
Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Wrecking Crew

The latest scalps that conservative activists have claimed (ACORN and Van Jones) got me to thinking about Thomas Frank's book The Wrecking Crew. If you want to understand why the right hates ACORN so much, read this book. In fact, if you want to understand the right at all and why I say the things I have said in some of the latest threads, you really need to read this book.

From the first review on Amazon.

According to Frank, the conservative worldview is totally committed to "the ideal of laissez faire, meaning minimal government interference in the marketplace, along with hostility to taxation, regulation, organized labor, state ownership, and all the business community's other enemies. "The conservative movement promotes the interests of business exclusively over all else in accordance with the motto, "More business in government, less government in business." So-called "big government," also tagged as the liberal state, is the enemy; in fact, virtually all government is the enemy, other than the national defense.

Juxtapose this with ACORN's central causes: higher minimum wages, more affordable housing, and voter registration and one can easily see why they are rabidly against everything that ACORN stands for and will stop at nothing to destroy them.

Further, from the same comment

Frank also highlights the manner in which conservatives have repeatedly run the country into huge spending deficits in order to "defund the left" while simultaneously politicizing government management positions by favoring ideology over competence. The end result under Republican conservative stewardship is government that demonstrates itself as ineffectual and incompetent, offering but further proof that big government is inherently incapable of working and needs to be outsourced to private, professional concerns who can do the job correctly (and then inevitably failing to do so).

Which is exactly what happened in the Bush Administration. Folks, continue to try to "see all sides" and "be fair" with the current incarnation of the right today and you do so at your own peril as we see in the final line of this review of Frank's book.

Frank demonstrates well that present day politics has truly become, to invert von Clausiwitz's famous maxim, "a continuation of war by other means." Regrettably, one side of the battle (liberals/progressives) continues to play the game as politics, as elections won or lost and citizens swayed or not, while the other side (the conservative base) approaches it as an act of war, a no-holds-barred contest in which the only goal is the complete and utter destruction of the other side.

Folks, this how the right thinks. Jones and ACORN are just the beginning. They can't accept the fact the Barack Obama is president and will do everything in their power to see him brought down. It's only going to be a matter of time before the methods they use will become violent. Their rage is too great and history, I fear, will be repeated.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Oh, no he di'int!!!

Former President Jimmy Carter recently stated that much of the bile towards President Obama is racially motivated. In addition to this comment being filed under "No Shit," this is sure to roil the right even more. First of all, it's Carter so expect all the Carter roasting over an open pit to begin again...always a classic, btw.

And then look for the re-direct on the racism as well. "It's all they have left", "Race Monger", "Eeep-Blurp-Squonk" will all be heard repeatedly over the next few days.

Or you can just check the comments section on the post below for similarly themed denials.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Say It Ain't So, Joe...

I've had a few emails and in person comments about my thoughts on the Joe Wilson deal. I think Andrew Sullivan put it best.

But there was something clarifying about a Southern good ol' boy yelling "Liar" at the president over illegal immigration. That's what the GOP now is: the worst aspects of the old Democratic party combined with a nihilism that is only eclipsed by its catastrophic governance for the past eight years.

No shit. And this is from someone who used to be a Republican.

The problem is that now we have a very large swath of conservatives running around re-framing the bias debate. It's clear to me that Joe Wilson is fucking racist. He can't stand the fact that a black man is president. In fact, I'd wager most people that told their children not to watch President Obama give his education speech last Tuesday are racist as well. But you can't call them on it. Oh no.

Because they start in with the song and dance routine about how that's all liberals know how to do, it's knee jerk reaction, it's unfair..blah blah blah etc etc. From there the left cowers in fear and thinks "Gee, maybe I went too far" and then loses the argument while the original action and it's obvious undertones are long forgotten.

Now, I have no problem admitting that I am biased against Muslim men. It's something I struggle with everyday. The question is...why can't nearly all conservatives admit their problem? I think it ties in to their complete inability to admit when they are at fault. You know...the whole "if you admit you are wrong, you show weakness" meme.

The fact is, folks, that we all have bias. It's part of our socio-cultural context. We distrust the other. And it doesn't matter what side of the aisle we are on. In fact, it's an historical truth that the Democrats have a longer history of racism than the Republicans which I find sad. Not for the Democrats, who have clearly taken steps to outgrow their racism but for the Republicans, a party who once proudly appointed the first black government officials.

A party who cannot see how far they have sunk.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009


I have to admit that, while I liked Al Franken, I did not think he was the strongest Democrat my home state could field. After watching this video, I realize how wrong I was. Way to go, Senator Franken.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Mission Accomplished

"Thinking about my kids in school having to listen to that just really upsets me," suburban Colorado mother Shanneen Barron told CNN Denver affiliate KMGH. "I'm an American. They are Americans, and I don't feel that's OK. I feel very scared to be in this country with our leadership right now."

Sunday, September 06, 2009

The UItimate Betrayal


"Government efforts to funnel hundreds of billions of dollars into the U.S. economy appear to be helping the U.S. climb out of the worst recession in decades."

The rest of the article is pretty even handed but this line alone made me, as Bill Maher recently put it, "drop my Bible that I was using to help me masturbate into my gun."

I suppose it's only a matter of time before the right begins to accuse the Wall Street Journal of being a communist newspaper:)

Friday, September 04, 2009

The Sleeping Giant....AWAKE.

I haven't felt the urge to post lately...busy with all sorts of things in my being the primary one. But this story has brought me out of my slumber.

Question for conservatives: WHAT THE FUCK IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?!!!???

Seriously, your paranoia and psychosis is officially limitless. President Obama wants to address the students of this nation on the importance of hard work and staying in school. And you are "absolutely appalled that taxpayer dollars are being used to spread President Obama's socialist ideology?" To put it simply, you are collection of asshats.

You complain about our schools not doing a good enough job educating children...the lack of motivation and inspiration...and yet your maniacal fervor won't even allow President Obama to deliver a simple message of on the significance of education. Do you seriously have a governor of a sitting state (Rick Perry, Texas) telling children to stay home from school that day?

I didn't think it was possible for me to be angrier than I was during the W years but I got news for all of you...I am. So, the gloves are off, folks. There won't be anymore polite debating and "trying to see all angles." As of right now, I am finished trying to be fair with you people. And it is YOUR fault. I am sick of trying to pretend otherwise. You aren't part of any sort of solution at all. You exist only to tap into your inner rage and try to fuck things up for this country. You are the problem.

For me to pretend otherwise any longer is insanity.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Not Even Hiding it Anymore

At a recent town hall meeting, Northern California US Rep. Wally Herger fielded a comment from one of his constituents.

“I am a proud right wing terrorist,” he declared to cheers.

And Congressmen Herger's response?

“Amen, God bless you,” Herger said with a broad smile. “There is a great American.”

And people are giving me shit about comparing the right to Al Qaeda...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Geography 101

 they teach Geography at Fox News?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Shovel to the Head Stunner

Check out this deeply personal column from a recent issue of the Atlantic by David Goldhill. It is a perfect summation of the deep malaise that has inflicted our health care system. From the article.

Accidentally, but relentlessly, America has built a health-care system with incentives that inexorably generate terrible and perverse results. Incentives that emphasize health care over any other aspect of health and well-being. That emphasize treatment over prevention. That disguise true costs. That favor complexity, and discourage transparent competition based on price or quality. That result in a generational pyramid scheme rather than sustainable financing. And that—most important—remove consumers from our irreplaceable role as the ultimate ensurer of value.

If you are heading to a town hall meeting with your representative, read this first.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Not So Much

Is there anyone else out there who is not at all shocked by former Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge's "revelation" that he was pressured by the White House to raise the color coded threat level before the 2004 election?

What is interesting, though, is the reminder of how bin Laden released a tape right before that election. I have to say that I think Al Qaeda is befuddled about what to do now that they don't have poster boy Bush to hold up as a recruiting tool anymore. A country that elected a man whose middle name is Hussein? Well, that's not any fun.

Back in 2004, I imagine a very assertive group of hirabis shitting themselves at the thought of a President Kerry. Sure, he could probably bore everyone to death with his fine impression of a human toothache but rile up the natives? No one could get multiple psychotics to strap explosives to their chests like W.

Hence the video...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


From today's Onion

Congress Deadlocked Over How To Not Provide Health Care

"Both parties understand that the current system is broken," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters Monday. "But what we can't seem to agree upon is how to best keep it broken, while still ensuring that no elected official takes any political risk whatsoever. It’s a very complicated issue."

"Ultimately, though, it's our responsibility as lawmakers to put these differences aside and focus on refusing Americans the health care they deserve," Pelosi added.

No fucking shit.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Seven Falsehoods about Health Care Reform

Just a quick one so far today...check out these seven falsehoods from regarding health care reform.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Yeah, tell me again...

Perhaps it's naivete or perhaps he's just a nice guy trying to reach across the aisle. President Obama, in his first health care town hall meeting in New Hampshire on Tuesday, spoke highly of Senator Grassley of Iowa and Senator Johnny Isakson of Georgia saying

I think there are my friends on Capital Hill who are sincerely trying to figure out a health care bill that works.

And how did they, in that spirit of bipartisanship, embrace him?

Grassley of Iowa:

In the House bill, there is counseling for end of life. You have every right to fear. You shouldn’t have counseling at the end of life, you should have done that 20 years before. Should not have a government run plan to decide when to pull the plug on grandma.

And Johnny boy released this statement.

U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., today denounced comments made by President Obama and his spokesman regarding Isakson’s alleged connection to language contained in the House health care bill on “end-of-life counseling.”

Isakson vehemently opposes the House and Senate health care bills and he played no role in drafting language added to the House bill by House Democrats calling for the government to incentivize doctors by offering them money to conduct “end-of-life counseling” with Medicare patients every five years. Isakson also strongly opposed the House bill language calling for doctors to follow a government-mandated list of topics to discuss with patients during the counseling sessions.

Odd considering that he had this to say just in an interview, about the end of life counseling, just moments before.

I have no idea. I understand -- and you have to check this out -- I just had a phone call where someone said Sarah Palin's web site had talked about the House bill having death panels on it where people would be euthanized. How someone could take an end of life directive or a living will as that is nuts. You're putting the authority in the individual rather than the government. I don't know how that got so mixed up.

Even more odd considering Isakson PUSHED FOR THE SAME THING IN THE SENATE!!

And people are telling me that the Democrats have no interest in bipartisanship? If anything, they are being too nice and conciliatory while conservatives know (i.e. what I have been saying since I fucking started this blog) that they have to play to the nutters of their party because....THAT'S WHAT THEIR WHOLE PARTY IS!!!!

So, please, the next time someone tells you that the Democrats are stubborn, immovable, play to the crazies in their base, and don't want compromise, show them this post. And tell them to come back with something that isn't direct from their ass.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Very Cool

I am a very big fan of Morning Joe on MSNBC. This might come as a big shock to some of you being that Joe Scarborough is a Republican but I think he's great and his show is money.

Claire Macaskill, Democratic Senator from Missouri, was on this morning to ask about her raucous town hall meeting yesterday. She said a couple of things that I thought were pretty fucking great. When asked what she thought about the hecklers she said,

Well, this is what I signed up for. People that can't take this shouldn't run for office. It's democracy in its purest form and that isn't always pretty. We had a few bad moments when people were shouting over each other but all in all it was a good meeting.

It actually was a good meeting and she made some pretty good points that silenced the loud mouths right quick. When she asked for a show of hands as to who was on Medicare, several people raised them. Then she asked how many of those people wanted to get rid of Medicare because it was run by the government, I didn't see a single hand go up.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Turn Off Glen Beck?

"We are all afraid of Obama....Never!" cried the flat earthers and civil war re-enacters.

See what happens when you are a Republican (Bob Inglis, R-SC) and you try to get fervent psychotics to actually read the bill and dispute the policy?

Yeah, tell me again about the base.

Now, I wonder if there is a video similar to this one but instead has progressives/liberals booing a congressperson when asked to turn off their TV...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Obama=Stalin, Pol Pot, and Hitler

Check out this video.

I watch this and it reminds me of a comment made over 40 years ago by my biggest hero

Christianity will go.. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue with that; I'm right and I will be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first — rock and roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right, but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me.

So said John Lennon in 1966 and those Americans who have "values" showed how similar they are know:) The melee that ensued afterwards resulted in a Niagara Falls like outpouring of hatred and bile that is quite similar to what we are seeing at these town hall meetings in the last couple of weeks. We sure have come a long way....not.

The ironic part is that when Americans for Prosperity compares Barack Obama to Adolph Hitler they should really look in the fucking mirror. THEY are the ones who will be the first people to starting burning books, censoring art, and preventing any kind of progress in an issue as serious as health care. They would sooner see this country burn, just like all those Beatles albums four decades ago, then have to admit that there are other ways to govern this country.

The very word "change" to them is a devil's word. It's no wonder they hate President Obama as much as they do as this was his central campaign theme. He might as well of run with the slogan "I'm a comin' to git ya" because that's essentially what they hear. And they react accordingly. Want some evidence?

Take a look at this

This is a protester who has proudly hung freshman Maryland Democratic Rep. Frank Kratovil in effigy. Look at his boy scout knot! And winning smile. How proud his mom must be...The note around his neck says, "Congress Traitors The American" and then a word that looks like idol. Americans for prosperity sponsored this event and look what has happened.

I'm sure there will be commenters that will trot out examples of Bush being burned in effigy. Or some dorkwad protest from the G8. There are several points I would like to make, pre-rebuttal.

First, anyone that does that is just as wrong as these people. They should be deplored just like this ass hat to the left. Second, as I have stated many times, there just isn't the venom on the left like there is on the right. Nor are there the numbers. Or the organization. They just don't have the teeth or the will power to do stuff like this.

Third, I have yet to see any town hall meeting, left leaning, that had this happen.

Listen to the cheers and take your mind to...say...the Middle East somewhere. As an American, what would be the first thing you would think if you saw this in a madrassa in Saudi Arabia? It's a traitorous act if someone named Mohamed Fatah calls for the death of an American CEO named Sam Tinkerbell, taunting him by calling him Sam Infidel and cheering his assassination. It is patriotic when Bill O'Reilly as well as Rush Limbaugh call Dr. George Tiller "Doctor Killer" and cheer his assassination. The double standard of the right fucking slays me.

Reps. Brad Miller of North Carolina and Brian Baird of Washington, both Democrats, have both received death threats--Miller from a caller who was upset that he was not holding a public forum and Baird via fax a day after he described town hall demonstrators as "a lynch mob." I predict it's only going to get worse...especially if health care passes.

Because these people aren't interested in honest debate or dissent. They have found an outlet for their hyper irrationality and are going to roll with it until they get what they want.

A good ol' fashioned lynching...just like them old days, pappy! And the best part? The base and their supporters will spin it as a good thing for our country.

Note: Please disregard any connection between the fact that all of the protesters are white and our president is black. And any unpleasant connection between the image of lynchings and black people. There is no racism on the right...there is no racism on the right (pause for a gulp of the kool aid)...there is no racism on the right...

Sunday, August 09, 2009

A Little Story

Suppose there is a TV or radio personality named Mohammad Fatah. He has a very popular program with the Muslim population of this country. On the program, he accuses Sam Tinkerbell (CEO of Dark Springs, a military contractor) of murdering babies. He calls Tinkerbell, in mocking, Sam Infidel, and says he is dangerous to the world. This berating goes on for a few years off and on.

Then one day, a man named Jakarra Hussein kills Sam Tinkerbell, is caught, and sent to prison. Is Mohammad guilty of sedition and/or domestic terrorism? Or at least conspiracy to kill?

Well, is he?

Saturday, August 08, 2009

The Latest Lie

The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care.

The above comment was made by former Alaskan governor Sara Palin in regards to President Obama's health care plan. Here is one from a chain email which I'm sure that some of you have seen.

On Page 425 of Obama’s health care bill, the Federal Government will require EVERYONE who is on Social Security to undergo a counseling session every 5 years with the objective being that they will explain to them just how to end their own life earlier. Yes…They are going to push SUICIDE to cut medicare spending!!!

As I mentioned earlier in the week, one of the many bits of insanity that are coming out at these town hall meetings from the right (disseminated by their propaganda network) is that the Obama bill will force euthanasia. I'll put some videos up in the next day or two in which seemingly ordinary Americans are comparing Obama to Hitler.

Taking our shuttle back to earth, we can see that these claims are flat out wrong. From

In truth, that section of the bill would require Medicare to pay for voluntary counseling sessions helping seniors to plan for end-of-life medical care, including designating a health care proxy, choosing a hospice and making decisions about life-sustaining treatment. It would not require doctors to counsel that their patients refuse medical intervention.

Page 425 does deal with counseling sessions for seniors, but it is far from recommending a "Logan’s Run" approach to Medicare spending. In fact, it requires Medicare to cover counseling sessions for seniors who want to consider their end-of-life choices – including whether they want to refuse or, conversely, require certain types of care. The claim that the bill would "push suicide" is a falsehood.

And here is page 425.

H.R. 3200, page 425: Subject to paragraphs (3) and (4), the term ‘advance care planning consultation’ means a consultation between the individual and a practitioner described in paragraph (2) regarding advance care planning, if, subject to paragraph (3), the individual involved has not had such a consultation within the last 5 years. Such consultation shall include the following:

(A) An explanation by the practitioner of advance care planning, including key questions and considerations, important steps, and suggested people to talk to.

(B) An explanation by the practitioner of advance directives, including living wills and durable powers of attorney, and their uses.

(C) An explanation by the practitioner of the role and responsibilities of a health care proxy.

(D) The provision by the practitioner of a list of national and State-specific resources to assist consumers and their families with advance care planning … .

(E) An explanation by the practitioner of the continuum of end-of-life services and supports available, including palliative care and hospice, and benefits for such services and supports that are available under this title.

(F)(i) Subject to clause (ii), an explanation of orders regarding life sustaining treatment or similar orders … .

So, essentially, this offers each individual more choice and help...a word that must mean "the devil" in wing nut land.

Factcheck goes on to explain why yet another right wing lie is wrong.

Friday, August 07, 2009

The Plan of Last!

We've been talking about health care all week and I thought it would be interesting (especially since it has come up in comments) to cut and paste Last in Line's plan from a couple of years back so we could all comment on it. So without further it is!

Based on my over 5 years of experience working in the health care field, and being a certified Paramedic in the state of Illinois, here is how my plan would work. Notice there is no cutting and pasting here from wikipedia.

The bottom line is that medicare IS the best system we have going right now in this country. IMO there needs to be more of a balance between medicare,private insurance, and co-pay.
Health care is one of the only industries where the government does not get the best rate for things. The company I work for gets better rates from Medica and UHG than the government does. Congress passed a law some time ago (not sure when) that stipulates that medicare cannot negotiate the price of anything while insurance companies can. I would reverse that so medicare IS allowed to negotiate for prices like everybody else.

Therefore I favor a medicare-style plan that EVERYBODY is on...sort of a National HMO if you will. 2 ways to go about this, and I’m not sure which way is the way is to have hospitalizations covered 100%. Really expensive things like transplants and prescription drugs would NOT be covered under this. Everybody would have the option to purchase supplemental private insurance from insurance companies to cover such things based on their own or their families needs. The other way is to have all catastrophic things covered and have the option to buy private insurance for basic hospitalization or whatever else you want you and your family to be covered for. US companies would drop medical insurance as a benefit and they would get to keep that money for their own bottom line. Increase payroll taxes to pay for the plan.

Regarding co-pay, it is at about 20% now...increase it to 30% over a period of time...say 10 years or so…don’t implement that change right away all at once. Yes that will be painful to some people but no matter which way you go in this, somebody is going to get hurt and/or pissed off under any new plan. You have the option to buy private insurance from private insurance companies to help you out with co-pays.

In terms of implementing any new plan, the free market will determine the next great health care plan. When it will be successful will be when there is a market demand for it, sooner rather than later I bet. Maybe it will be something along the lines of what I typed. Maybe it will be some socialists wet dream, I don't know for sure. Whatever it is will come about because somebody has found a way to work with the free market and will allow people in the free market to sell services for a profit and the market has found that it is cheap, efficient, and is preferable to the current system. People have to want it, not be guilt tripped into accepting it (which is what I read when liberals tend to start spouting off on the subject). In other words, it can't be forced.

The main problem I still have is that US politicians and US government bureaucrats will be running the plan and the service we will receive and the implementation of the plan will be absolutely horrible and corruption just may rear its ugly head just a little, ya think? I mean, look at the areas that the government controls now – the post office, Department of Motor Vehicles, VA hospitals, Public Education…areas like those are horribly mismanaged with bureaucracies, corruption, overhead and waste as far as the eye can see, not to mention a poorly motivated workforce who all know it is impossible for them to get fired.