
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Once More...Into the Breach!

This post is a response to a discussion Kevin Baker and I have been having down in comments. He put a longer comment up on his blog, which you can find here, so I thought I would bring my reply out into a full post as well.

I would like to start off by saying that I appreciated the support of everyone who came to my defense down below. I think I am probably a little bit less as skilled of a debater as some of my defenders made me out to be but posting on Kevin's blog has certainly made me tougher, no doubt.

I also want to make it clear, before I respond to what Kevin wrote, that, even thought I may not post again on his blog, I do plan on continuing to read it everyday. In fact, it will probably be the only blog I read everyday, other than my own of course. Many people here think I am nuts for doing this but I have always thought that you can't be intelligently critical of someone's point of view unless you fully understand it. I'm not sure I fully understand the conservative/neo conservative/classical liberal/whatever mindset yet but life is about the journey after all and this journey will most assuredly continue. Why spend that journey reading blogs like The Huffington Post or the Daily Kos who basically give me information that I already know?

At the end of the day, I think all 200-300 of you that read my blog should read his as well. It is informative in more ways than I can possibly count. When I made comments there, I always found myself thinking, man this would make a great column on my blog. So, if I see something that sparks my interest there, more than likely, I will comment on it here. And with that thought, here is my commentary on the post he entitled "All Markadelphia All The Time." I will pull some quotes here and there for this post but if you want to read the full text, I urge you to go to his site.

Let's start out with an oldie but a goodie

Do it again only harder

I have to admit that this has always struck me as being a terribly wrong and short sighted way to characterize liberals/progressives but I couldn't really figure out why....until today. When one suffers from groupthink, as Kevin et al do in regards to libs, they cannot possibly conceive of them as being anything other than a walking monolith of a single thought. One of the reasons Hillary Clinton is doing as poorly as she is in this primary season is that people don't want to hear the same old bullshit anymore. Kevin and company see Obama as no different than Hillary so it is no surprise that the word "again" is in this phrase. It is a mistake that they will regret come November. They will be flabbergasted after the first year of an Obama presidency when they realize that many of their dire predictions never came to pass. I look forward to that moment.

The correct phrase, if they took the time to actually understand where Obama is coming from, is:


Kevin fails to see the effect that Obama style politics can have on an area like....the South Side of Chicago, for example. If he took the time to talk to people there, as I have, they would tell him how Obama helped them out and (Gasp!) did it without the socialism/pile of skulls/boiling pit of sewage propaganda that Kevin's dogmatic belief system predicts.

that little factoid must explain why history doesn't appear to be taught in school much anymore

Actually, the reason why history isn't taught in school anymore is because it is not part of high stakes testing so schools remove it from curriculum at the grade school level. Thanks to No Child Left Behind, all of the focus must be on math, reading, and writing. I have a column coming soon on this topic. The reason why your daughter doesn't know about Pearl Harbor is due to the homogenized hoo rah version of America that has been taught in schools. Again, see Loewen's book. Speaking of which...

So Wilson was quite happy to use the Constitution as toilet paper, too.

Your long analysis of Wilson serves to prove a good point: all history should be looked at from a wide variety of angles and that is the job of educators. The bone I pick with you is that I do it and you don't. I am fully aware of how awful Communists regimes around the world were and still are. I am also aware of how horrible we have been and still are to this day. You aren't. Our government, throughout our entire history, has lied us into war after war. We killed four million people in Vietnam, Kevin, and you say that they were the ones who held the exclusive right to the title "monster" because they were....communists? If you were going by pure body count alone, those dirty commies might have the edge. So what? We have still killed millions ourselves in the name of our ideology. Does it make us better because we killed less people? Sheesh...

You almost grasp that there is no
"Third Way" you bend it to suit whatever situation comes up, but it's a system you apply daily.

Yes, it's true. I do bend to various situations and I am terribly sad to report that I do not set my feet in stone regardless of how much the world changes. The major reason we have fallen behind in the world is because we aren't malleable enough. This is the fault of people like you, Kevin. You refuse to change to a world that demands it. For some insane, illogical reason you take that to mean that the world is demanding that we become socialists. That is never going to fly here. We have to become more fluid and I'll tell you why: OUR ENEMIES ARE!!! They bank on us reacting the way you are and plan on us never changing our strategy, maintaining a shoot first, ask questions later policy.

then I suggest that we not darken each others doorsteps again

That's a little flowery, isn't it? Even for you, dude. I hope that won't be the case. You are always welcome to post here and I will be commenting here on ideas you throw out on your blog. As I have said before, I have learned a lot from our debates and hope to learn more.

Personally, I'm against government trying to make people... better.

So am I. But I am also against the government preventing people from becoming better. And that is why Obama is different. At the end of the day it really is going to be up to us, not him. Do you think the people on the south side of Chicago get any help from him anymore? No, he put some programs in place, removed some restrictions and cleared out some dead weight. There is less crime and more people back at work there. It's not perfect but it is better.

And that's what we are really talking about here. Pay attention to what the new wave of Democrats are saying. Take a closer look. They are not advocating a nanny state. That's what Hillary and John McCain are advocating. We are talking about an effort to bring this country back from the disaster that has been the last eight years. A large part of that effort is going to be centered around a return to good capitalism and a rejection of the "free market at gun point philosophy" we have now. Only in America, as Senator Obama says, can we have the freedom to pursue our dreams.

He is a living example of someone who took individual liberty and self reliance and succeeded. He didn't have anything handed to him on a silver platter and he certainly doesn't think that people are entitled to anything....other than to have a government that does not go out of its way to fuck them over by creating economic enemies around the world.

So, I am left wondering with what will happen if your predictions of the direction our country will take are wrong? You say you have history on your side but it is a history that strangely does not include an honest look at our foreign policy starting with the Monroe Doctrine and continuing through to President Bush's Iraq War today. Time and again, history has shown me that our enemies are born out of an abrasive and violent US policy that is little different than their own.

I see good in this country, too, Kevin. Unfortunately, those good people have been, for the most part, demeaned, mischaracterized, and slandered by people like YOU who do the bidding, consciously or unconsciously, of the men in this country who have the most to lose if we actually become decent for a change. Fortunately, most of the American people are pretty much done listening to this crap and they are beginning to see what it truly is going to take to get this country back on track.We are going to hear their voices in November.

It's going to be many voices and they are going to be loud.


Anonymous said...

It really is terribly short sighted of Kevin to paint the US in such a positive light. While I think we are "better" than most countries, we bring a lot of misery upon ourselves due to jingoism and arrogance.

I agree with you, Mark. Socialism will never fly here. Sure, the Kevins of the world will hyperreact to any sort of government program and proclaim that the end is near but at the end of the day, it was a policy of conservatism that pushed us to the precipice. Possibly over the edge.

Anonymous said...

I would've been more impressed if you hadn't responded to Kevin. The fact that he concluded his deranged rambling with "This psychotic putz is armed" pretty much illustrates all you need to know about him.

Anonymous said...

Very eloquent, Markadelphia. Although, frankly, I don't know that I've ever read so much that did so little to assuage my doubts about a guy like Obama.

Please correct me if I am unfairly assessing your position, but in a nutshell it would seem your arguments in favor of Obama would boil down to:
1) He's ready and willing to implement changes to how America does business.
2) He espouses a kinder, gentler vision for American foreign policy.
3) One of his greatest selling points is that he makes people feel good about themselves and their country.
4) His success in an area like South Chicago will translate to other areas of the country.

As you might suspect, if that is what Obama and his supporters are selling then I'm not buying.

Anonymous said...

Mark, people like Kevin are sadly full of rage and paranoia. I don't often post here but I really wanted you to know that it was nice to see you at least attempt to get through to him using some pathos. Who knows if it will work but at least you tried :)

Anonymous said...

Goddess, agreed. I actually took the time today to read through some old comments on Kevin's blog. Wow. My first impression was that his is a blog for geek squad types--conservative gun toting version. In other words, a lot of angry white men looking to find new and unhealthy ways to misplace their rage.

He really doesn't seem very smart. His view of the world is horribly myopic and one really has to question the wisdom of posting how he is on a watch list and why he is a felon, especially since the one area he does seem to have some intelligence in is gun rights. For someone who distrusts government that much, it seems really dumb to broadcast how he has broken the law.

Anonymous said...

His blog also seems to have a decided lack of a female point of view, which would jibe with the whole geek squad motif. I've only been reading this blog for a about two months and it seems like it has a more female perspective of the world

Anonymous said...

That's because Mark is secretly a woman.

Anonymous said...

You folks on here are angry as well. I guess people need to be angry at the right things huh?


Mark Ward said...

Downtown, well I am a woman trapped in a man's's an elderly woman, though, who needs help going to the toilet.

Seriously, though, there really does seem to be more woman posting on here. I'm not complaining, mind you, but the tone is definitely more feminine.


Some further refinements on your points.

1. Agreed and, to go further, he wants a return to what I call "good" capitalism, not the kind that your pal Bill MacGuire enjoys today.

2. I wouldn't say that. He espouses a return to intelligent diplomacy and pro-active dissemination of our greatest ideals. I see him as being more of a JFK type, who could be hawkish at times but always in a smart way.

3. Not just good. He wants to show people that the system can work sometimes and not fuck them over all the time...which is what we have now. People don't feel like they can get anywhere and it's because certain people aren't letting them.

4. We'll see about that one. I think he will try and probably fail at this at first. Once he begins to understand the landscape more...something that he WILL do because of his intellect and judgment...he will improve.

Let's see what the first 100 days bring. It is going to be interesting.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you've already defined it, and I just missed it. But what exactly is "good" capitalism? 1 thru 4 scare me in relatively equal parts, but this one in particular stands out to me because of some of the nonsense that I hear coming from the lefties. Much of it goes beyond the vacuous "we believe" and is firmly planted in "we will", and some of the ideas are downright frightening. So I'm curious what you are characterizing as "good" capitalism.

Anonymous said...

"People don't feel like they can get anywhere and it's because certain people aren't letting them."

I think you need to understand the landscape a little more too. One of the stupidest things I've ever read. You really believe that about our country? We have problems for sure but upward mobility is right up there with the best in the world.

Anonymous said...

i think mark meant the system rld, opportunities to improve your life are always and in every society including the US (but the US should be top of the league and it isn't,) as you rightly said, available, but they used to be much more abundant and fairly spread out, the cost of living is much higher, salaries much lower in real terms, having been decreasing for thirty years+, people work much longer hours just to survive bill cycles, polarisation between the classes is growing, when class distinctions were so much less -- sure, everyone has a tv maybe a car and a lot of home appliances, but it's all money owed to the bank, individuals' net worths are much more in the red (in debt) than real, america doesn't save anymore (unlike far east) because there's no money at the end of the week or month for a lot of families to save, or so little that they would have to live the most frugal lives in the worlds most ad-driven, materialistic and high-pressured society to live a certain way and own certain possessions. there are also no social safety nets like free basic universal health care, to ease some of the pressures. i haven't read kevin's post to comment, just mark's take on them... joanne

Mark Ward said...

RLD, I would humbly suggest that you take some time and talk to people who are having financial trouble. There's a very large myth in this country that "if you work really hard, you can get ahead." I would also suggest that you take a look at Sec Pauslen figures on the state of classes in this country and then you will see what I am talking about.

As always, joanne is way ahead of me:)

PL, I define good capitalism as those who follow this philosophy

An example of a company like this would be

They are at the top of Fortune's most admired company year after year because of this model. This is how George Romney, father of Mitt, ran American Motors. He made a reasonable salary but paid his employees well. Today we have CEOs and top level brass that rip off/screw over employees and their customers. They get away with it because the people they have paid off in DC (largely Bushies) have passed several laws to stifle competition. Friedman's free market is no longer free. To go even further, they have set up a system that profits from catastrophe. A great example of how all of this has happened is detailed in this book

Anonymous said...

It's a myth that "if you work really hard you can get ahead"? I know far too many people for whom it's proven to be true that they got ahead by working hard to believe that it's a myth. If anything, the myth is the belief that working hard entitles you to get ahead, or that working at all entitles you to get ahead.

It's ridiculous to assume that the business model of a furniture company would be even remotely successful for 90% of businesses, particularly those that face ever-growing international competition. All the credit in the world to Herman Miller and his philosophy, but he's in a fairly comfortable cocoon where he can pay money to produce style, ideas, and innovation without worrying about major competitors undercutting him.

And you are honestly holding up a failed business model (AMC) as another example of how a business should be run?

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I fully understand the conservative/neo conservative/classical liberal/whatever mindset yet

Considering that you lump together some VERY divergent viewpoints, it is little wonder you don't understand it [them]. Kind of like when the opposition refers to left/liberal/socialist/communist/whatever. Doesn't get you very far, does it?

Anonymous said...

I confirm. So happens. Let's discuss this question. Here or in PM.

Anonymous said...

Very curious topic