
Saturday, September 25, 2010

What to Expect

If the GOP wins either or both House in the fall, I can't think of a better summation of what they are going to offer than this.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Postcards From the Pledge
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Hmm...maybe it might be a good thing for President Obama in 2012 if they do win.


6Kings said...

Obama is dead in the water no matter what happens. He has been exposed as an empty suit that America doesn't want as leader. He may not even make it out of the primary.

Now, what specifically do you disagree with in The Pledge? Just because they are going back to their core principles doesn't mean anything other than the acknowledgment that they screwed up badly.

Smaller Government stick in your craw? Cut spending? yeah, those are awful. Wouldn't want OUR money used responsibly, right?

saj said...

I think you should cut and past this prediction, Mark and save it for 2012.

Anonymous said...

Reminder, Jon Stewart is an entertainer.

Last in line said...

I'm sure you'll convince yourself by Nov 2 that the Republicans gaining seats is a good thing. It means less accountability for dems and they have someone else to blame. Take for example the delay on extending the tax cuts. You have a 77 seat majority in the house and Pelosi is delaying the vote? As far as the senate goes, tax issues go under RECONCILIATION which means you only need 50 votes...and you have a 9 seat majority there.

Excellent work.

Mark Ward said...

It might very well be a good thing. What if the Dems hold on by a slim majority? They spend the next two years doing nothing and Obama gets blamed and loses in 2012. That would be worse than simply losing the House.

The other thing is I really want the Tea Party on display governing this country. People need to see what they are all about. Then we can talk about how many people embrace their ridiculous agenda. Even the GOP doesn't which will make things very interesting if possible Speaker Boehner tries to get anything done.

Let's see what happens this week on the tax thing in the House. I'll give you that Reid embraced his inner vagina over in the Senate. Complete crap and what a waste. Most of this country wants the upper 2 percent returned to a 39.6 percent tax rate.

last in line said...

I think the dems will hold on to both the house and the senate this year. So Obama getting blamed is a "what if"? After 5 years of you blaming GWB for everything on here, good luck trying to argue that the president is somehow now not to blame. There are a lottttttttt of archives on here.

From what I can tell, there really isn't a leader of the tea party...probably because they are succeeding without one. You've tried telling people whay they are all about (insane, racist, etc) but the charges just won't stick.

Mark Ward said...

While I think Bush is still to blame for most of our problems today, it's time to move on from it. Obama has done a great job, for the most part, taking ownership of our nation's problems.

I say for the most part because he has to get off of the driving the care into the ditch metaphor. He should focus on how the Dems stand more for the middle class and the GOP are still peddling supply side and trickle down hoodoo.

And there is a leader of the Tea leaders actually. Their last name is Koch.