
Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Yeah, Baby!


Anonymous said...

When do they get the pink uniforms with the tutus?

sw said...

markadelphia used to have a problem with things like this. now not so much.

Mark Ward said...

When was I against killing leaders of Al Qaeda? Yeah, that's a load of BS. But you do raise an interesting point even if it is not true. Why would I support President Obama doing things and not support President Bush doing things? couldn't be because I think one is competent and the other is not, could it?:)

Think about it like this....if you are on a plane and the pilot becomes incapacitated, who would you rather have take over the plane...the more competent pilot among the passengers or the least competent one? They both can fly the plane but one is more skilled at the complexities and the nuances. In your view, they are both doing the exact same thing...flying the plane...and nothing else. This is why the simplicity of the right downright frightens me.

juris imprudent said... couldn't be because I think one is competent and the other is not, could it?

No actually it wouldn't be because of that. It is because one is your TEAM and the other is not. That is all the fucking explanation necessary you pissant partisan punk.

It is wrong, and it isn't even anything Bush attempted let alone carried out and then sought to justify. I have no doubt whatsoever that as soon as Team Red recaptures the White House you will whine and howl about how abusive and un-Constitutional that President's actions are - even if they are exactly the same as the Obama Administration. That's what a low-life lackey you are - you simpleton.