
Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Straight Poop

Have I mentioned that I love Electoral-Vote.Com? I know I gush like a school girl over Andy's site but it really is magnificent. For those of you who love polls and want to check on the hard numbers so far, it is second to none. Here is a quote from today's report which jibes with what I have been saying.

A point that has come up repeatedly with Hillary Clinton's strong wins in blue-collar states is can Obama get downscale whites to vote for him in the general election? The NY Times has a story about polling on this issue in these states. The bottom line is that while many blue-collar workers prefer Clinton, they still prefer any Democrat to John McCain so the Democrats are not in grave danger of losing states like Pennsylvania that they must win in November. What Obama brings to the table is sudden competitiveness in states like Virginia, Iowa, Missouri, and Colorado, which Republicans normally win easily.

So, basically, when you hear the "liberal" media talk about how Obama can't close the deal with white, blue collar voters, they are sensationalizing the story to make the race seem more exciting. He will win all the states John Kerry won plus Ohio, Iowa, Colorado, and very possibly two of the following four states: North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Texas.

Sounds shocking, I know, but these states are totally in play. Dean's 50 state strategy may be more realistic than was thought a few months ago. Hillary has no clue what she is talking about when she says that the Democrats have no chance of winning them. It is so demonstrative of how this election really is about folks who are trapped in the old way of doing politics simply not getting it.

Speaking of not getting it, the North Carolina GOP is running attack ads against Obama, courtesy of the guy who brought us Willie Horton. Thanks, GOP NC and please keep it up. We are starting to see a correlation between more votes for Obama when people go negative on him.

I suggest mentioning his middle name a few times.....

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Pennsylvania Wrap Up

The Hildawg won by 10 points last night. Here are the numbers:

Senator Clinton: 1,258,245 votes, 80 delegates
Senator Obama: 1,042,297, 66 delegates

Looking at the percentages, she wins 55-45, 3 more points than I had predicted. The percentages look bad but the actual numbers look pretty even...depends on how you want to look at it. The "liberal" media is spinning that Obama can't connect with the white, beer drinking, bowling, gun loving crowd so McCain will some of those votes. I think it is complete crap and here's why.

First of all, Hillary had the entire Pennsylvania machine behind her...Governor Rendell, both mayors and tons of elected officials. Obama had Senator Casey and Rep Murphy. If Obama gets the nomination, they will be working to get the vote out for him.

Second, take a look at this map from CNN of all the counties in Pennsylvania. At first glance, you might say that Hillary was more in touch with the rural vote with all the light blue. Scroll your mouse over...say...Buck's County, which is basically the crowd with whom Obama supposedly can't connect. He gets 42,000 votes to her 71,000...a large victory for her to be sure but he is still getting a good chunk of people in these areas. Take a look at some of the smaller counties. She gets around 60 percent of the vote but he still gets people in these very rural counties. It doesn't seem like they ALL were for Hillary as the media makes it appear.

If I were the Obama campaign, I would interview some of these folks and find out why they voted for him. He needs to know this so he can use it in Indiana. If he can win Indiana, it's over. Remember, he won in Iowa and Wisconsin, states that have similar demographics.

Here's my question....two million people voted...what happened to the other two million?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pennsylvania Prognostication

I think I am just going to predict tonight's results and save the rest of the primary predictions for later next week. I have been doing some training this week and have not had time to fully prepare a rest of the contest crystal ball illumination.

So, I think Hillary will win tonight by 7 points. This is more than what most are predicting but less than the large margin she needs to convince superdelegates that she should still be in the race. It's going to be interesting to see how she does in the "Alabama" part of the state. If she wins 70-30 or more than I think we can safely say that Obama offended the white, beer drinking, bowling gun nuts. Anything less than that and I don't think his comments made much of a difference and I would call it a small victory for him.

I also want to say to those Democrats who are expressing concern that Obama, should he get the nomination, will not be able to win Pennsylvania....You are idiots. Please shut the fuck up. John Kerry carried that state in 2004. If HE can carry Pennsylvania, Obama will win there for sure, given the fact that people are even more dissatisfied with the shape of the country.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Gee, I'm Shocked

The lead story in today's New York Times discusses the Pentagon's influence on the various news networks guest military analysts and how they cover the war. The article contains several points which have been made on this blog for the last 4+ years, one of which is that the media is not "liberal" and will help sell whatever its corporate owners want it to sell, in this case the war in Iraq.

But the best part of the Time's investigation is the exploration of the links between these retired military officers and defense contractors. From the article...

The effort, which began with the buildup to the Iraq war and continues to this day, has sought to exploit ideological and military allegiances, and also a powerful financial dynamic: Most of the analysts have ties to military contractors vested in the very war policies they are asked to assess on air.

Those business relationships are hardly ever disclosed to the viewers, and sometimes not even to the networks themselves. But collectively, the men on the plane and several dozen other military analysts represent more than 150 military contractors either as lobbyists, senior executives, board members or consultants. The companies include defense heavyweights, but also scores of smaller companies, all part of a vast assemblage of contractors scrambling for hundreds of billions in military business generated by the administration’s war on terror. It is a furious competition, one in which inside information and easy access to senior officials are highly prized.

Records and interviews show how the Bush administration has used its control over access and information in an effort to transform the analysts into a kind of media Trojan horse — an instrument intended to shape terrorism coverage from inside the major TV and radio networks.

The entire article is filled with confirmations of all of the general points I have made about the Iraq, the defense industry, and the media. It also confirms that the Bush administration has waged an undeniable propaganda campaign whose form and success rivals Joseph Goebbels. Check out these official documents which describe how the propaganda campaign worked. Try not throw up when you read them.

To the people out there who still support the you understand what is going on here and why we are really in Iraq? Or is this just another traitorous article from the Times?

If you answered yes to the last question, put down your cup of Kool Aid and please report to your local neurosurgeon for your annual checkup on the lobotomy you received in November of 2000.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

.....then you are an Idiot.

I can always rely on Bill Maher. Below are two clips from last Friday's show. The first is from the New Rules segment at the end of the show. His final new rule is usually the best and he really drove it out of the park with this one. My favorite line?

"If you think Barack Obama is going to take away your guns, the you are an armed idiot."

This leads quite nicely into the next clip, shown earlier in the show, in which author Jeremy Scahill goes into some small towns in rural Pennsylvania and sees if Obama offended anyone with his "bitter" remarks. As I had hoped, the "Alabama" which is in between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, is more pro Obama than one might think. I think some folks over on Kevin Baker's blog aren't going to be too happy.

They are probably going to blow a bowel when, in the last part of the segment, Scahill visits a gun range and finds Obama supporters there as well. I am reminded of the 2004 election and how out of touch liberals seemed with what was really driving voters to the polls (fear, gays, doom etc..). This time around it is apparent to me that conservative pundits and much of the "liberal" media don't have a fucking clue what is really on people's minds.

Shh....let's not tell them.

Aw, who I am kidding? Like they would be reflective, change their mind, and listen.



Clip #2

Friday, April 18, 2008

An Excellent Strategy

Rather than ripping ABC news commentators Charles Gibson and George Stephanopoulis, as Tom Shales has done wonderfully in the Washington Post, I think maybe I should be commending them. I also think that I should thank the right wing douche bag brigade, especially those in the blogsphere, for continuing to fight their battles using 2004 technology (Guns of August anyone?).


Since the debate Obama has picked up five more superdelegates which add to his overall delegate lead. I think it is very likely, based on the polls as well as the "man on the street" reaction to the debate, that in the last few primaries, as well as the general election in the fall, the American people aren't going to react kindly to "gotcha" politics any longer. Sure, they might vote against Obama because they think Hillary will do a better job on health care or they don't want government running their health care. That's fine by me. They are voting on the issues and they should keep drilling Obama on why he is not being specific enough on some of his key policy points, my chief complaint about him thus far.

But the rest of it? The flag pin-Ayers-Wright-elitist stuff? I spent most of the week pissed off that people weren't focusing on the issues. Actually, they are. ABC received 15,ooo negative emails in anger that it took 52 minutes to get to an actual issue in the debate last Tuesday. Some conservatives I know are lamenting the fact that we didn't get to see Obama's stance on certain issues so people could really see how off base he is in regards to some of these topics. Even John McCain, recently a guest on the Hardball college tour with Chris Matthews, said he is going to stop any 527s that are running these kind of attacks against Obama. He asked Obama to do the same.

Bottom line, the more these topics come up, the more it benefits Obama. I think McCain knows this and is trying to get the loud mouth putzes in his party to shut the hell up. McCain is a smart guy and he has been out there talking to people. They don't want to hear this crap anymore. It is also becoming evident that these attacks on Obama toughen him up for the fall and exposes, a think a bit prematurely, the right's game plan.

So, by all means, keep piling on. It seems to be working for Obama. Thanks!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Last Night

I was appalled at last night's debate and it further proves my point that we may not deserve someone like Barack Obama. One would think that that the first 45 minutes would cover important issues like the economy, Iraq, health care, and education. The four topics discussed?

-whether or not Obama is an elitist vis a vis his comments in San Francisco
-Reverend Wright
-William Ayers
-Flag pins.

If these are the issues that people want to focus on, our country is doomed. There is no other way to put it. I am hoping that voters in 2008 are smarter than that.

We'll see.....

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

So far, no effect

There seems to be little or no effect in the polls taken after Barack Obama's comments. Andy over at electoral vote. com has several polls up if you want to take a look.

I'd like to see what the polls show later in the week after the 24-7 news coverage of the comments by the "liberal" media soaks in a little more. Those will be the ones that will really show the effect.

Crabmaster threw down the gauntlet over on Kevin's blog that I haven't made any predictions because I'm (gasp!, sniffle sniffle) scared that I will be wrong. So, I have decided that on Monday I will predict how the rest of the primary season will play out.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Nice Quote

I don't read the Huffington Post often but this one caught my attention:

By cynically twisting Obama's comments about small town voters in a way that confirms every right-wing demagogic caricature of her own Party, Hillary Clinton has adopted the frames, lies, stereotypes and destructive clichés long embraced by the likes of Lee Atwater and Karl Rove. She has clearly decided that the road to victory runs through scorched earth. The question is, if she succeeds, what kind of Party will she be left to lead? She's burning down the village to save it -- or to prove that she would make the best fire chief. But the village won't be saved; only one house will be left standing. A house with room for just two occupants: Hill and Bill.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

We Don't Deserve It

About two weeks ago, Senator Obama was on Hardball and told the audience that he believed that marriage was defined as being between a man and a woman. There was little or no reaction to this comment, the "liberal" media did not cover it wall to wall for two days, and the gay community did not go ape shit. In addition, there was no faux concern over Obama's electability.

But in this day and age, when you make a comment like this:

"You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow those communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.And it's not surprising to me then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti immigrant sentiment or anti trade sentiment as to way to explain their frustrations."

well, you are God Damned all to hell!!

And Tinkerbell's light goes out and she dies.

Because as all good Americans know when you make any kind of remark that even is slightly negative about guns or religion (even if it is true), you are the pure embodiment of evil and are against all that is wholesome and good. One need only look at fellow blogger Kevin Baker's site to see the all too predictable reaction. I wonder if any of them will compare the reaction of Senator Obama's comments on gay marriage with the most recent ones and see a difference.

Probably not.

Anyway, I think when you look at the reaction to his statement on small towns, it becomes quite obvious that it is accurate. This reaction is typical of the "rock granite" stubborn refusal of some people to look at who is actually fucking them over and continually blame the "other" which, ironically, is what Obama is describing. It's a distraction from the serious issues of the day and it puts energy into something that will ultimately solve no problems--which works out perfectly for the people (Bush, Cheney and pundit machine) who supposedly are on their side. The people they should really be pissed off at are laughing all the way to the bank.....the people that have manipulated their bitterness and their honesty into votes.

Some people that post here lament long and hard about how liberals are "sheeple" who follow along with whatever their side says. To a certain extent and with certain liberals, this is true. However, the art of getting people to become sheeple has never been more perfected than it has with the "stupid rednecks in flyover country who believe in God, guns and country, " as Kevin describes on his blog. This recent flap is an excellent example.

It illustrates how the "fake outrage machine" works in this country. A bunch of people will now get angry at Obama for being "condescending" or the terribly false belief that he actually looks at people as Kevin says he does So, by all means, let's continue to debate, ad nauseaum, how Senator Obama is an "elitist" or a hater of Meanwhile, Bush Co will dance with glee as it continues to pull several layers of wool over millions of eyes and the real problems out there...the ones that Senator Obama is best equipped to face....continue to get worse.

A while back, a friend of mine told me that she didn't think we were ready for BarackObama..that our country was too petty and stupid to want a real leader who would actually take this country to the next level. If this bullshit continues on into next week, I fear she might be right. In which case, we deserve people like John McCain or Hillary Clinton, who most assuredly will be business as usual and definitely make the majority of our country's problems even worse.

Perhaps now is not the time for change because I'm not sure if we deserve it.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Rankings

Over at Electoral Vote.Com, the votemaster has put up a list of all senators and where they rank-from liberal to conservative. I was surprised to find Hillary Clinton ranked slightly more liberal than Obama. Obama himself is only slightly more liberal than Joe Lieberman.

And McCain is more conservative than everyone, save four senators. This is based on their voting record and the median of 7 liberal interest groups. This seems to jibe with many of the other rankings out there.

So, why do conservatives hate McCain so much? His voting record is clearly more conservative than people like Saxby Chambliss or Sam Brownback.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Ronulan Invasion

Great article in the Strib today about how Ron Paul has managed to get some delegates to got to the National Convention. The media is making an awful lot of ballyhoo out of the fight on the Democratic side of the race but methinks the Republican Convention, here in my home state, is going to be mighty interesting.

There a lot of pissed off people in the Republican Party. McCain has basically been propped up because the country club Republicans (aka money guys) know he is the best chance to win and they know that if they let the other two thirds of their loony bin put up someone (that would be the evangelicals and the Waco brigade) they will lose the election to the Democrats.

So, enter Ron Paul. He doesn't have a prayer of getting the nomination but there are enough people that love his libertarian booty that he will get some say at the convention and could lay the groundwork for a real revolution.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Check this out!

Hey folks. Just got back from Pop's funeral. I will be putting up some posts throughout the week on my thoughts. It was a very intense experience. I'm glad I went through it.

In the meantime, check out this site. It is hilarious. I have been raving about it to friends for the last two weeks and last Friday they decided to get political. Check out the comments. Sounds like the usual debate on this blog.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A Heavy Heart

It is with a heavy heart that I must report that my grandfather, Harvey Smith aged 92, has passed away. He had struggled these last few years with small strokes, falls which resulted in back problems, and some skin cancer.

The last few weeks had been particularly bad and his quality of life was terrible. He passed away in his sleep Tuesday morning April 1. The photo to the left was taken two years ago as he was reading to my son.

For the last day I have been thinking about all of the things he saw in his full life...the first automobiles (he was born in 1916!) and a man on the moon, two world wars and the birth of some nations, the first calculator, the first computer, and the Internet. What an amazing life and all the things he saw come to pass!

He served in the Army from 1942-1945 as a cartographer, sometimes going behind enemy lines in the South Pacific to map out areas so our guys could figure out their way around. He was one of the first men to land in Korea and take it from the Japanese in 1945. I just found out today that his service, this Saturday in St Louis, will be a military service with a 21 gun salute, as he is one of the last WWI vets in the area. I am looking forward to being there to honor this great man.

The pride that I have in him is something that cannot be put into words. I will miss him very much but I am happy that he had a full life and was there for me well into my adulthood. Rest In Peace, Poppo, my heart will be always be with you and I know that you went home with more integrity that anyone I know.

Monday, March 31, 2008

It's Hard To Be A Saint In The City

This week, Forest Lake High School, in Forest Lake, Minnesota, is on spring break. Thank goodness they are because if the last week has been any indication, the school was about to be attacked and taken the Right Wing Putz Brigade.

And Steve Massey, principal of the high school and his staff would have been tarred and feathered in the public square for treason. Why?

Last Tuesday, March 25th, the Vets For Freedom National Heroes Tour was scheduled to stop at the school and speak to a social studies class on politics and the war in Iraq. This event was worked out between Massey and Forest Lake alum Pete Hegseth, an Iraq veteran who heads the Heroes group. The group decided, however, to contact the press and make an "event" out of the visit, complete with rally outside before class. Soon it was learned that Michelle Bachmann, last seen ejaculating on President Bush during his walk in to the State of the Union speech in 2007, was going to attend and speak. Hmm....

Sniff Sniff. What's that I smell? Ah yes, not an educational event at all really. Sounds to me like a propaganda tour to me. A propaganda tour selling a bill half truths and outright lies. You know the kind of horse shit I am talking about....something like this...

"We are in Iraq to protect our freedom and safeguard the world from tyranny."

Does anyone out there actually believe this anymore or are they that fucking clueless?

It would've been one thing if Hegseth had come to the school and had a low key classroom discussion. But no. Oh no. That's not how it works with these people. It has to be a big show because they have a point to make and if you don't agree with it...well....guess what happens?

Since relocating the event to the American Legion, mainly due to security concerns over protest groups also wanting a chance to speak, Massey has received 1200 emails and about 250 phone calling him a coward, a Communist, and a spineless America hater.

Remember this photo?

After the comments that Massey, his staff, and several students have received, you are all going to have to excuse me while I tell the putz brigade, who lately have been amusing me with their Jonah Goldberg loving assess, that if you want to find a group of people most likely to be fascists, TAKE A LOOK IN THE FUCKING MIRROR, DOUCHE BAGS. The Michelle Malkins of the world need to realize that when they behave like this, they are acting in the EXACT SAME WAY THE SS DID!!!!

They call people like me "unpatriotic" when all I really want is for our troops to be sent in harm's way when they are actually protecting us (Afghanistan) as opposed to fighting for the interests of very select group of people on the world in two very specific industries (Iraq).

I have to say that in many ways I am soooo tired of this idiocy. Can't we be done with these people now? My patience is at an end and when they behave in this fashion, I really have to say that there is no hope in building any bridges. The last eight years of Bush Co have basically given them a license to tap into their jingoistic, inner moron and make up whatever bullshit they want about they world and then have the audacity to play the victim when someone like me calls them on their complete ignorance.

President Obama (aka an intelligent adult) can't come soon enough....

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Obama Discusses Iraq and McCain in Fayetteville, NC

The Full Speech

Here is the full speech. I have some problems posting from YouTube these days. Sorry about the technical malfunctions.

I was listening to Michael Medved yesterday and he was talking about this speech. He said that, with this speech, Obama has aligned himself with the reparations section of the civil rights movement. Did he hear the same speech I did? Perhaps he might want to listen again.

I wonder how minds like his (and the people who is speaking to) actually work with all the cognitive dissonance kicking around in there. Of course, they do pay him to shape and frame thinking:)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

We Got Bill!

We finally got Bill. Not Clinton, of course, but the big man from New Mexico: Bill Richardson. His endorsement of Barack Obama, in my opinion, is the beginning of the end of the Hillary Clinton candidacy.

Richardson is a huge power player in the Democratic Party, second only to Al Gore perhaps, and his endorsement yesterday of Senator Obama was a huge boost. I'll be the first to admit that my guy had a bad week, even with the instantly historical speech made on Tuesday. In my view, this erases any negativity felt about Senator Obama within the the ranks of the Democratic leadership.

Governor Richardson called Barack Obama a "once in a lifetime" leader. damn right!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


For some reason I am having trouble linking from YouTube so that is why I have not put up Parts 3 and 4 of Obama's speech. I may try a different link tomorrow, possibly a video with the whole speech.

Meanwhile, over in warrantless wiretap land.....someone or a few someones have been looking into Senator Obama's passport information....illegally. CNN has the story.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Obama's Historical Speech On Race 3-18-08 Pt. 2 of 4

I have to admit the cynical side of me thought this speech would be more of the same. Boy was I wrong! On Hardball yesterday, Chris Matthews called a speech that will read and examined for years to come like the Gettysburg Address or Wilson's 14 points. I agree. It was stunning.

Think about what this man is going to be like as president. Think of the poise and intelligence he is going to use when he tackles issues that are as big as this.

Part 3 tomorrow...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Obama's Historical Speech On Race 3-18-08 Pt. 1 of 4

I had planned to write a column about the Reverend Wright business but apparently someone can speak more eloquently on it than I.....

Parts 2, 3, and 4 to follow.

Monday, March 17, 2008


General David Patraeus has betrayed us! Listen to what the traitor has said:

Iraqi leaders have failed to take advantage of a reduction in violence to make adequate progress toward resolving their political differences. No one in the U.S. and Iraqi governments feels that there has been sufficient progress by any means in the area of national reconciliation or in the provision of basic public services.

Hold on a second...does this mean that the surge has failed? How dare he! Doesn't he know that everything is going according to plan in Iraq?

I guess he missed the interdepartmental memo.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

My Birthday Horoscope!

OK. This is fucking hilarious. Here is my horoscope for 41st birthday.

It's not that you ALWAYS should get your way, but often you should. And you have the necessary diplomacy to do it now. Furthermore, it just so happens that the whole world will be a better place when you do.

Yeah, baby!

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Bootlicker Brigade

I had an epiphany this week. The main reason why conservatives tend to champion the free market is because they consider attaining wealth to be one of the most admirable qualities. I offer as an example this article from the Times regarding a recent visit to Congress by several prominent CEOs in the financial services industry in an attempt to justify their large payout packages. My favorite quote:

Many Republicans on the committee fought the very premise of the hearing. “This is a hearing in search of bad guys,” said Darrell E. Issa, Republican of California. “Are there bad guys in front of me? I’m not seeing it.”

I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ferraro's Foolishness

The really sad thing about Geraldine Ferraro is that she has cancer. Multiple myeloma in fact. In typical fashion, the media has not really reported this, focusing instead on her comments regarding Barack Obama and race. When one suffers from MM as long as she has (10 years), the amount of drugs you take really exacts a toll on your system. In fact, it has been proven to alter your moods and mental state. You are also in a great deal of physical pain constantly. I know this from personal experience as my mother in law suffers from this. It is horrible.

So, I guess I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the bizarre statements she has made in the last few days regarding why Barack Obama is doing as well as he is in the election. I really have my doubts that she is racist. Out of her mind and out of touch, partially due to drugs? Yes.

Racist? No.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hello Larry!

Larry David, co-creator of Seinfeld and creator of the uber hilarious Curb Your Enthusiasm, has officially chimed in on the election. His recent column on the Huffington Post is so dead on right it's scary. The best quote from the piece.

I watched, transfixed, as she took the 3 a.m. call...and I was afraid...very afraid. Suddenly, I realized the last thing this country needs is that woman anywhere near a phone. I don't care if it's 3 a.m. or 10 p.m. or any other time. I don't want her talking to Putin, I don't want her talking to Kim Jong Il, I don't want her talking to my nephew. She needs a long rest. She needs to put on a sarong and some sun block and get away from things for a while, a nice beach somewhere -- somewhere far away, where there phones.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

An Open Letter

The following is an open letter to all voting Democrats in Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Guam, North Carolina, Indiana, West Virgina, Oregon, Kentucky, Montana, South Dakota, Puerto Rico, and the 300 or so remaining Superdelegates who are about to vote in primaries an caucuses.

It has become obvious to me that Hillary Clinton wants to be president so deeply that she is willing to become a monster in order to do it. It's odd to note that I wrote this sentence two days before an Obama aide, Samantha Power, resigned for saying the same thing. It's true, though, she is a monster and she has reminded us what defines her. In your upcoming primary or caucus, please keep the following in mind.

For the last week, Hillary Clinton has played the fear card (the 3am phone call ad), lied about who winked to Canada regarding NAFTA, and, on at least two occasions, placed herself and John McCain as being more qualified to be president. Similar to the end of nearly every Scooby Doo episode, Hillary has been unmasked and revealed to be.......KARL ROVE!!

There is no mathematical way she can win the election, even if she wins all 11 of the remaining contests by a large majority. She is also behind in the popular vote. The only way she can win is by bribing the superdelegates and, if that happens, she will have become the second person to steal a third election in the last eight years. If you are a superdelegate and you are reading this, imagine what the party will become if this happens. You are going to alienate ALL of the Obama voters. The Democrats will be terribly weak going into the general election and she WILL lose to John McCain.In poll after poll, Barack Obama is the stronger candidate against McCain. Imagine all of the crap that is going to come out against her in the general election.

Even if she somehow manages to win, both the nomination and the White House, get ready for four years of a mountain of bullshit, scandals, daily rectals, and maniacal tirades from both sides that will make the last eight years look like a church fucking social. Folks, we have done the Clinton thing and, while it was fine in the 90s, it is woefully shop worn. They had their time in the White House and it is time to move on.

In essence, that is what this election is really all about. That is why people like Hillary Clinton and her supporters are throwing the kitchen sink at Barack Obama. She can see the writing on the wall. This is her only shot and if she loses and he wins...and wins the general election against McCain...people like her and others in DC that benefit the most from the current schema, will lose forever. If Barack Obama becomes president, their party will be over.

I have watched with great interest the bemusement of conservatives commenting on the Democrats infighting. As usual, they don't get it. This primary is not about petty liberal squabbling. This election is about the past versus the future. We can see this divide clearly in each of their supporters. Hillary supporters will follow Obama. Obama supporters will not follow Hillary because to them she represents everything that is wrong with this country in the same way George Bush represents everything that is wrong with this country. She is about the past, the status quo, and the fucked up way things have always been done in Washington. Senator Obama is about the future. He is about turning the page.

People are excited about politics again. They are inspired and motivated to make this country a better place and it is because of Barack Obama, not Hillary Clinton. Give her the nomination and you lose all of that.You have a chance to stop an insanely retarded tendency to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Don't fuck it up.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Message to Republicans: You Are Fucked!

I just pulled this story off of

In case you missed the news yesterday, Democrat Bill Foster beat Republican Jim Oberweis for Dennis Hastert's seat in a very special election in IL-14 west of Chicago. The NRCC spent $1.3 million of the $6,4 million it has in the bank to hold a seat they have owned for more than 20 years in a district that is strongly Republican (PVI R+5) and lost to a nuclear physicist who has never run for public office before. Now Foster is a very smart guy, no doubt about that, but he is a newbie to politics. Obama helped Foster and McCain helped Oberweis but this race was in Illinois not Arizona so it is not really Obama vs. McCain, the prequel. Still, many GOP congressmen may be starting to think carefully if this might not be a good time retire voluntarily, rather than involuntarily.

29 of them already have retired. Combine that with the 19 Senate seats that Republicans are defending...precariously...and you have all the makings of a bloodbath in the fall. This is assuming, though, that Obama gets the nomination. If Hillary does, the Dems won't get their filibuster proof majority.

A Republican loss in an R+5 district? Wow. Somebody gone and done fucked things up for conservatives right good....gee, wonder who that could be?

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Hillary Clinton angling for McCain VP Spot

Seriously, why is anyone in the Democratic party voting for this....person? After this, I can understand why Republicans would....

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Hillary Rove-Bush-Cheney

Here is the commercial, airing in Texas, that everyone is talking about. This proves, undoubtedly, that my assessment of her is correct: She is no different than Bush and will use the same old tired tactics (i.e. do anything) to win.

Sad and pathetic.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Welcome Return

I thought I would bring the following comment out front for two reasons. First, it marks the return, after a unbearably long hiatus, of PL. Yeah!! Second, he asks some important questions that I would like to address.

This conservative, for what it's worth, welcomes a win by Mr. Obama. Normally I might feel somewhat dirty after typing such a sentence, but in this case I have my reasons. Long story short, I see two primary benefits:

1) Too much of a good thing is bad, and for too long businesses in this country have lived the good life with respect to the US being an economic superpower. A return to liberal domination in the executive and legislative branches, while undoubtedly painful at the microeconomic level for many, should force many companies to adjust their perspective to focus on service/quality. We'll get killed in the international markets, but that's happening already, so there's only so much more damage that can be done. The upside will hopefully be that fewer people will be living their lives boiling over with rage, and I have to think that's a good thing.

2) An attack on the wealthy means that more money will be in the hands of those who are too stupid to hold onto it, offering an attractive opportunity for more of it to end up in my hands.

I would, however, issue the following challenge to those on this blog who are going on record with the predictable and tedious conservative bashing. I challenge you to now go on record with what scorecard you are going to use for Mr. Obama should he be elected President. You cannot measure "hope" or "good will", except perhaps via grossly subjective polls, so I want to know from you when, if ever, you might ever conclude that Mr. Obama is failing as President.

Long-timers on this blog know that despite my political allegiance I didn't vote for GWB in '04. Common sense clearly indicated that in no circumstance would GWB actually be able to accomplish anything in his second term, no matter how valid or viable his ideas might be, therefore a vote for him was a vote for nothingness. At the time I laid out that "accomplish" meant things like implementing tax reform, education improvement, health of economic indicators, and so on. As predicted, he has failed to accomplish almost anything of significance in the past four years.

So Markadelphia, et al....let's hear it. How and by when will we know that Mr. Obama (presumably with a continuing majority in the Senate and House) is proving to be the leader that we [conservatives] are told he will be?

NOTE: It goes without saying that Mr. Obama winning the White House will be accompanied by four years of the predictable and tedious blame game with respect to whose fault whatever the problem-du-jour truly is. Here's your chance to prove yourself more than just another liberal sycophant by holding up an objective measuring stick to your boy. (No, Markadelphia, not that boy....I meant Mr. Obama.) Are you as open-minded and visionary as you profess to be?

I think we will know, PL, what kind of a leader Senator Obama will be in the first 100 days. That is usually the barometer for seeing how effective a presidency can be. As far as how, I think you need to measure how he energizes the country. Will more people get involved to make our country a better place? Or will they expect government handouts? Will special interests put up a big fight? Another good test is to see how the good ol boys in the Democratic Party react once their playhouse is torn down. Will they go quietly into that good night?

I think I will be open minded for this main reason. Mr. Obama has a lot to live up to, in my eyes, and I will be just as critical with him, possibly more so, than I have been with President Bush. I predict that, if elected, Senator Obama will make mistakes, one or two of which will be enormous. The test for me will be how he learns from those mistakes. Will he self actualize or will he be an eight year old putz, as we have now?

Of course, I am not going to FIND things to fault him with if I think and feel there are none. As we learn more about Barack Obama, we can begin to see a level of maturity in him that is really going to be difficult for the eight year olds, on the right, to attack. So, I guess the final measure for me, in regards to Mr. Obama, is going to be how much he rises above that crap and even nullifies it.

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Language of Hope and Healing

Over the course of the last week I have felt the intense rush of serendipity. Conservatives from all walks of my life have inundated me with their opinions of Barack Obama. His rise to the probable nomination for the Democratic party have left conservatives scratching their heads. They simply don't understand why his message is resonating with so many people. In fact, they don't understand his message at all. The question is why. Why? Why is it so difficult to understand what hope actually means?

Coming from the party that allegedly follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, it is even more perplexing.What is uncanny and terribly ironic about what the right is saying about Obama is that it sounds eerily familiar to what the "non believers" said about Christ during his time on earth. Let's take a look at some recent quotes.

"I think Obama is a charlatan and I think his follows are brain dead zealots who either lack the education, intelligence or insight to see through his empty rhetoric. I think his followers are a cultish lot with some type of messiah complex and hope that he will fulfill whatever needs they're missing in their lives. Empty, sad, shells of people looking for someone else to make them whole. And when it's President Obama, the veil will be pulled back and the awakening will be very rude." (just Dave from comments)

"Barack Obama, ladies and gentlemen, is a blank canvas upon which anybody can project their fantasies, or their desires." (Rush Limbaugh)

"if you’re running for president not as an unexceptional first-term senator with a thin resume but as the new Messiah..." (Mark Steyn)

"Barack Obama shares the same ideology as Hitler and Stalin: socialism" (
Dennis from comments on The Smallest Minority)

Dave's comments are actually accurate...if you are describing certain conservatives who laughingly call themselves "Christians." Sadly, what Dave and others fail to see that what is really happening is that people are sick and tired of criminals running and ruining our country. They are energized because they think they can make a difference again and make out country strong and respected again, as opposed to weak and reviled. They see Barack Obama as a shining example of FINALLY having a leader with whom we can be proud. Michelle Obama said last week that she can "be proud of her country again." Right wingers went nuts. How dare she say America, in the recent past, is something that we shouldn't be proud of!!

Well, she's right. Deal with it. Stop trying to blame the media, our education system, or any of your other usual suspects that you point to when you hilariously shift the blame for the ills that befall our country. You sound like children, pointing to the guy next to you saying, "He did it! It's his fault."

I don't know about the rest of you, dear readers, but I can't be proud of a country that bemoans political prisoners in Cuba and yet has hundreds of its own. I can't be proud of a country that claims to stand for human rights and yet has people in it that think that water boarding is not torture AND want to fight for the right to water board (!). I can't be proud of a country that has millions of people who claim to be pro life and yet condone the murder of thousands of Iraqi children calling it "self defense."

Fellow blogger Kevin Baker asked me this question on his blog the other day: how will Obama heal our souls? The question reminded of another question that was asked in comments last week: how will Obama get able bodied men to work who are lazy and don't want to? The answer to both questions is the same.

Barack Obama is not the messiah. He will not heal our souls. What he can do is lead us to the beginning of the path and the rest of it is up to us. In effect, each one of us is a messiah to ourselves. Believe me when I tell you, we really NEED to start down that path or it's over for our country.

Each of us has that Christ power that inside of us. Every one of us has the capacity for love, hope, and peace. Everyone of us has the power to take these three fundamental traits and put them into action, not just in our communities but in our country at large. We can do this by picking an issue in our communities, getting involved and making it better. I think the reason why most conservatives don't grasp this concept is that they don't understand the difference between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. They can't understand people who are motivated to do the things purely for the joy of doing them. Most conservatives believe the only way to motivate people is through money...and fear. It really doesn't have to be that way.

When you break out of that system, you gain power.

Believe me when I tell you that people like Dick Cheney, Grover Norquist, and James Dobson don't want us to get in touch with that power. They view Christ as a means to an end to control people. They believe in structure and steel enforced granite rules with a select few people in control. The reason why you see conservatives so upset right now and making comments like the ones above is that they are afraid of losing that control.

People are starting to realize how much power they have. Obama is telling them that they can break out of it. Many, many people are believing him and, thus, believing in themselves. And that's why people are worried about him getting shot. Not because of Steyn's death messiah fantasy talked about in comments. It's because people that understand these things know what has happened before...with JFK, Dr. King, Bobby Kennedy....these leaders who would have made things better for more people were killed because they represented a threat to those who want power for few and hate, misery, and fear for the rest of us.When you lose these three things, you lose control. It is starting to slip away and that's why we are starting to hear people say things like the above mentioned quotes.

I have to admit that I felt a lot of anger when I read some of these comments. I mean...seriously!....They take a message of restoring simple human dignity to Americans and becoming better ambassadors to the world then twist into a cynical distortion that would make Goebbels proud. Scary, huh? It's almost as if they have a filter in their brain that transforms all words said by anyone that doesn't think exactly the way they do into the foolishness we see above.

After a day or I just feel pity, really. I think it is tremendously sad that there is such a large group of people in this country who see villains around every corner.....who constantly give into fear and fall into backwards thinking (e.g. Barack Obama is a communist)....who are so insecure with the word change that they demonize that which could be helpful....who are so trapped inside of an ideology that they will never realize their true potential as human beings.

All of this begs the conservatives understand the language of hope and healing?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Family Vacation-RUINED!!

I just got this photo, courtesy of Zombie Girl. I thought you would all think it was as special as I did.

I have a few more she sent me which I will be trotting out in the weeks to come as a nice break to all the political banter.


Saturday, February 23, 2008


John McCain was quoted yesterday as saying that he hopes that "Fidal Castro gets the chance to meet Karl Marx very soon." Let's pause for a moment and put this comment into the CDBRM (conservative douche bag reprocessing machine).


Ah, here it is. What he was really saying. "I am saying this to rally more of the conservative base to my cause who will mistakenly believe that the only reason why America hates Cuba is because Fidal Castro is a murderer, fornicator, and communist. I, of course, know that the main reason why our government doesn't like Cuba is because Castro, instead of American industry, is pillaging and financially raping his own people. Dang, it'd be great to get a crack at that cheap labor and make all that money that Castro is making instead of us. Fucker....!"

Perhaps ol' Johnny Boy should more worried about this.......

Friday, February 22, 2008

Are You FUCKING kidding me?

Check out this story in the Dallas Star Telegram. Apparently the Secret Service ordered the Dallas police to stop security checks an hour before an Obama rally. They wanted the lines to move faster. As of this writing, none of the major news networks have picked this story up. Ed Schulze has been talking about it on his radio show but that's it.

Folks, I can see this shit happening all over again. The people (and you know who the fuck I am talking about) who have the most to lose from an Obama presidency are going to try to take him out and blame some crazed racist.

Was this a test run?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

What is the Story?

So, is this story that the New York Times published today about John McCain's "improper" relationship with lobbyist Vicki Iseman about McCain or the New York Times? Has the New York Times gone too far and stepped out of its normal parameters of reporting news? Will they still be the "paper of record?"

This could be a unbelievably damaging story to the Republican Party, not so much from the standpoint of McCain having an affair, but from the fact that he did favors for Isemen when he was the head of the Commerce committee.

Before I render any judgment, the sources that are saying McCain did have an improper relationship need to go on record. The New York Times has a lot of explaining to do and I really need to hear all that from Bill Keller, executive editor of the Times, and not the writers of the story. And by improper, I mean from the lobbyist angle not the sexual angle. Can we please move past this crap in this country? I don't give shit if McCain had group sex with the entire east wing of the Shady Oaks retirement home. The fact that we are obsessed with our leader's sex lives means we have much growing up to do.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It's Fundamental

A while back I put up a post about the differences between the conservative brain and the liberal brain. When you think about this study, it really explains a lot and someone with deep pockets should expand this study and see what other sorts of things we can find out about the conservative brain! (cue maniacal, evil scientist laughter and maniacal organ music)

One thing is certain, though. As I begin to delve deeper into the life of the conservative mind, my studies have brought me to several interesting pools of knowledge. The latest is a recent study of fundamental attribution error. Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE) is the tendency for observers, when analyzing another's behavior, to underestimate the impact of the situation and over estimate the impact of personal disposition. When it comes to the issues of the economy and poverty, much talked about in our presidential campaign, we see many conservatives making this error time and again.

"People generally get what they deserve."

"Those who don't work are often freeloaders"

"People who take initiative can still get ahead"

"The free market offers everyone choice and it is the fault of the individual, not society, if they can't pull themselves by their own boot straps and make it!"

We have heard these tired lines over and over. They are, in fact, completely invalid. And science....SCIENCE!!!....has proven it to be true, time and again.

A typical FAE experiment involves a group of people...let's say 100. Each of these hundred will spend time talking, one on one, to a certain person, who would either act aloof and critical or warm and friendly. 50 of the 100 were told beforehand that the person they would be talking to was an actor, who was going to fake feelings, and the other 50 were told nothing. They were then asked what their impressions were of this person. Guess what happened?

Even though they knew this person was an actor, the 50 people "in the know" still regarded said person as warm or cold. There was virtually no difference between the blind group and the control group. They knew the person was behaving in certain ways due to a situation but they still saw it as being a personal disposition.

To be fair, this is a very human failing. We all suffer from it. We lack the width of vision and the clarity to correctly analyze the myriad of combination of factors that cause people to behave the way they do. At least liberals question themselves and self reflect enough to recognize FAE. 21st Century conservatives, though, are a breed in and of themselves.

Not only do they fall into the FAE trap more than your average bear, they are completely unwilling to widen their perspective. Self reflection? Well, that's for pussys! In addition, they fall into other traps as well like confirmation bias or self serving bias. In fact, this is their basis for foreign policy: we are good and they are bad. Our army is for defense and theirs is for aggression. When we attack it is to protect ourselves. When they do, it is because they are evil.

David Meyers, professor at Hope College in Michigan, wrote:

Information about each other's actions is then filtered, interpreted, and remembered through preconceived stereotypes. Group interaction among like minded policymakers may polarize these tendencies, leading to groupthink, whereby each sees its own group as more moral, thereby justifying retaliation.

Gee, doesn't that sound all too fucking familiar!!!

Hey, how about this classic?

"Society is not to blame for crime, criminals are"

That was Bob Dole from 1996 and I always crack up when I hear that one. In fact, I laugh so hard I pretty much throw up and need oxygen.....ESPECIALLY when I hear the red states of our fair land talk about crime. A study done in the 1990s showed how white males from southern states deal with problems that arise in everyday life. It's no wonder that our current president enjoys most of his support from this area of the country. Homicide rates and violent crime are nearly triple the rates in these states because of cultural heritage, not a person's disposition.

So when it comes to issues of poverty, the economy, and even crime, we all need to learn to shuck our innate tendency to blame the person and look at the situation as a whole. What is this person's background? What kind of an environment did they come from? What is their cultural heritage?

And then do you know what we need to do? I think that Stephen Biko said it best.

Change the way people think and things will never be the same.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Cheeseheads Vote

Today is Wisconsin's primary. If you believe the polls, Obama wins here and in Hawaii, who is having their caucus today. If he does well in these states with women and under 50K income people, the Clinton camp is going to start to shit pink twinkies.

Polls say he is now tied in Texas with Hillary...basically within the margin of error and about 15 pts behind in Ohio. If he wins Texas, as in gets the most delegates, it's over.

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Map

Take a look at this map showing the states Obama has won and the states Hillary has won. Obama has won 22 states and Clinton 13.

Look at all the red states that have gone for Obama. True, this is only Democrats voting but if they are as energized in the general elections as they are now, we could see some states turn blue.

I really hope that the bigwigs in the Democratic party get the message.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Bile For McCain

Here is an article from The Toronto Sun about the loudmouths against McCain hilarity. I flicked around the dial these past couple of days and they are still going at it. Pretty funny and pretty self defeating.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Three Great Wins

Well, the Man who could change the World has finally put Hillary in the rear view mirror with wins last night in DC, Virginia, and Maryland. Can you say BIG MO??!!

Here is a link from CNN about how well Senator Obama matches up against McCain.

Make sure you get out and vote if you live in Wisconsin. The primary is in six days.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Notice The Cheese Has Slipped Completely Off Their Cracker

Just when you thought the conservative movement in this country couldn't descend any further into mental and emotional psychosis, they seem to have a found yet another level of dementia. John McCain, the inevitable Republican nominee for the 2008 Presidential race, is apparently not conservative enough. Unless you are fully rooted in the delusion of this hysterical ideology, apparently, you are not allowed in the club.

Let's take a moment to review what it means to be a member of this club, shall we?

1. National Defense. The United States is always right in everything we do in the world, everyone else is wrong, we never start anything, we are perfectly innocent, and the only way to solve a problem is to blow it up and kill people.

2. Economy. The free market is filled with nothing but goodness and all corporate leaders should be worshiped for all the money they have. Any government interference will result in the deaths of millions of Americans and we will eventually all end up communists. (keyword to beat incessantly into the ground: TRIAL LAWYERS aka those sub human satanists who take money from the deeply wholesome and eternally benevolent corporations of America)

3. Health Care. Socialized Medecine is directly from Satan's own pit of fire. If people can't afford to buy health care, fuck em. They should be dead anyway.

4. Abortion. All human life is sacred. Liberals have murdered 70 million people.

5. Torture. We must maim or murder anyone who stands in our way...quickly...the clocks is ticking....ahhhhh...hurry......ohhhh....ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

6. Supreme Court. Only judges who see things our way are good. Otherwise they are all liberal judges who legislate from the bench. (keyword to beat incessantly into the ground: ACTIVIST JUDGES)

7. Immigration. Fuck you, get out of our country.

8. Campaign Finance Reform. Also the work of Satan. Churches should be allowed to contribute and control any campaign they want.

9. Climate Change. Completely False. A fantasy made up by the left to hoodwink voters amnd money. There is no climate change and don't ever mention it again. Begin Fox News scroll of scientists who don't believe in climate change. Don't confuse this list with C PAC members. They might look identical but always remember our motto: Don't believe what you are seeing. It is all a liberal trick!

10. Gay Marriage. All faggots should be treated like animals and burn in hell. What's that? You think I am a bigot and intolerant? How dare you criticized my personal beliefs! Wah!!!!!!!!!!

11. Education. We must stop the teaching of all things that don't adhere to our platform. They are poisoning our children's minds. Seig Heil!

12. The Media is all liberal and against us at all times. In fact anyone who doesn't completely agree with us is, in fact, a minion of Lucifer.

Apparently, the conservatives have their own little rating system (how cute) for how conservative a person actually is. They use the above points and then average the score to get a rating. Bill Bennett, conservative talk show host and former Secretary of Education, stated last week on CNN that John McCain scores an 82 out of 100.


was the five year old temper tantrum-esque cry of conservative pundits. It must be 100 percent conservative, good and wholseome like white milk, or we will all perish in a boiling pit of sewage! Eternal child Rush Limbaugh has been on a tirade, going as far to say that supporters of John McCain suffer from anal poisoning. Odd, considering that it was an anal cyst that got Limbaugh out of Vietnam. Laura Ingraham, Hugh Hewitt, Michael Medved, Michelle Malkin and a host of other CM (conservative movement) douche bags are fit to be tied. They are out of their minds with anger that Republicans are turning out in droves for John McCain.

Sure, he is tough on terror, pro life, pro big business, against universal health care, against spending on Education, and would appoint strict, conservative judges to the court BUT he won't support a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage (even though he opposes gay marriage), he gave amnesty to illegal immigrants, he believes that climate change is real, and (mother of all that is holy) thinks that torture is wrong. What a fucking liberal! Even Ann Coulter (hall hath no fury like a woman-oops-man scorned) says that she will campaign for Hillary Clinton if McCain is the Republican nominee.

Could it be that sane people are trying to take back the Republican party, returning it to less infantile run organization? Are we heading back to the time of when I had polite disagreements with conservatives, who were mostly sane and intelligent as opposed to insane and imbecillic? Will the CMDBs ruin this one chance to restore the Republican Party to honor and dignity?

It looks as though they might not because the people are speaking-in a very loud tone-and they like John McCain. I like John McCain. I disagree with him on a number of issues, chiefly Iraq and health care, and would probably vote for Hillary over him but at least if he won we would have a person, unlike now, who is fucking qualified for the job. President McCain would be an intelligent, passionate, empathetic, and strong leader. He is a real patriot, not a faux one invented by the pea size intellect of the Rush Limbaughs of the world. Come to think of it, those four traits that I just listed above describe everything the CMDBs completely and utterly lack. No wonder they don't like him!

There has been a lot of talk lately about how the Democrats might implode due to the tight race between Obama and Hillary. If you ask me, it is the Republicans who should be worried. They have allowed people with the emotional and mental maturity of an 8 year old boy run their party and look how undeniably fucked up our country is as a result of their moronic ideology. Now, decent conservatives, both in the party and across the country, are trying to make up for the colossal fuck up that is Bush- Co. They are trying to do the right thing and the CMDBs won't let them.

Rush says that a McCain ticket will destroy the Republican Party. In reality, it will destroy the CMDB part of the party and that's what he and others are afraid of. They hate John McCain because he is a living representation of the loss of control they have over Americans that is slipping every day. They can see it in their lower ratings and they hear it from the people that call in to their shows. At the end of the day, they hate John McCain because, as with all of the rest of the people that they slime, he is better than them and they know their time is just about over. (*Sigh) Such a shame......

The people are speaking and they love John McCain.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Great Quotes!

Two great quotes to start off the week.

"She is a smart person, she is a capable person, she would be a vast improvement over the incumbent. What is also true is, I think it's very hard for Senator Clinton to break out of the politics of the last 15 years. I will create a working majority because I won't demonize my opponents and I already attract independent and conservative voters." -Barack Obama Feb 10, 2008

And this one...which leads into tomorrow's column.

"I think we are seeing the twilight of the loud mouth radio host."- P J O'Rourke, on the Bill Maher show February 7, 2008, in response to some conservatives dislike of John McCain.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Stinking Liberal

Colin Powell, in a recent interview on CNN, called Barack Obama an "exciting person on the political stage who has energized people here and around the world." He also says he is keeping his options open as to who he will support this year in the presidential election.

I wonder what the neo conservative douche bag machine will think of this one....

Feeling The Strain

Apparently our military is beginning to admit the strain of what two extended tours of duty can do. Check out this article just posted today.

Let's make sure that we don't cut and run, though, because that would put us at more of a risk. NOT! The question many MORE things can conservatives be wrong about before people start getting the message?

Monday, February 04, 2008

The New Frontier

I've been talking a lot these past few weeks about the presidential election. As the saying goes, though, all politics are local. So, on the eve of Super Tuesday, I thought I would talk a little bit about my congressional district, the 3rd in Minnesota, and who I think would be the best person to represent it.

As some of you may know, Jim Ramstead, the current rep for the 3rd is retiring. He has had enough of going back and forth to Washington for almost 20 years. Jim was a perfect fit for this district-center right-which is what most people are out here in the western suburbs. It is very likely that Erik Paulsen will get the Republican nod. He says he is center-right just like Ramstead but he is completely full of shit. On the Democratic side, the choice has basically come down to two people: Terri Bonoff and Ashwin Madia.

Terri is about as old guard Democrat as you can get, which in my opinion means fucking clueless. If she is nominated you can pretty much bank on Paulsen winning the district. If that happens, we are going to see more of the same, tired ideology that will result in colossal amounts of bullshit. In order to win this district, Democrats are going to have to get people to cross party lines, get more people out to vote, and snag some independents. The person that can do all that is Ashwin Madia.

Ashwin Madia's parents moved to America from Mumbai, India. They had only $19 in cash when they first arrived. Madia's family settled in Plymouth, Minnesota, where he went to Osseo Senior High School. He attended the University of Minnesota where he became student body president. While in this position, he worked to cap tuition increases and fees. He then attended New York University School of Law. He was in New York on Sept 11, 2001. After that day, he decided to join the marines. Ash completed basic training in Quantico, Virginia. His first duty station was Okinawa, Japan, where he served as a prosecutor, defense counsel, and legal advisor to a Marine Corps commander.

Madia later served in Iraq from September 2005 to March 2006. While there, he worked to strengthen Iraq's criminal justice system. This job included working with Iraqi judicial officers, U.S. military and civilian officials, and representatives of the European Union and United Nations, as well as briefing top U.S. generals on the status of the rule of law in the country.

I think this is the guy that can beat Paulsen. If you are a Democrat supporting Bonoff, ask yourself this question: do you honestly think she can beat him? She'll roll out the same old crap and look like a female Skip Humphrey and Republicans will be laughing to another election win in the 3rd. If you are an independent, don't waste your vote. This guy is about as progressive as they come. If you are a moderate Republican that is sick to death of Bushit, Ash will talk your ear off about fiscal responsibility and making America strong again economically.

I had the pleasure of meeting Ash yesterday and I urge all of you to caucus for him tomorrow when you vote. Visit his campaign site and learn more about him. Read where he stands on the issues. This page will tell you exactly how to caucus for him. He is the exact person we need representing our district. His youthfulness (29 years old) reminds of another person running around the country these days:) His energy reminds of my own when it comes to the politics of hope. His intelligence is something that we desperately need in Washington right now. He understands, on a very deep level, that this election is about the future.

It's about the New Frontier.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Coulter Endorses Hillary

Could this be the end of the conservative douche bag pundit machine? Well, at least it proves what I have said all along-Coulter just has to say something insane once every two months or so to stay in the limelight.

Thank you John McCain!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ah...too much happening...head hurts...

Wow. Holy crap. Talk about a crazy last 48 hours. Alright, let's see if we have this straight.

1. Edwards: Gone. So much for "going all the way." He is now in a very strong position to be kingmaker. I predict he goes for Obama and then Hillary will be in big trouble this Tuesday.

2. Giulianni: Gone. Really sad. Our Mayor had to bow out and, with it, the only chance I would have of voting Republican.

3. Hillary: Shucks, isn't it too bad that JFK's daughter endorsed Obama? As I have said before, the torch is passed...

4. McCain: Part of me is happy for him..the comeback maybe not kid. The other part of me knows that if he wins the presidency, we will have a nation that has decided to remain an immovable object.

5. Paul: Still in...and with plenty of money and pissed off "real" conservatives behind him.

6. Huckabee: Looking for a miracle...or the VP spot with McCain.

7. Romney: Ward Cleaver is going to have some problems on Tuesday.

8: Obama: I think he might surprise some people on Tuesday....people with last name Clinton. I don't think anyone has any idea how many "non-voting" voters he is going to bring to the polls. I predict it is going to be staggering. If he gets the Democratic nod, you are going to see many of the "other hundred million" vote. The people of this country can sense that something wonderful could happen and they could help be a part of it. He's close....I'm nervous....too nervous..

Some interesting quotes from comments from Monday's post that I thought I would bring out front and comment on:

"very few people (Mark included) ever talk about Obama's voting record"

Quite a bit has been made about Obama voting "present" when he was in the state legislature. There are people talking about it. I don't talk about it much because I'm not sure how that will translate on a national stage.

"'Equality in all areas of our country would have been the order of the day.' I'm sorry but mankind will never be remade like that and I get leery of politicians taking steps to enforce their definition of fairness."

Spoken like a true conservative. While I am not advocating a collectivist culture, cultures that favor the individualist have higher rates of loneliness, more divorce, more homicide, and more stress related diseases. Remember, too, Obama is not saying that HE will do anything. It will be OUR responsibility. All he is doing is opening the door...which, for the last eight years, has been eight foot thick of metal with seven thousand locks on it.

"Hillary is enough of a polarizing figure that I think McCain wins that one."

Agreed. Democrats, please don't fucking nominate her.

"I foresee a rejuvenation of “Where’s the beef?” analogies. However, Obama is still trouble because too many people live for that sunny rhetoric and a return to Camelot."

Also agreed. Do you know that they changed Obama's web site about a month ago? It used to have very detailed ideas and plans. Now it seems too light and airy. I want to hear more specifics as well. They really need to put back the old site.

"we still have super Tuesday coming up and neither political party has anyone set in stone yet."

It's going to be really cool, I agree. I do like how exciting the race is on both sides.

Oh, and how totally mega is the debate tomorrow night between Hillary and Barack now? I will be glued to my wide screen...

Monday, January 28, 2008

American Monarchy

A while back I was a at get together for Keith Ellison, esteemed congressmen for Minneapolis. Keith wasn't there but plenty of his supporters were and we all started talking about who we liked for president. There were some Edwards' supporters and some or two Richardson folks but the overwhelming majority loved Hillary Clinton. In fact, one of my friends there said something that struck me.

"Well, I suppose I'm for we can continue the whole Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton thing."

To this day, I don't know if she was serious or kidding. Either way, we have a serious fucking problem on our hands, folks, and the Democrats who support Hillary don't seem to care. Ask yourselves this question: do you want to allow the same two families to run our country for at least 24 years? That's an entire generation!! Good God, people!!! Can any of you see what is happening to our country? Do we want to live in a monarchy!?

Much like the Bushie, the Hillites are passionate, driven, and centrally focused. I mean this as a negative, not a positive. To make matters worse, they want payback. Payback for the last 8 years. Some Hillary supporters I have talked to over the last few months are the biggest cunts I have ever met...and they ain't all women folks! They want to force their agenda down the throats of the American people just like Bush did and they aren't in the mood for compromise. They want to continue the childish, bickering partisan bullshit of the last ten years.

And, just as with President Bush, if this happens, nothing will be accomplished and I suspect we will be worse off than we are now. It will be four years of the conservative pundits being on the offense again and folks like will have renewed life on defense. These people are still going to be around and we can't be having this shit anymore. We have serious work to do, people, and our country depends on it. We don't have time for this crap anymore.

Remember my column two weeks back? Republicans want Hillary to win so they can have their perfect opponent. Unless that opponent is Rudy Giuliani, we are going to have more of the same bullshit we have had for the last eight years. Can you imagine a Romney vs. Clinton election? Or a McCain vs. Clinton election? Pee-Yew!! As Senator Obama said last Saturday, after winning the South Carolina primary, this is an election about the past versus the future.

I am speaking directly to Hillary supporters here. The Clintons are the past. They had their time in the White House. Barack Obama is the future. Bottom line: Super Tuesday is one week away and I urge all of you who are Democrats to NOT caucus for Hillary. If she wins, it forces people like myself to lose faith in the political process and not vote. Or vote for a third party candidate. I did that in 2000 and look what happened. I'm not the only one who is suffering from chronic regret.

We are on the cusp of something great here. We have a chance to really move forward. Why on earth would any of you want to move back?

Saturday, January 26, 2008


A little something to roil conservatives over the weekend.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Great Quote

"Giving political power to the neo-conservative is the same thing as empowering the mentally and emotionally ill"

-Todd Rundgren, Minneapolis, MN. January 22, 2007.

Monday, January 21, 2008
