
Thursday, April 08, 2010

Liberal Media Watch

Remember back in the 2008 campaign when Chris Matthews said that he "felt a tingle up his leg" every time Barack Obama spoke? Howls of derision and liberal media bias Hershey squirted out of the mouths of the Cult.

Well, now we have this:

MSNBC talk show host Chris Matthews proclaimed himself "dazzled" by Bachmann's and Palin's speeches Wednesday, suggesting they may be "the new star power of the right."

Hmmm...could it be that the media is simply fascinated with bright shiny objects? And that they are really only interested in ratings and money?

Nah, can't be...


Anonymous said...

Check this out:

pretty entertaining

Mark Ward said...

Nice. The truth bomb should be going to Glenn Beck's viewers, not Bachmann.