
Monday, July 07, 2014

Hypocritical To The Core


GuardDuck said...


juris imprudent said...

It isn't even a strawman. A fetus is at least a putative U.S. citizen, with the rights attendant. A child of a foreign country is first and foremost a concern of the government of that child's origin.

You really have to wrap in a warped religious take on "my brother's keeper" to believe that all of the children of the world are our concern.

Larry said...

Does that mean Marksie's already applied to personally host one of these economic refugees? Or maybe a black kid from Detroit or south Chicago? They're certainly poor, violent, and plagued by drug gangs. Or is merely voting to make someone else do it morally sufficient for a "Christian"? Enquiring minds want to know!

juris imprudent said...

No shit Larry, for all of M's bitching about right-wing fundie Christian fascists, this fucker can't stand not pushing his own version of Christianity as govt policy.

Hypocrisy just doesn't quite cover that, does it?

GuardDuck said...

Well why not - he thinks of gov't as religion.