
Friday, March 20, 2009

No Need To Imagine

Before we move forward with more Dick (she said winking:)), a line from comments...

I can only imagine what the reaction would be had GWB made a quip like that about the special olympics. Baracks teleprompter has denied all responsibility.

First of all, let's put to rest the right wing bullshit myth that President Obama only speaks well with a teleprompter. Clearly, people that say that don't spend a lot of time watching him speak. So, I challenge those who believe this to watch 10 hours of President Obama speaking at events like he did yesterday (sans teleprompter), answering questions, on chat shows etc...Take notes and send me clips of his speech. I think you will find that it is not as bad as the myth you believe.

Second, let's also put to rest the bizarre right wing myth that if you make a mistake that somehow that means you are weak. President Obama has said on several occasions that he is only human and he makes mistakes. In fact, he speaks very plainly about his faults and how dunderheaded he can be. Last night was an example of that. He was insensitive and rude. Thus he apologized.

And the reason why you would never here a similar reaction if the same thing happened with Bush is because: a) He would never apologize because b) mistake? What mistake? To admit error is weak and weaklings shall perish in a sinful pit of boiling sewage.


Anonymous said...

"He was insensitive and rude."

Actually, it was male locker room sports crap as well. He does strike me as that kind of a person.

That being said, you are correct Mark. I can only imagine what goes on inside the head of a conservative when President Obama admits when he is wrong and takes responsibility for it.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, truth, it was very 12 year old boy.

Anonymous said...

A. The fact that he uses a teleprompter all the time isn't my point. I'm talking about the difference in your reactions to them. Seeing as you had all kinds of fun with generic speaking mistakes made by GWB and wondered about what the world thought of us because of them, I notice you have a different reaction now. Now all you need is an "oops, my bad" and you can move on. Got it.

It isn't a has been reported by many media outlets that the teleprompter goes with him just about everywhere he goes, even into a rodeo ring. Just look on youtube to see the clips when his teleprompter stops working. I know you've seen them. Just look at his speech yesterday when he compared AIG to suicide bombers - that is the point where his teleprompter stops working. Sure there are some places he doesn't have it but that really isn't my point.

It kind of makes me wonder who the leader of the democrats is. Maybe it's the guy who is writing the words that are being fed to Obama on his teleprompter.

B) Who the hell said anyone was weak? You really do just pull stuff out of thin air.

If there is anything I know, I know now that dissent is the highest form of patriotism so don't any of you question my dissent because then you'll be questioning my patriotism.

Actually, I'm just trying to get you folks here to try talking about the current administration. Over here, Mark can't get past Dick and is over at TSM he is debating Palins actions in Alaska from 13 years ago.

Perhaps one of the two of you could lead by example and admit you were wrong about the Canadian Healthcare system or the Massachusetts healthcare system.

Mark Ward said...

Truth, just because something is sports related doesn't make it crap. The Special Olympics are sports....:)

Anonymous said...


I agree that Obama was wrong to say what he said. So did Sara, Truth, and Mark. So, what's the problem?

President Obama is the leader of the Democrats. Make no mistake about that. By your own admission, you don't spend too much time watching politics or paying attention. So how do you know how things go with the teleprompter? I think you should accept Mark's challenge. Did you even watch the whole Leno interview? He had no teleprompter there and explained the AIG debacle quite well.

And, sorry, dude. But Bush wins the "I can't put two words together to save my life" contest. Remember, he had a teleprompter and still couldn't talk.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, there is no problem. I'm just ribbing y'all a bit.

We now have the worlds smartest administration giving Europeans DVDs that don't play in their DVD players.

Obama is still in full campaign mode.

I watched the Leno interview and I saw Obama say that the problem with AIG involved sub-prime mortgages. Well which guy on that stage last night worked at a law firm and is involved with associations who sued banks for *not* giving out subprime mortgages on the basis of discrimination? Which guy on that stage last night was one of the biggest recipients of political contributions from AIG to the tune of over $100,000?

I know what is going on with the teleprompter because the teleprompter now has its own blog.

I have also concluded that you all support the AIG bonuses. I mean, you saw the language of the stimulus bill I posted on here. It's pretty clear. You voted for democrats, and democrats wrote that bill protecting those bonuses, democrats supported and voted for the bill and you support and vote for democrats, therefore you support the bonuses. That's the way things have worked on here for some time now.

...or are you telling me that Obama didn't know that was in the bill he signed? Did he really not read the bill?

This is kind of fun and easy being on the "side" that is out of power. One can just kick back and criticize.

Stop supporting those bonuses right away!!!

Mark Ward said...

"Mark can't get past Dick.."

Because the policies that he and W put into place are affecting us now. In fact, the policies of FDR are affecting us now.

History is always relevant and there is no "getting past" anything.

Anonymous said...

LiL sez I mean, you saw the language of the stimulus bill I posted on here.

Not only that, but didn't the man in the Oval Office say that all legislation would go through a fine tooth comb there before he signed it?

Heavens, could Obama be as incompetent or two-faced as Bush? What IS the story here?