full o facts there, Markus. I wonder if any of them will get through the bubble.

Larry said...

Look dickwad, I said if Greenpeace and others have their way regarding nuclear, coal, drilling and that's an extremely true statement. Loan /guarantees/ made for the nueclear plants which is not the same thing as a loan. It does mean we're on the hook if they fail, and nothing otherwise. Bully for Obama on that. But the watermelons will continue to fight it and everything else. Until they're online, I'll wait and see.

And you'll be right alongside saying there's no point to drilling or pipelines because it won't make a difference. If you're not arguing that pipelines and drilling won't make a difference, then just what the fuck were you incoherently trying to say above???

Checking my comments, you're busily arguing against things I never said. Surprise, surprise. Where did I say we're not drilling, asshole? Where did I say one fucking thing about Obama and oil?

For a teacher, you've got the reading comprehension of a fucking cocker spaniel.

For another thing, drilling and pipelines certainly will affect the prices, just not a great deal, but it will sure as shit do a lot more for the country than buying oil from hostile countries.