
Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Still Loving Quora

After just over two months on Quora, I have to report that I am really having a blast! If you haven't gotten on yet, I urge you to do so. There is such a great variety of people with different views on Quora that I honestly feel right at home. I've struck up some great online friendships.

And I can't believe the traffic. Take a look at how many people read and upvoted one of my answers. Wow! It's also kind of funny to note how sometimes a quick answer (like this one or this one ) generates a lot of views and upvotes. I wish that I could get some more traffic here but I think people tend to flock where there is more population and that's just not here in my little online, small town newspaper. Although, Nikto's last few posts have gotten double what we normally get on daily pieces so that's pretty cool.

And I've more or less confirmed what I thought about TSM commenters out in the real world...they are pretty much cowards. They never ask questions of their own, rarely answer and seem to only upvote or offer a comment here or there. It makes sense because they know how batshit their ideology is outside of the bubble and their insecurity simply won't allow any sort of negativity. Oh well, at least they are mildly self aware:)

Even the downvotes and negative reactions to some of my questions haven't really bothered me. There is just such a nice balance there that is more representative of reality. What comes next promised to be most exciting!


GuardDuck said...

And I've more or less confirmed what I thought about TSM commenters out in the real world.

Oh, have you?

Besides myself the only other people I know as TSM commenters are you and Kevin.

I doubt anyone has told you who they are.

And since I've seen you blindly label people TSM commenter as well as telling someone who most certainly isn't me that they are me....well I'd wager that you are just picking whatever caricatures you have in your head and assigning them to random people.

They never ask questions of their own, rarely answer and seem to only upvote or offer a comment here or there

Oh yeah? That person you think is me? 1487 answers. Kinda blows your confirmation bias out of the water huh?

juris imprudent said...

No questions huh? You really do have a reading impediment.

GuardDuck said...

Even the downvotes and negative reactions to some of my questions haven't really bothered me.

Except when you don't like it, and ask stupid leading questions with assumptions about the 'gun cult' clogging up comments.....

Anonymous said...

Yeah, your response you so greatly tout and have other ignorant yahoos agree:

No, there is not.

You are right, not much of a war but rather continuous media campaign regarding the '1%' and inequality. Yeah, perpetuated by the very same Dems who are benefiting.

This is a great myth perpetuated by conservatives who believe in the "haves-soon to haves" meme.

False. This is perpetuated by Leftys who are looking for more taxes on the rich. Sorry, wrong again.

The inequality in our country is at a tipping point and if the paradigm isn't changed, our economy will get much worse than it is now. A large part of the reason why growth is so sluggish is there simply is too much money at the top.

False, this is not a zero sum game and the bigger problem with the economy is that policies and government meddling in markets is making it more difficult to start, grow, and expand business. This has been documented all over including in the economic freedom index and other rankings. Not only that, the focus on using the government as a competitive advantage has become bigger than ever, exasperating the problem. Sorry, you are wrong again.

Wealthy people don't buy 100,000 pairs of pants. They buy 5-10 pairs.

Another ignorant statement. Wealthy do consume but the bigger value is they INVEST. Investments create or expand businesses and make them money. How do you think Facebook, Google, and thousands more got moving? Where do you think the funds came from, food stamps?

There needs to be more money in the middle class, the engine that fuels our economy.

This is true yet you can't or won't identify the source of the problem. Lots of upvotes for ignorance on display. Good job! You confirmed there are lots of others just as ignorant.

juris imprudent said...

In the mind of M - where ignorance is the most exalted condition - there is no such thing as INVESTMENT (unless perhaps the govt SPENDS money on some thing he decides is a productive asset).

I would recommend he reacquaint himself with his favorite economist - Mankiw - but that might cause him some discomfort with the good professor's views on inequality.