
Thursday, December 05, 2013

Oh, Are They?

Large Companies Prepared to Pay Price on Carbon

From the article...

The development is a striking departure from conservative orthodoxy and a reflection of growing divisions between the Republican Party and its business supporters. A new report by the environmental data company CDP has found that at least 29 companies, some with close ties to Republicans, including ExxonMobil, Walmart and American Electric Power, are incorporating a price on carbon into their long-term financial plans. Both supporters and opponents of action to fight global warming say the development is significant because businesses that chart a financial course to make money in a carbon-constrained future could be more inclined to support policies that address climate change. 

As I have stated previously, eventually the private firms of this nation will accept the facts. 


Anonymous said...

You still clinging to the global warming BS? Geez, talk about head stuck in the sand. I don't think you can tell the difference between fact and fiction.


“We conclude no unambiguous evidence exists for adverse changes to the global environment caused by human-related CO2 emissions,” the authors write. “In particular, the cryosphere is not melting at an enhanced rate; sea-level rise is not accelerating; no systematic changes have been documented in evaporation or rainfall or in the magnitude or intensity of extreme meteorological events; and an increased release of methane into the atmosphere from permafrost or sub-seabed gas hydrates is unlikely.”

In other words, you have been lied to and you continue to believe the lie in spite of evidence presented. This is one of many studies that contradict the 'Climate Change' hysteria. In other words, you are willfully ignorant. Just like all your other ideas, you must lie to yourself and others to keep your ideology intact.

Those who call you on this ignorance are doing you a favor except you won't learn from it. Sad really.

As to businesses having to address this? Business are in it to make money. If policies and regulation require businesses to address carbon, smart business is going to work angles to lessen impact and make money. How hard is that to figure out? Doesn't mean the policies and regulations are reasonable, good, or based on anything more than fantasy.

Mark Ward said...

Why am I "being lied to?" What's the end game here?

GuardDuck said...

eventually the private firms of this nation will accept the facts

If you mean they 'accept the facts' that AGW is happening - that's not supported by this activity.

If by 'accepting the facts' you mean they are accepting the financial reality of the political/regulatory climate and are planning accordingly then yes....

Juris Imprudent said...

What's the end game here?

You finally ask an appropriate question. The end game is that the big corporations aren't going to pay a fucking dime. When a company supports a tax it is because it is betting that it will have a worse impact on their competitors than themselves (and they've probably gotten credits/offsets written into the law that DO benefit them).