
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Gun Safety


GuardDuck said...

Pithy facebook grabs mean nothing if you do not provide a cite to the source data.

This goes doubly for things you post as you have a proven record of failing to verify wrong info.

Larry said...

Large proportion of accidental fatal childhood poisonings occur in the room where the cleaning chemicals are kept. And there's a lot more of them than accidental firearms deaths.

Large proportion of accidental child drownings happen where the water is stored (backyard pool,and even 5-gallon buckets for very small toddlers). And there are a HELL of a lot more accidental drownings than accidental shootings.

If proggies had any sense of fucking proportion, they'd be howling (well, whining very loodly) for the banning of private pools, and wanting kitchen and laundry room safes for the cleaning compounds. But noooo...

By Planet Markadelphia logic, Marksie must approve of the MUCH, MUCH larger number of accidental child deaths from overdoses of dihydrogen monoxide and drain cleaner.