
Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Second American Century

Joel Kurtzman, former Editor in Chief of the Harvard Business Review, recently posted a great summation of his new book, Unleashing the Second American Century: Four Forces for Economic Dominance. Looks like I am going to need this book ASAP.

The core of his argument is optimism. Despite the continual drudge of negative views of the future of our country,  we are indeed poised to continue our hegemonic dominance of the world. Kurtzman posits that because of the following four reasons, the future is looking very, very bright for you country.

American Creativity

Manufacturing Renaissance

An Energy Bonanza

Abundant Capital

He offers brief summations of each of these reasons in the linked post above. I'll be taking about this book as I read it, thus the new tag called "Second American Cenutry."

If I were a political party in this country (hint hint), I would jump on the Kurtzman bandwagon right now. Optimism always wins the day over anger, hatred, and fear.


Juris Imprudent said...

OK, why do you believe that American "economic dominance" is something that the world wants/needs?

Mark Ward said...

Because there is no other country on the planet right now that does a better job of supporting democracy, free markets and human rights than the United States which means prosperity. Certainly, we are not perfect as I often discuss on here but we better than everyone else.

Juris Imprudent said...

There is a difference between pre-eminence and dominance. We should always aspire to fulfill our founding vision - but that doesn't mean we jam it down the throats of everyone else around the world. Either they will see what we do and emulate it, or they will reject it and do something different - and they should be free to do so. It isn't our role to enforce a world order.

Optimism always wins the day over anger, hatred, and fear.

Funny that isn't how Obama won re-election. In fact he told us in 2008 exactly how it would go down.

"And that's to be expected, because if you don't have any fresh ideas, then you use stale tactics to scare voters. If you don't have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from. You make a big election about small things." ~~ Barack Obama, 2008 Democratic Nomination Acceptance Speech