
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Show Me Your Papers, Jew

I am beginning to regret being as nice as I was on Sunday in my column entitled "The Hitler Checklist." Honestly, I only went about 60 percent at the Cult for their obvious Nazi-like tactics. With the near certain passage of the new immigration bill in Arizona, I'm going to add in the extra 40 percent.

BLK wrote in comments in that post that the Cult has certain code words they use that are similar to the ones the Nazis used in the 1930s and 40s. Here was his comment.

Uses overt or covert racist messages and code words. For example,
  • "Real Americans" = "conservative white Americans"
  • "welfare queens" = "unwed black mothers"
  • "illegal immigrant" = "any Mexican"
  • "states rights"="we should be able to segregate blacks into inferior schools, discriminate against anyone we want and not pay federal taxes".
His "illegal immigrant" definition is right on target considering the new AZ law. The legislation, which has yet to be signed by Gov. Jan Brewer, would make it a crime to be in the state illegally and require law enforcement officers to check the legal status of those they suspect are undocumented.

Basically that means that the police can ask for the papers of any non white person in AZ and be within their full legal rights. Any Time. Any Place. Instead of "Show me your papers, Jew" it's "Show me your papers, wetback."

Of course, this doesn't seem to be a problem for the millions of Tea Partiers marching all over the country and protesting the "fascist" takeover of our government by the Marxist Barrack Obama. One would think that they would have a problem with what is clearly the SAME tactic used by the Nazis. But no...

Oh no.


Well, it's a bunch of fucking spics...that's why.

I hope Mexican Americans in Arizona turn out in droves on November 2nd and send John McCain, who is in full support of this bill, to the Shady Acres retirement home.


last in line said...

It's often said that all politics is local. You cite racism as the only reason for this law. Here is a letter written to a conservative blog that I read this morning...

I just read your post on Sen. McCain and the immigration problem in our state. I'm assuming that you think he is either hypocritical or a flip-flopper. As someone who has lived in Tucson, AZ since 1972, I don't think you all back east understand how much things have changed down here in the last few years. This is not the same border we were protecting just a few years ago. The difference is the Mexican drug cartels and the war that is going on down there between them and the Mexican government and among themselves. Just last week, three of the cartels joined together to try to take out the Zetas, a sort of rogue group responsible for all sorts of horrible things. We have never had a rancher murdered before Mr. Krentz two weeks ago. This is a very dangerous place to be these days, and Senator McCain is smart enough to recognize that. Give him some credit please. For our sake, the country needs to listen to him and Senator Kyl.

So is it really about who is going to get votes in the next election or is it about protecting American citizens from Mexican drug cartels?

I'd like to know how you and blk would solve the problem of mexican drug cartels comitting acts of violence in our country. Any idiot can rip apart the other side of the aisle and accuse people of racism. What's your solution? Can you answer that question without accusing someone of racism or using the word Republican?

(asking questions of lefties usually gets me an insult or two from the one-line crew also)

Anonymous said...

“The legislation would make it a crime to be in the state illegally”

By definition, if it’s illegal, it’s a crime.

Anonymous said...

Jeez, you actually buy into the 'code words' that mean rascism? How much more play does the race card have left? I welcome more and more tossing of the race card so that it can finally be dismissed as laughable -as it deserves to be the majority of the time.

I question why AZ needs a new law that makes it a "crime to be in the state illegally"? Does this not seem redundant? But, unfortunately, Arizonians (Arizonites?) must not believe that the federal government is adequately safeguarding the border and their rights.

Let the ACLU start chipping away at this new law, and soon the AZ police will be forced to strip search white grandmothers at the Utah border for their immigration papers in the name of political correctness.

You've taken Goodwin's Law to new heights by devolving into Nazi comparisons without even needing a lengthy back and forth. You've managed to funnel your tripe into Nazi-ism in a scant six paragraphs. Save us all some time, just make your next post something like, "I watched Jon Stewart this morning and everyone that diagrees with me is a rascist Nazi!" That way we can dismiss you faster.


last in line said...

“The legislation would make it a crime to be in the state illegally”.

AAAHAHAHA indeed. Isn't it already a crime to be in the state illegally?

Last I checked, the tea party wasn't in charge of the legislature down there. Another question for blk and Mark - if the law is passed and you were in charge of enforcing the would you enforce it? Be specific now - remember that I have low level socio-political knowledge so I'm going to need someone to show me the light.

blk said...

"I'd like to know how you and blk would solve the problem of mexican drug cartels comitting acts of violence in our country."

First, the reason there are Mexican drug cartels is because of the huge demand for drugs in this country.

Second, many of the guns the cartels use in their murder sprees originate in the United States, where lax gun laws allow anyone to buy as many guns as they want.

Third, illegal immigration is a serious problem that I don't minimize. However, illegal immigrants would not be here if companies and individuals did not hire them with a wink and a nod, and if employers paid salaries that attracted American-born workers to those jobs. Much of blame for illegal immigrants can be assigned to wealthy home owners who hire illegal gardeners and pool boys, construction companies that hire illegal roofers, meat packers that hire illegal butchers, farmers that hire illegal farmhands, etc.

[As an aside: this corporate mindset is not limited to hiring illegal immigrants in the States. American corporations have been shipping jobs overseas to Japan, China, India, Malaysia, Taiwan, etc., for decades. It used to be just manufacturing jobs, but then it was tech support jobs, then software jobs, then medical imaging analysis. Now it's technical R&D. Soon it will be legal research and finance. The US was the world leader in computers and electronics for many years. Now all our electronics and computers are being made in China -- this has terrible national security implications.]

The whole "war on drugs" has failed. Prohibition does not work, either for alcohol or drugs. The mob gained immense power while the Volstead Act was in effect, power that they never fully relinquished when it was repealed. Furthermore, the war on drugs has corrupted our law enforcement agencies and made codependent on drug dealers. Laws favored by Republicans allow the police to seize assets (cash, cars, etc.) of suspected drug dealers without trial. Many police departments depend on these seizures for significant portions of their budget. The presence of huge amounts of drug cash is a terrible corrupting influence on police forces.

I don't claim to have all the answers. But the solutions we've been trying for 30 years have failed miserably. Some illegal drugs are really no worse than alcohol (excluding heroin, meth and LSD, and probably others). Legalizing drugs that are on a par with alcohol would make drug dealing much less profitable, and would allow police to focus on the really bad actors.

For the record, I don't drink and have never taken any drugs; they're a foolish waste of time and money. I watched my grandfather drink himself into a stupor numerous times, and alcoholism likely caused his stroke. My wife's grandfather was an alcoholic. Prescription drugs and alcohol destroyed my sister-in-law's marriage.

Yes, alcohol has destroyed millions of lives in this country, but it's completely legal. Legalizing drugs like marijuana would probably not change these numbers much. And it would reduce the murder rate by perhaps 50%, because so many murders are committed in drug dealer turf wars (which take a heavy toll on innocent bystanders, like the girl here who got shot in her house when drug dealers turned her street into the OK Corral).

The Libertarians out there should get behind this. We just can't afford the cost of enforcement and the cost in blood and lives anymore.

Anonymous said...

Point one: I couldn't agree more with the end of the War on Drugs. It has worked at least as well as the War on Poverty.

Point two: I disagree with your characterization of Mexican guns coming from the US, and challenge you to back up your statement with provable facts. Perhaps you should define 'many', then I may not have a leg to stand on. I could claim that 'many' liberals are racist, homophobic, Nazis. Just depends on your definition of many.

As a side note, exactly which gun laws do you consider "lax".


Mark Ward said...

I agree with blk. The way you stop cartel violence is by legalizing drugs. All of them.

But last, this law means that any police officer can stop a non white person on the street and ask for papers whether they are legal or illegal. What is someone is just out for a walk and doesn't bring his ID? Will he be thrown in jail?

So, this talk of "fascist states" is hilarious when you consider that the people that are yelling the most about this are supporting the creation of one. This law is but one example.

Anonymous said...


I do understand your point. However this isn't exactly a new thing. Feel free to educate me, but what if a policeman stopped me on the sidewalks of Chicago and wanted my name? Can I refuse him? Can I refuse to show him my ID? When I do so, will he apologize and tell me to move along? If not, is he a fascist homophobic racist?

What if I pass a drug checkpoint on I-80 and refuse to let them search my car? Will they thumb through the constitution and decide that I do have rights regarding unlawful search and seizure?

I'm just pointing out that if 'producing your papers' is the sign of a fascist government, we've all lived in one for decades.

last in line said...

Neither one of you answered my question. How would you enforce the law? I appreciate history lessons but anyone can predict the past.

juris imprudent said...

blk sez The Libertarians out there should get behind this.

Dude, welcome to the party - where ya been? The Libertarians have been out in FRONT of that issue for quite some time. But feel free to join the parade, right behind the Libertarians.

Oh and do everyone a favor and pull your head out of your ass about guns, m'kay?

last in line said...

How would you enforce the law?

How would you stop the problems that Mexican drug cartels are causing in Tuscon?

I'm guessing that if either one of you were elected to office in Tuscon, you would probably find a large group of voters asking you what to do about it right now because people are dying.

Mark Ward said...

Last, I answered your first set of questions not the second.

As far as enforcing immigration laws go, we need to start with comprehensive immigration reform. It used to be the immigrating to this country was easier. Now it's much more difficult. One way to stop the heavy flow of illegal immigrants is to make it easier for them to move here.

Second, we need to legalize the people that are here and get them paying taxes. We need all the extra revenue we can get. This can be done with help from the businesses that hire illegals. If they don't help out and are known to have illegals, then they are going to have legal problems. At the end of the day, it's the businesses, not the people, that need to be taken to the mat. As long as they keep hiring illegals, there are going to be more coming across the border.

And blk did answer your question: pay higher wages that attract American workers and not Mexican illegal workers. The system is set up to attract illegal immigrants. It comes down to that age old problem of the boss looking for slave labor. Cease the greed and you diminish the problem.

These are just rough ideas, mind you, and certainly are malleable. What we are doing now is not a solution. Asking any brown person for papers is not a solution. Tom Tancredo's ideas are insane and simply not realistic given the economic impact.

With the cartels, my answer is the same: legalize all drugs. The violence went away after liquor was made legal again. If CA legalizes pot this year, we are going to get an indication of what might happen.

rld said...

Markadelphia, you are talking about writing and passing legislation which could take months at the federal level. Right now there is a new law that has to be enforced and people are dying. All you said was that we need to pass more laws and cease greed. Yeah, greed will cease to exist any day now. There is a need for a here-and-now fix and it's decision time - are you really not going to do anything except pass more laws and regulations? What would you have the police do?

6Kings said...

"One way to stop the heavy flow of illegal immigrants is to make it easier for them to move here."

Well that is one way. Just like stopping the heavy flow of defensive linemen going after the QB is to remove the offensive lineman. :rolls eyes: I would agree that opening up legal immigration might help in some cases or even allowing more green cards to be available might address some concerns for business but it isn't an answer to open up completely. The country cannot absorb everyone that wants to be here.

"Second, we need to legalize the people that are here and get them paying taxes."

We might get sales taxes but since half the country pays little or no taxes already and the "rich" pay inordinate amount of taxes, you aren't getting value here unless these immigrants are all at the top of the scale. Not only that, they need jobs and are willing to take less pay to do them. That flies right in the face of yours and blk's argument about paying good wages. It is called supply and demand and you can't repeal the laws of economics even if you wish upon a star.

You and blk continue to show a serious lack of understanding about business and economics that are fundamental to resolving these issues. Flood the market with immigrants (legal or illegal) and that drives wages down. Unions artificially drive up wages which means business look for better environment to work. It has less to do with greed and everything to do with competitiveness.

"What we are doing now is not a solution."

You are correct because we aren't enforcing laws already on the books. Just know this, remove 15 million illegals from the country and you would see exactly the opposite of your solution - meaning less people to work jobs, driving up wages to attract workers, and unemployment drops.

Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity...

Is there any of existing immigration law you would actually enforce?