
Thursday, February 23, 2012


juris imprudent said...

Charming. Good thing she only wants a condom or an abortion and not a joint. Because then she would discover just how much the state does own her ass.

Haplo9 said...

I don't get it - did someone propose a law to prevent her from buying contraception or health care or something? I read that Santorum is a so-con, did he propose something crazy?

Anonymous said...

I thought she was going to try and sell me raw milk. I'd have the Feds so far up her ass, she'd be wondering if they were looking for a Santorum.

Anonymous said...

Ya know, if I'm not supposed to care what others do in the privacy of their own bedroom, why should I be required to pay for supplies or consequences?

And another thing. This woman is a moron if she thinks withholding sex is an answer. Dudes will always find someone willing to do the deed.

Larry said...

If "they" deprive "us" of "access", then problem solved. She won't need any of that anyway. Money saved all around.

Given that birth control pills are $9/mo at Walmart, and similar prices elsewhere, she can damned well buy her own. If she doesn't want to do that, then she can insist the men provide and wear condoms. Otherwise, she can shut the fuck up and keep her hand off my wallet. Nobodies talking about taking away access except dimbulbs like this twit.