
Friday, June 28, 2013

I got chided the other day on Facebook for saying that I loved my wife's big, round butt. Some women took it as offensive because big supposedly means bad. Well, the image above shows that this wasn't always the case.

1 comment:

Nikto said...

Gee, I guess it's been almost 20 years since this song came out. A whole of men would agree with you, Mark.

But I'm not sure why someone would complain that you like your wife the way she is, and aren't forcing her to be something that she can't be. It seems like that's a good thing.

Many women suffer terrible health consequences from anorexia, bulimia and yo-yo dieting. The nation as a whole is suffering from an epidemic of obesity, but that doesn't mean that every woman should be skin and bones.

Women naturally have more adipose tissue than men. As long as it doesn't significantly increase your chance of diabetes and heart disease a little extra padding isn't all bad.