
Thursday, July 17, 2014

More Good Words

From a Quora question...

Look, when you adhere to this Real American Patriot mantra that sets up a straw man of "liberals" as: stupid, ignorant, anti-American, ominous, elitist, and generally a threat to the country and the very fabric of our nation....why wouldn't you call for "the Liberal president's" impeachment over your preception of his so-called failures? According to the article he is described as "abusive" and Americans are described as being like a battered wife that's "had enough." That sounds like a totally reasonable analogy - yeah, Domestic Violence scenario is exactly what liberal Obama represents. So apt! Why wouldn't you want to eliminate your sworn enemy, a direct threat to your nation?? 

If you drone on and on and convince yourself that your side represents Real America and you are on the side of righteousness and all things good and you constantly talk about having to "take your country back" this is absolutely the natural progression. 

Ideology is formed through a process of repetition of formalized language and ideation. 

You can find evidence of this assertion in my comments section.


juris imprudent said...

Comments hell - it was every other post of yours during the Bush Admin!

GuardDuck said...

Juris is absolutely correct.

Your ideology is almost a religious doctrine for you.

juris imprudent said...

And he could not be more blind to this. That's what makes his own projecting so ironic - especially when he is accusing the other side of projection.

GuardDuck said...

Yep, every time he accuses the other side of projection I have a really weird sense of communicating with a three year old yelling "I know you are, but what am I"....

Larry said...

juris, I would say is ideology is a religious doctrine for him. He re-writes his own Holy Book willy-nilly based on nothing more than his ideology and desires.