
Thursday, June 06, 2013

Truly Disgusting

In looking at all the recent criticism of President Obama, this travesty is noticeably absent and I'd like to know why. The president is the commander in chief of the armed forces and, on his watch, sexual assaults have gone up by 30 percent. Why?

It's truly disgusting to me on a number of levels. The president claims to be a huge supporter of women's rights but he can hardly claim that after 26,000 incidents of unwanted sexual contact. 26,000....are you fucking kidding me?!? I'd say that this is, hands down, his biggest mistake since he took office. Grade=F.

The media also pisses me off here because they have largely ignored this story and have focused instead on the "scandals" that will generate the most viewers (see: retired old people who have nothing better to do than foam at the mouth about Blackie McBlackerson). Conservatives are also full of crap on this one because they'd rather leave the sacred cow of the military alone not to mention the fact that they probably think this kind of assault is somehow legitimate or that the women were somehow asking for it.

It's one giant shit show from top to bottom with most Americans not really caring at all which, in the final analysis, is truly the most despicable part of all of this.


Nikto said...

You can't lay the blame for sexual assaults on the president. The guys committing these acts are responsible for their own behavior. That being said, the real problem is that the troops have been deployed for far too long under far too stressful conditions.

Note that other indicators of extreme stress on the military have been on the rise as well, including PTSD, trouble reintegrating back into society, veteran homelessness and vet suicide.

Imposing harsher punishment won't cut it, because people under that kind of stress aren't really thinking straight: they already know what they're doing is wrong.

You can lay all that blame at the feet of George Bush and the Republicans for completely screwing the pooch on the war in Afghanistan by invading Iraq based on a lie. Our engagement in the Middle East should have lasted a year or two at the most.

Obviously sexual assault is bad, but the only real solution to this and all the other problems is remove the stresses causing aberrant behavior. That is, stop having our guys fight endless wars. They need a rest. They've been suffering for a dozen years while the rest of us just ignore their plight.

Obama has done the most important thing he can by putting an end date on the Afghan war.

Unknown said...

Your argument is hilarious Nikto. You start off by saying that we can't blame YOUR president. Then you say that people are responsible for their own behavior.

Then halfway through your rambling you blame George Bush? Your reasoning only holds up if every guilty party went to Iraq or Afghanistan. Remove stresses? When you join the military, you should expect stressful situations (stressful situations in a war zone, imagine that).

Obama is responsible for every good thing that happens in the military and now he isn't responsible at all when something bad happens. You really think your readers are dumb enough to buy that? Who are the adults again? Every bad thing is always somebody elses fault. Your point of view is that of a child.