
Monday, February 08, 2010

Rock On, Sarah

As I watched Sarah Palin's address to the Tea party convention last Saturday, I was reminded of a concert. "The Frightening Weakness of Obama", "Country In Danger", "The Thumb of Big Government", "Fascist Agenda", and "Death Panel" were all played and enjoyed mightily by the crowd.

The encore was "I ♥ Jonah Goldberg" which sadly left the crowd wanting more.


dick nixon said...

Wow. That is funny. It was just like that. Well done, sir.

downtown said...

Been awhile since I checked, am I sorry I have missed things here. Loved the Manzi article and this Palin thing is riotous.

NOT Keith Olberman said...

I missed the death panel part, but the rest of her speech was fantastic. I'll take Sarah over PBO any day of the week.

I can only imagine the boner you'd have watching your man crush speak, so step off sucka.

sw said...

Nobody at all watches olberman judging by the ratings. didn't the Redeye program on fox beat CNNs primetime lineup?

Greg Gutfeld said...

Just pass the lotion and put your shorty robe on.