
Sunday, July 06, 2014

The Original Immigrants


GuardDuck said...

So you're claiming a morally justifiable position for the 'illegal' whites to have displaced the native Americans?

Good to know.

Larry said...

Yeah, that's a confused image, alright. Is Marksie saying that because Native Americans initially welcomed settlers in some times and places, and it eventually led to their demise, we should emulate them and commit societal suicide, too? Or is it a warning against doing that? Then again, deep mental dissonance is the name of the game on Planet Markadelphia.

Larry said...

Of course, it ignores the fact that the natives welcomed settlers (in some times and places) for their own selfish reasons. They wanted European trade goods (steel knives, hatchets, firearms, wool cloth and blankets, as well as pretty trinkets), and also sought to use the colonists them as allies in their endemic wars against neighbouring tribes. They got both goods and military allies, at least until the colonies got strong enough to stand on their own and play the various tribes off of each other.

I think this graphic is a plea to Democrats from Marksie's subconscious. "Stop! You hope to use illegal immigrants as a moral bludgeon against your opponents, and to gain future political allies and votes; but you know (or should know) what will happen to you in the long run, even if you're successful in the short term. Stop! I beg of you!"

Now it all makes sense.