
Monday, February 27, 2012


The Keystone Fight Is Uniting Tea Partiers With Environmentalists. 

I knew it was only a matter of time before there was some crossover. It makes sense when you really sit back and think about how one could make a case for the government failing to protect property rights.


juris imprudent said...


TPM is your source? What a fucking fool you show yourself to be. A hypocritical one since you always demand "non-Brietbart" links of your opponents.

Stern Fan said...

I could see this one coming from a mile away. Some of the old hippies I know are Tea Partiers and don't trust the government to follow through on the promises they make. Keystone is no different and a good point to look to property rights as shared area of concern.

Juris-I think you will agree that this link is different than the ones that say that Barack Obama is a socialist destroying free enterprise. There's no doom and gloomcolypse and it's more of an amusing anecdote. Hardly, a comparison to Andrew Brietbart. If Mark had put up a TPM link saying that Republicans are going to destroy Medicare, then that would be comparable. Did you even read it?

Mark Ward said...

The problem with your taunt, juris, is that I'm not using TPM to support an academic argument. This story was simply an anecdote and one that is valid. Both the enviro folks and the Tea Party distrust the government and think negatively of them. That's pretty obvious. As Stern Fan says above, did you even read it?

juris imprudent said...

The eco-weenies distrust the govt? hahahahahahahahahha. Well, maybe when the Repubs are in charge, but now?