
Thursday, June 06, 2013



Anonymous said...

Uhhmmm, your 'meanwhile' refutes your graphic.

Mark Ward said...

Let me know when they come to your door and take your guns, GD.

Anonymous said...

Does Obama personally need to be on the doorstep demanding guns before YOU would consider it true that Obama wants to take away guns?

Larry said...

Because the government has been showing just how trustworthy they are, and obviously would never abuse information ostensibly provided for "good" reasons.

Juris Imprudent said...

As far as I know I have no reason to worry about this, even though they are going door to door to confiscate guns.

Then again, I do own ammo with lead bullets (now illegal) and a rifle with a 10-round detachable magazine (also now illegal I think). I will be leaving this shithole state just as soon as I possibly can.

I guess since it isn't Obama it doesn't matter that it is the motherfucking Dem Party that did this, huh M?