
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Another Energy Milestone

For the first time in more than 60 years, The United States has become a net fuel exporter."It looks like a trend that could stay in place for the rest of the decade," Dave Ernsberger, global director of oil at Platts, told The Wall Street Journal. "The conventional wisdom is that U.S. is this giant black hole sucking in energy from around the world. This changes that dynamic." All of this is happening because of new sources of oil in North Dakota and Texas as well as new opportunities in Canada.

But......anyone notice a drop in gas prices?


That's because, as I have stated many times, world demand has been rapidly rising in emerging markets. Brazil used to export fuel to the United States but now they import over 100,000 barrels a day. Singapore has quadrupled its imports from the US.

So, while this is a wonderful opportunity for oil companies, we won't see any difference at the pump, as the Wall Street Journal notes.

But U.S. drivers aren't seeing much benefit in the form of lower prices because refineries on the Gulf Coast are shipping much of their output to places where demand is strong, keeping prices high.

So, we can "drill, baby, drill" all we want but with demand falling off here in the US and rising abroad, it won't matter one bit how much fuel we export.


Dick 'Shotgun' Cheney said...

I blame Bush, and evil fatcat oil speculators. You do too, right?

“Oil speculators are making money by betting against the American consumers at the pump.” – Nancy Pelosi

WB said...

There's a decided lack of understanding when it comes to gas prices in the US. As you correctly point out, drilling for oil here won't solve the price fluctuations. World demand and cartel behavior are the two principle factors in determining what our prices are at the pump. If we won't to get off of oil, we need to figure out how to make other energy forms cheaper to process and present to the public in an easy-to-use form.

Don said...

Build more refineries.

juris imprudent said...

What Don said - in California especially. Talk about an oil oligarchy here!

GuardDuck said...

Gasoline Prices Are Not Rising, the Dollar Is Falling

rld said...

Which Obama fundraiser benefited from this deal?