
Thursday, April 22, 2010

News on the March!!!

From the ROTFLMFAO desk we have this story:

Kenya Throws Down On Tea Partiers: We Got Your 'Real Tea Party' Right Here!

As most people know, many people in the Cult think that President Obama wasn't born in this country and thus has no legal right to be president. Even though the state of Hawaii has confirmed the fact that he has been born here many times and one actually does not have to be born here to be a citizen, they still can't accept it. So, this would be why we see all the "Go back to Kenya" stuff coming from the Cult rallies.

What many people probably don't know (and in yet another hilarious bit of irony), Kenya is the world's #1 tea exporter. So, Kenyans have decided to hold their own Tea rally on Tuesday April 27th in Washington DC. I guess there will be a buffet, tea pairings, and some tea lea readings. The last one is sure to elicit cries of satanic worship from our very own (Christian) version of Al Qaeda. Everyone is welcome. Here's the invitation:) Bring the kids!

In a related story we have this (fake?) story from the Onion.

Like Hell I'm Going To Let Some Black President Help Me Pay For Dialysis

Just who does this Afro-American occupant of the highest office in the land think he is, anyway? Look, I've got nothing against black people, but some of them act like the whole world owes them something. For example, important government subsidies on my dialysis.

Obama needs to know that there's still one American willing to watch his body drown in its own deadly internal toxins rather than have long-overdue reform crammed down his throat.

Seriously, when Obama's done drumming up support for legislation that might allow me to see my daughter graduate from college and prevent me from dying before my 50th birthday, what's next on the agenda? Will he try to keep my life's savings from evaporating in a stock market that operates free of serious governmental oversight? Is there any aspect of capitalism run amok that this guy won't tamper with?

And now from the WTF desk...

Democrats Top G.O.P. in Fund-Raising for Midterms

According to party figures, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee raised nearly $10 million in March compared with $8 million for the National Republican Congressional Committee. House Democrats ended the first quarter with $26 million in the bank compared with $10 million for House Republicans.

In the Senate, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee raised $6 million and had $17 million in the bank, while the National Republican Senatorial Committee took in $5.1 million and had $15 million available to spend.

I was under the impression that I was supposed to be "afraid" of the elections this fall and that the Cult was going to take back both houses of Congress. How can this be when the Democrats have beat them in fundraising? Boy, that sure does have to suck for a group of people that worships money the way they do. And that means that the Democratic base is energized.

What now, Cultists?

Oh, I know. Let's defend the financial institutions that nearly destroyed our country with hair brained schemes, say it was all the government's fault, and call President Obama a Marxist.


blk said...

It's not surprising that Democrats received more contributions than Republicans because they're the majority party. Donations get you access to decision makers, and access gets you input into the decision making process.

By their obstinacy Republicans have removed themselves from any meaningful participation in the decision making process in the House, so it's only logical that House Democrats raised much more than Republicans.

There was a report recently that two-thirds of campaign donations were spent on hotels, meals and more fund-raising expenses (I guess that means stuff like the Lesbian bondage show the Republicans tried to expense). This is a ridiculously inefficient way to do business.

Campaign financing is a total mess, only made worse by the Supreme Court. Money is not speech, and endless supplies of money only serve to drown out real speech.

rld said...

In the meantime, the CEO of Goldman Sachs met with Obama 4 times very recently while the SEC is working out a deal with Goldman Sachs. Funny how that flies under your radar.

sw said...

I thought you werent a democrat markadelphia.

Anonymous said...

The idea that somehow The Cult can take over congress is rediculous. Article I, Section II of the US Constitution specifically says that congressmen must be US citizens. Two of the five current members of The Cult hail from the UK, and I think we can agree that bassist Chris Wyse (of New York) is not congressional material, can't we?

What else were you saying? Oh yeah, an Onion story, something about Jon Stewart, and a cartoon. All of which point to the homophobic Nazi fascism of the Tea Partiers.

Call me when you post something worth debating.


juris imprudent said...

How can this be when the Democrats have beat them in fundraising?

First, they have the most incumbents and incumbents virtually always raise more money than challengers. Do you actually not understand that?

Second, votes still count more than money. The NRA (or AARP) never had influence based on campaign contributions, but on the ability to deliver votes. It is a pretty silly notion that fund-raising success equates to electoral success.