
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cleaning Their Guns and Getting Ready for the Big Show

For quite awhile on this blog, I have been talking about how the conservative base of this country has essentially gone off the deep end. This troubles me because they are well organized, well funded, far more numerous than the left's loonies, and most assuredly have a much greater supply of armaments. I mean...seriously...what's a far left winger going to do...throw a granola bar or radio tuned to NPR at you? That's, of course, if you can find one. Yesterday's post regarding the Congressional Black Caucus proves that Maher was right...the Democrats are now the party the GOP used to be (corporate owned and bought) and the Republicans are...well....


In Indiana, Richard Behney, a Republican Senate candidate, told Tea Party supporters what he would do if the 2010 elections did not produce results to his liking: “I’m cleaning my guns and getting ready for the big show. And I’m serious about that, and I bet you are, too.”

Folks, these are not isolated loonies anymore. Read the whole article. This is officially a very large movement of well armed people spend their days like this:

Pam Stout wakes each morning, turns on Fox News, grabs coffee and an Atkins bar, and hits the computer. She is the hub of a rapidly expanding and highly viral political network, keeping a running correspondence with her 400 members in Sandpoint, state and national Tea Party leaders and other conservative activists.

Mrs. Stout forwards along petitions to impeach Mr. Obama; petitions to audit the Federal Reserve; petitions to support Sarah Palin
; appeals urging defiance of any federal law requiring health insurance; and on and on.

I'm trying to get my head around the mentality of someone who thinks like this and I just can't do it. Anyone out there want to help me out? I have no doubt that, if there was a way, this woman would love to see President Obama ousted and Sarah Palin immediately installed as president. Don't think she is serious?

Not long ago, Mrs. Stout sent an e-mail message to her members under the subject line: “Revolution.” It linked to an article by Greg Evensen, a leader in the militia movement, titled “The Anatomy of an American Revolution,” that listed “grievances” he said “would justify a declaration of war against any criminal enterprise including that which is killing our nation from Washington, D.C.”

Remember, these are the same people who accuse liberals of harboring unrepentant domestic terrorists. As I have said many times, listen to the words of the base and how they characterize the left. Almost always, they are talking about themselves.

I've said many times that the fringe has now become the base. Here what Richard Mack, conservative activist, had to say about this movement.

He said he has found audiences everywhere struggling to make sense of why they were wiped out last year. These audiences, he said, are far more receptive to critiques once dismissed as paranoia. It is no longer considered all that radical, he said, to portray the Federal Reserve as a plaything of the big banks — a point the Birch Society, among others, has argued for decades.

People are more willing, he said, to imagine a government that would lock up political opponents, or ration health care with “death panels,” or fake global warming. And if global warming is a fraud, is it so crazy to wonder about a president’s birth certificate?

“People just do not trust any of this,” Mr. Mack said. “It’s not just the fringe people anymore. These are just ordinary people — teachers, bankers, housewives.”

Here we have confirmation from a member of the movement themselves that proves everything I have said all along. It's mainstream now to accept all of this nonsense. And it's growing.

I posted this link on the FaceBook page of a conservative friend of mine. He compared these folks to Cindy Sheehan, the anti war protester who referred to President Bush as Hitler. He then wondered what was going on with her as we never here about her anymore in the media (would that be the "liberal" media?).

I thought of his comparison. Cindy Sheehan's son was killed in Iraq, a war which clearly was not one vital to our national security and was, in fact, waged purely for profit. No one has died in regards to the "government takeover" of our lives and yet these people are "bracing for tyranny."

It's absolutely insane. There's no way to sugar coat it. They have lost their fucking minds.

Oh, and Cindy Sheehan? She was arrested on October 5, 2009 for protesting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. She also protested President Obama in Oslo when he received his Nobel Peace Prize. Anyone see this on the news anywhere? The liberal media? Anyone? Bueller? Must've been a huge crowd of crazed leftists!

She said:

I think the mood of the country and the mood of our movement is getting a little bit more desperate, and (that) this will be the time to be able to translate our tireless activism and work for peace.

Unrepentant liberal commie terrorist.


Ed "What the" Heckman said...

And YOU said the New York Slimes wasn't biased…

sw said...

so a far left obama loving professor shoots 3 people dead on an Alabama campus and you only write about what MIGHT happen with the tea party folks? You're desperate.

juris imprudent said...

M, I don't condone the rhetoric - which is a cherry-picked sample by the way. But the fact is that the leftist (anti-capitalist) protesters at Seattle did more actual damage than any of these folks have. And PUHLEASE spare me any bullshit about Eric Rudolph, or I will retort with Mumia.

Even the Senate candidate is still RUNNING for office, not leading an armed mob - though he did use a very unfortunate bit of language (to borrow the excuse Obama used).

Mark Ward said...

Man, I hope you're right, juris. In fact, I think I'm going to trust your judgment as I have really grown to respect it over the last few weeks and just say that what you say is's cherry picked.

Now, if I can just shake the image of armed rebellion out of my head if the Senate uses reconciliation to include a public option...

Susan Berlien said... I'm officially scared. Somebody take the guns away from those freaks!

Scraps said...

HH, you are such an over-reactionary. Seriously. All the TEA partiers I know, are people just like me who've simply had enough.

I won't shoot anyone for God's sake. I will however, talk to lots and lots of people and persuade them to pay attention to what the government is doing. Educate them about the Cloward and Piven method. Point out the finalcial realities of unionization. Warn about giving an inch.

Maher thinks the American people are too stupid to know what's good for them. He's wrong. I will always know what's better for me and my family than some gov schmuck.

Don't YOU think we should audit the Fed?

Scraps said...

Here's a loony leftist story you should read. See, we all have nut jobs.

Mark Ward said...

Scraps, are you aware that the FED is a private bank?

I've never heard of Derrick Jensen so please explain to me how he is relevant. Are you suggesting that he has the same following as Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh? I'm interested to find out how you discovered him...what was your source? Remember, too, that people like Richard Mack--who are on your side--are now saying that the fringe is mainstream on the right.

Your assessment of Maher is also incorrect. Both he and I would agree that we are undereducated as a nation. That is why we have roughly 30 million people in this country that think that President Obama is a socialist. What both of us would like to see is for the base to stop emotionally reacting in a hyper paranoid way and state things as fact that bear no resemblance to reality.

In fact, "thinking that the American people are too stupid to know what's good for them" is how Beck and Limbaugh earn a living.

Ed "What the" Heckman said...


"An economic system in which the production and distribution of goods are controlled substantially by the government rather than by private enterprise, and in which cooperation rather than competition guides economic activity. There are many varieties of socialism. Some socialists tolerate capitalism, as long as the government maintains the dominant influence over the economy; others insist on an abolition of private enterprise. All communists are socialists, but not all socialists are communists.

If the shoe fits…

jeff c. said...

Ed, our government does not maintain a dominant influence over our economy. If anything, it's the reverse and I can tell you right now that it's never going to change.

Be happy.

Scraps said...

Of course I know that the FED is a private bank. Why shouldn't the gov audit them? Look at all the tinkering the Obama admin has already done within the banking industry. Don't you want to know what's going on at the FED and who's involved?

I read a lot of counter POV. I'm currently reading The Long Sixties by Tom Hayden and Keynes,the return of the master by Robert Skidelsky. I think I found Jensen in the index of a book I read about the banning of DDT.

Bill Maher states his peace at the 3:20 mark in this interview with Rachel Maddow. Try to get past the white eye shadow.

We are undereducated as a nation in knowing what the Constitution is and stands for, thanks to liberalism re-writing history. I think the constant drum beating should be "it's all Woodrow Wilson's fault" not "it's all Bush's fault".

And with that, peace out. I can't believe I let my guard down and even posted this, because you drive me freaking nuts, and you really aren't worth the rise in my blood pressure. Rush is on, gotta go ;)

Mark Ward said...

Well, Wilson certainly is to blame for many things--the fact that he was our nation's most bigoted leader would be chief among them--but I suspect we would have differing views on why he was such a bad president.

"I won't shoot anyone for God's sake."

See my post today regarding the suicide run into the IRS building in Austin.