
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Robbing the Sick and the Dying

Even though Americans absolutely despise the constant haranguing of telemarketers, we're still the most generous country in the world, according to the Charities Aid Foundation. So it's truly disgusting to find that there are companies out there betraying that generosity to rip off donors and charities like the American Heart Association, Diabetes Association and Cancer Society.

An article on the Bloomberg site exposes the fraud being perpetrated by one such company, InfoCision Management Corp.:
Just 22 percent of the funds the association raised in 2011 from the nationwide neighbor-to-neighbor [American Diabetes Association] program went to the charity, according to a report on its national fundraising that InfoCision filed with North Carolina regulators.
But when call center workers (who often identify themselves "volunteers") contact potential donors they frequently lie on instructions from their boss:
According to documents obtained through an open records request with the Ohio attorney general, the Diabetes Association approved a script for InfoCision telemarketers in 2010 that includes the following line: “Overall, about 75 percent of every dollar received goes directly to serving people with diabetes and their families, through programs and research.” 
Yet that same year, InfoCision’s contract with the association estimated that the charity would keep just 15 percent of the funds the company raised; the rest would go to InfoCision.
Who's behind this fraudulent company? A man named Guy Taylor, who got his start raising money for evangelical preachers. In addition to stiffing legitimate charities like the American Lung Association and Diabetes Association he has also screwed over conservative causes:
The telemarketer was as stingy with Citizens United as it was with some of the charities: It kept $12.4 million, or 84 percent, of the money it raised for Citizens United, according to InfoCision filings with North Carolina. InfoCision has also worked for the National Republican Congressional Committee.
Taylor is an ardent opponent of the Federal Do Not Call registry. He said:
The most pressing issue, without a doubt, is excessive governmental regulation. It seems that the politicians and regulators are ignoring the significant benefits we provide through job creation, economic growth and the goods and services we cost-effectively market for our clients.
This guy has hit the trifecta of conservative buzzwords: "excessive governmental regulation," "job creation" and "economic growth."

The "excessive regulation" was enacted to stop him from lying to potential donors and prevent him from harassing people who no longer wish their privacy to be invaded.

The "job creation" is in minimum-wage dead-end call center jobs that have extremely long hours and have a 70% annual turnover rate.

The "economic growth" is totally his own: he gave the University of Akron $3.5 million to start the Taylor Institute for Direct Marketing (which has to be the most disreputable academic institution in the nation). He paid $10 million for naming rights for the university's stadium. And he owns three golf courses.

But his employees get paid squat and the organizations he claims to represent receive only pennies on the dollar—if anything—from the millions Taylor collects from unwitting donors.

Guy Taylor is a thief and a con man, stealing money from sick and dying people. Yet this the kind of "entrepreneur" that conservatives want to let loose on this country by removing the shackles of "excessive government regulation."


Chairman Meow said...

Bullshit, Nikto. Fraud is fraud. It surprises you that a fraud will use any means to hand? It never occurs to you that liars lie?

Got any examples of conservative actually supporting what this guy has done? Any at all? And I don't mean those that were taken in by his lies, but someone who knew exactly what he was doing.

Not that you'll respond, I know. You're purely a shit and run poster. At least Mark has usually has the stones to follow up, if not the brains to refrain in the first place. :^D

Unknown said...

The pimp's name WAS Gary Taylor - NOT Guy and he's dead and in hell where he belongs! I worked for InfoCision (InfoPRISON) for over a year. Stupid "Chairman Meow" needs evidence because he either believes conservatives are honest or he's running scams pimping Jesus as his whore like Gary was. What kind of name is "Chairman Meow?" Here's some names of Conservative con-men and women, who support demon Gary because Gary (now son Craig) LAUNDERS MONEY for them: Jay Sekulow, Ralph Reed, Beverly and Tim LaHaye, Dr. Kennedy's daughter Jennifer Kennedy Cassidy, Wayne LaPierre of the NRA, and many more political nuts. Then there's the prosperity gospel pimp preachers on pimp networks TBN, Inspiration, World Harvest, and LeSea: Dr. Charles Stanley, T.D. Jakes, Joel Osteen, Rod Parsley, Inspiration CON-MEN NUTS Mike Murdoch and David Cerullo, and others, most notably Benny Hinn. Although Gary Taylor "claimed" to be a Christian, when he died, his obituary did not have any variation of "Christ" written in one word nor did it have the word church. Gary never accepted Christ; never joined a church; never did one Christ-like thing for anybody. Why? He used Ohio state laws to set up and run InfoPrison as HIS tax-exempt church where HE WAS HIS OWN god. I and every other employee in the Christian call center was told to read scripts implying that we are unpaid church or non-profit members volunteering to make phone calls for pimp ministries and political organizations. Gary and now his son Craig stole money in my name and every other honest employee's name. It's a revolving door paying employees minimum wage while financially accounting for our wages as that of an executive because on paper, employees are treated as unpaid volunteers. All the money raised in Outbound and Inbound calls goes to InfoPrison. In exchange, InfoPrison launders unlimited amounts of money through the IRS for clients.