
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

They's A Comin'

Talking Points Memo has an excellent piece today on the silly arguments about bringing the Gitmo detainees here to the continental US. There are many points made in the article that are quite accurate but my favorite is this one regarding the wetting of the pants by the right by what hirabis might say in court.

I cannot imagine anything KSM or his confederates would say that would diminish America or damage us in any way. Are we really so worried that what we represent is so questionable or our identity so brittle?

Yes, it is. Or, more specifically, their faith is weak. And by "they" you know who I am talking about. In essence, the central and motivating factor for the behavior of the right is that they really aren't very secure in their beliefs. It's why they accuse the left of going more with their "feelings" than their reason...ludicrous because, in addition to being the WORST fucking example of giving in to emotion, we are human beings who (gasp!) do have emotion. It's also ludicrous considering fear is all they really know.

It's why they have to have more people believe as they do otherwise there's a chance they might be wrong because less do. So, it's either you're with us or agin' us. Things have to be simple because complexity leads to doubt. And there can be no doubt. It's why they can't admit fault because their insecurity is so great that to do so would mean the end times.

The fact is that there is nothing the Kalid Sheik Mohammed could say that would change America. We are a country based on freedom and peace. He is a mass murderer who believes in putting the world in chains. The more he rants, the better it is for the world to see how much more integrity we have.


blk said...

The purpose of terrorism is to evoke fear. When we react hysterically, abandoning our basic principles to lash out at those we fear, the terrorists win.

The terrorists can then say, "See, those American dogs don't really believe in law and justice. They just want retribution. They are liars and cowards."

The best way to defeat terrorism is calmly and rationally turn the screws on these bastards, hunt them down, give them fair trials and live with the results. The terrorists must be shown to be the cowards they are, murderers of innocent people. The worst thing we can do is make them look like scape goats railroaded into a certain death sentence. They must be held accountable for their actions in a court of law. This trial will not depict them as heroic martyrs. It will show their true colors, and by treating them fairly our just actions contrasted to their cowardly actions will make them look that much worse.

When we commit rash, vengeful and foolish acts (like invading Iraq on the basis of lies), we play into the terrorists' hands. We're supposed to be the good guys. When we make bogus arguments about "enemy combatants" and put our prison camps in Cuba so that we can torture inmates because American laws aren't in effect there, we sound like nit-picking scumbag lawyers and not the defenders of freedom and democracy.

Mr Bill said...

First.... there are no 'good guys' and there are no 'bad guys'. We as human beings have the capasity to be both and do so on a regular basis. Further more, one man's wrong may be another man's right. Who will stand and be the judge as to which 'opinion' is correct, as every man is flawed and thus no truth will come of it.

"Things have to be simple because complexity leads to doubt. And there can be no doubt."

Marky Boy - Is is not that there is doubt, and it has nothing ot do with complexity. Even prior to reading your post, I had written a piece regarding this very issue... which I address complex verses simplified. It boils down to a very simple fact. True freedom results in chaos, yet unconstrained freedom leads to a collapse of a society. There is no right answer... at least none that I have found yet.

As for KSM, there is plenty that he could say that would do nothing more than paint America in a bad light (not that they would be wrong) and also embolden those that would follow in his footsteps. It is a show put on for the American people with the hopes of a singular result. That result, unfortunately, would not be justice. KSM will be exicuted, even if decided by a civilian court... But instead it does nothing but paint the Dems as the party of peace and justice while painting the Reps as cruel and torturous. And all just prior to one of the biggest election years we have seen. It is a power grab, nothing more. A chance for dems to smear the reps.

Whether you chose to believe it or not, you have already shown that those in charge have won you over to their side. You stand for the very thing they care about the most.... power. You want the government to save us, you want them to take care of us all as if we were all part of some grand family. And it is that belief that is shared among millions of Americans that has destroyed this country.

juris imprudent said...

I cannot imagine anything KSM or his confederates would say that would diminish America or damage us in any way.

I can't say that I've read what everyone on the 'right' is saying, but this is certainly not anything I've seen anywhere but here.

I have seen concern that in giving KSM a fair trial, the prosecution will have to open the kimono on a lot of intelligence, both data and method. If that isn't a concern for you, then fear isn't the problem - sheer stupidity is.

dick nixon said...

Read the link, juris. Traditionally, the courts defer to the government on these matters.

juris imprudent said...

Well, I'll admit that TPM leaves me a bit confused - is this actually a criminal trial or is it a glorified kangaroo court (which he doesn't seem to have too much of a problem with). But he does not really address 'discovery' by the defense including intelligence (the least of which would be deposing Bush and/or Cheney). His first point is the possibility of acquittal - which becomes more of a possibility if the prosecution refuses to turn over things they normally would in a criminal case.

He says that civil libertarians may not like the assurances he offers, and he is right.

VDH said...

Just wait: If a few unhinged jury members, ACLU lawyers, and showboating judges collude to acquit KSM as only 99 percent guilty, then Obama will, for 2010 political purposes alone, connive to find a way to keep the acquitted killer in prison.

VDH said...

Liberals are like school during the summer; no class.