
Friday, February 17, 2012


The Obama campaign has seized upon a brilliant way to address the fictional character created by the right known as Barack X. Check out THE TRUTH TEAM.

This site is divided into three sections. The first is AttackWatch which takes all the comments that reside under the "Managing Fantasies" heading and addresses them head on. For example, the Republican Jewish Committee has made the false claim that the president is cutting funding to Israel. Click here and you will see what is actually happening in reality.

The second section, Keeping GOP Honest, looks at their policy points and breaks them down. For example, Mitt Romney has repeatedly said that he would've let GM and the auto industry to fail. Here is some information that illustrates the folly of that idea.

The third section should be dedicated to our very own last in line. Keeping His Word has a complete list of his accomplishments. Click on any of the six sections and see the benefits of his policies.

All in all, a very smart move considering what we all know is coming: more fictional history of the man named (dum dum DAH) Barack X!

If only John Kerry had been smart enough to do this in 2004 then he wouldn't now still be known as a French war criminal.


Haplo9 said...

A very informative video about attack watch:

Mark Ward said...

So, the comeback to the defense of the fictional attacks on the president adolescent video completely with whiny teenage voice? Scraping the bottom of the barrel these days, are we, Hap?

Haplo9 said...

Lol. Yeah, not surprised you couldn't take the joke. You'd think my use of the word "informative" might have been a clue.

Mark Ward said...

Well, Hap, as I say many times, I'm happy to be wrong. I can be a little slow on the uptake sometimes with this sort of stuff.